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Curious, has any team with a 19/8 FA received less

Guest Walter

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BUT.. It does not negate the fact that we sent a good player to a divisional rival for a midround draft pick.

It would have been better just to let Al walk.

The benefits in this trade does not outweigh the bad parts.

That's crazy. There's no way it would have been better to let Al walk. You were just lobbying for a pick in the late first round the other day in a trade for Al. I will take a 17-23 pick in what it is rumored to be a loaded draft over nothing anyday.

Al is not that dynamic of a player that you have to be concerned about playing against him 4 times a year as opposed to 2. He also is not so good that he takes a team from mediocre to championship level. If he was that good he would still be on our team.

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...If you think that adding Al makes the Pacers a championship team you are officially too dumb to be on this board...

C'mon JB - this move is going to make Indy a considerably better team - they will be contenders. They have good coaching, good management, Bird at the helm, and depth.

Why don't you take "no handles" Salim to a movie and stop insulting people.

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I agree that getting only a lottery protected 1st is poor change for a player like Harrington but its the best deal BK could have made. I do not blame BK outside of making a deal before the deadline. Obviously getting a first round pick is better than letting Al walk for nothing.

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Who's the one trying to spin anything? You're the one changing the "it would have been better to let him walk" nonsense into "we made indiana better" crap.

Al made them better, we did not. Al wanted to go to Indiana. We've heard their name since before the season ended. They were the first team to come out of his mouth. He could have and likely would have, went to them regardless. Even if it was for a one year MLE type deal. All we did is take the inevitable and work it to our advantage.

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I'm not blaming BK for making the deal, he did good considering this was what he was allowed to do.

However, there was No other way Indy could have gotten Al. We basically set up shop to give INdy Al at all cost because they were the only ones that could give us a deal with no contracts.

I'm more upset with our ownership not being able to read a law brief well enough to understand that there were some things that they had to do. I'm upset with Belkin who planned our offseason to go exactly how it's going.. with our GM handcuffed. I'm upset with the foolishness that we call Hawks owners as a Whole Who instead of caring about the team getting better only cares about continuing the exodus like pettiness that they have cultivated.

However, to say that this is a good deal..

Come on.

This isn't a good deal considering what Al's true value is. This isn't a good deal considering that we just made our rivals a lot better.

This isn't a good deal considering, we just took a pick which may not pan out until JJ is gone.

The only way that this is a good deal is if you appreciate watching the dog chase his tail for hours and hours...

My question to the spinners here is ARE WE REALLY GOING ANYWHERE??

We're running around in circles calling every trade of a talent for a draft pick... "A good deal".


At the end of the day, we're still a lottery team with a Welfare mentality!

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This isn't a good deal considering what Al's true value is.

My question to the spinners here is ARE WE REALLY GOING ANYWHERE??

At this point, it's difficult to say what Al's true value is. We can say this, if you want more spin, none of the team's with capspace pursued him. In addition to that nobody stepped in and made us an offer that blew us away to knock Indy's deal off the table. Also, one GM was quoted as saying he wasn't worth more than the MLE.

With our demands being so specific, we really have a hard time saying what Al's value on the open market is.

We are going as far as this team will take us. The roster is pretty set. We can take on some more salary, but we will go as far as the core of JJ-Smoove-Marvin-Shelden will take us.

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