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What Hawks got - Really!!!

Gray Mule

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Most posters here wanted to be rid of two players.

We, the Hawks, got them gone.

We wanted a first round pick for the next draft.

Unless the Pacers fail to make the playoffs, we got that.

We wanted a center. Now that the deal's over, we can

sign Lou to the agreed on contract.

Two subtractions of unwanted players. The addition of

Lou and Speedy to fill the two positions we so desperately

wanted to fill this off season.

Hawks were overcrouded with duplicate players, some of

them young and improving to the point that something

had to give. Because of this, we knew A.H. was leaving.

He could have walked for nothing. He didn't. This

draft pick we are getting may be nothing. That pick

may be good. We'll just have to wait and see.

Really, what we end up with is loosing A.H. and an

unwanted, seldom used center. We gain a guard, a useable

center and a draft pick. Maybe not great, but not bad

i think.


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Most posters here wanted to be rid of two players.

We, the Hawks, got them gone.

We wanted a first round pick for the next draft.

Unless the Pacers fail to make the playoffs, we got that.

We wanted a center. Now that the deal's over, we can

sign Lou to the agreed on contract.

Two subtractions of unwanted players. The addition of

Lou and Speedy to fill the two positions we so desperately

wanted to fill this off season.

Hawks were overcrouded with duplicate players, some of

them young and improving to the point that something

had to give. Because of this, we knew A.H. was leaving.

He could have walked for nothing. He didn't. This

draft pick we are getting may be nothing. That pick

may be good. We'll just have to wait and see.

Really, what we end up with is loosing A.H. and an

unwanted, seldom used center. We gain a guard, a useable

center and a draft pick. Maybe not great, but not bad

i think.


I agree. I'm a very critical fan, but I don't think they've made out as bad as people think. We don't know what deal is on the table.... And people flat out overrate AL Harrington,

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I'm really more upset with the ownership situation than this particular deal. I hope we don't miss Harrington that much, and that Indy won't improve with him. My thoughts on Harrington is that you could add him to any roster, and he wouldn't impact the wins and losses much at all.

Anyways, being optimistic we now have at least one draft pick next year. I'm thinking that if we end up with a top 3 pick we can hopefully get a guy who will be the backbone of our team. If our record is good enough to avoid being in the bottom rung of the lottery, that means things are progressing and we could be on the verge of the playoffs.

Worst case scenario we are at pick 4-6, and the owners don't spend next offseason. That's a depressing thought.

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Al was going to go wherever paid him the most. Let's just be real about that. He was slobbering over the Warriors and they haven't made the playoffs in 13 years.

This deal is sadly the best we could have done with the ownership forbidding BK to take on more salary. I'm honestly surprised we got a 2007 first rounder (lottery protected) out of it since Indy absolutely knew what our handcuffs were in this deal.

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It's hard not to recognize that Al wasn't so choosy as time went on. He liked the Pacers because they are somewhat familar and they could win... but you're right, he liked GS, he liked Chicago, he liked Denver...

It's just that our ownership had their preference guiding the deal.

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1. Mihm, Cooke, McKie.

a mediocre center that would only be here one year and would take pt from our young guys but not help us in our playoff push


2. Magloire

i woulda liked mag/1st for al


3. AI.

oh god no

we aren't going to mortgage the farm just as our potential is starting to improve and develop and we are starting to build chemistry...he doesn't even make playoffs last year...geez


4. Joe Smith, Dallas' first.

hell no

joe smith will just take pt from our young guys without getting us to playoffs

dallas pick will be worse than indy pick



5. Hell right now, Theo and a first from Boston sound really good.

rather have indy first and no point in bringing back theo for the next 2 years

also, we wouldn't be players next summer if we got theo back; i'd rather take the 2% chance at hinrich/kaman/etc than theo

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1. Mihm, Cooke, McKie.

2. Magloire

3. AI.

4. Joe Smith, Dallas' first.

5. Hell right now, Theo and a first from Boston sound really good.

1) Mihm-second string at best but not needed with Lo on the roster. Cooke-6'10ish but an outside threat only (we have loads of outside shooters) so, not needed. McKie- puhleaze. In all it would have been wasted money and wasted effort to incorporate the waste in the roster.

2) Magloire-slow, already past prime and 8 million dollars for the one-year rental. No economic return what-so-ever.

3)AI- would cost two approaching prime talents and a total cap killer. Aquiring AI is the thing Babcock would have done. BK is smarter than that.

4)Joe Smith and a first is a thought but costly and an impediment for Shelden, Smoove and Marvin. not prudent.

Basically our roster is reading to go to camp now. A Cato on the cheap could suffice but thats it. Only a fool spends money just for the sake of spending it. Spending just because you have it means you lose it.

It's the same as many are telling you but I really no not expect for you to receive the good information.

I am excited about the added maturity of our roster. We can surely expect Josh, Josh and Marvin to step up to prime time players. I am also excited to see what Zaza, Shelden,Batista, Salim and Ivey will bring. Without a doubt Lo and Lue will be professional and ready to war (people forget Tyronn's contributions). This team just needs to age and fans to mature.

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