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Evaluate the offseason


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Yeah. Billy could have done a lot more by drafting one of two players who may have seen 10 minutes per game on this team considering who is in front of them. I can see why someone would want to get a player who would barely get off the bench behind Joe Johnson rather than getting the best interior post defender in the draft, which was the Hawks most glaring need.

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Yeah. Billy could have done a lot more by drafting one of two players who may have seen 10 minutes per game on this team considering who is in front of them.

Here is what KB said before he found out BK liked Shelden.


If the draft falls the way I believe it will, Roy will be the best player on the board.

Atlanta may have their choice of Brandon Roy and Randy Foye, who are two of my favorites in this draft.

The only thing we need at the so called point guard position is a guy that can help Joe get the ball up the court, play off the ball, and hit the open jumper. That's why Brandon Roy is a good fit for a back court mate to Joe Johnson. He brings good ball handling skills, good decision making, good vision, and good size to the position.


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Again, I'm not sure where you are hearing anything about his quickness. All of the scouts and media that were reporting on the SL came back and reported how slow Shellhead was and how he lumbered up and down the court. He was reported by several sources as being the slowest player on the court. Where exactly is "quickness" coming into that conversation? confused.gif

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Very very interesting results. I knew that there were some who liked what happened this summer but I did not expect to see more than 50% A's and B's. I think most of us liked the Speedy and Lo acquisitions - it's an improvement but probably won't take us to the next level alone. So the difference must be in our perceptions of the SW draft and the Al trade. (and for me, lack of action on Anderson - but thats a small factor.)

Taking those two together, it's as if we traded Al, Edwards, and a number 5 pick for Shelden and a number 12 (?) pick. So if you like that, I guess you give them an A or B. If you don't you might vote C or D. (I think you can't vote F unless you don't like Speedy either.) No wonder we are always arguing on this board.

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Look, what do you want me to tell you? We have the pre-draft camp results, he was quicker than Chill and almost as quick as Smith. Is that not pretty damn good for a guy his size? I know he's no speedy claxton or even KG, but when you consider his OUTSTANDING strength and his above average quickness for a guy his size, he is a very good athlete.

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Guest Walter


I can see why someone would want to get a player who would barely get off the bench behind Joe Johnson rather than getting the best interior post defender in the draft, which was the Hawks most glaring need.

You can't even face yourself. You quoted the EXACT OPPOSITE prior to BK's decision! You are a FARCE. You've never responded to your former self on any of these direct contradicitons. You HATED SW! HATED HIM! And once BK drafts him you applaud the decision. You LOVED Roy and Foye, particularly as backcourt starters with JJ. Once BK drafted them you call them hacks and BUs.

I dare you to respond about your former comments. You don't have to respond to my post because you only respond to the posts that respond to my posts you coward, but face yourself, your own comments if not me!


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Guest Walter

I voted "D" since we got Speedy. "F-" (is there such a thing?) for the Indy and SW moves. "C-" for Lo. "B" for Speedy (paid a bit for him, the same we would have paid for Watson in a Nene/Watson trade). Overall, the grade is a "D" because all of these moves are aimed towards mediocrity.

The simple fact is that "B"s in school don't get you to a good college and "B"s in the offseason don't win titles. This was our junior year equivalent of offseasons. You blow this you go to community college. BK is certainly doing much worse than "B".


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You can certainly have a high opinion on him if you want. I am not trying to keep you from that opinion. I just don't understand the description of quickness when the last game action he was in against semi-NBA talent he was universally described as "lumbering" and the slowest player on the court.

Hopefully Shellhead works out for us but we could have easily traded down five, heck ten spots, and still gotten him and picked up more pieces at the same time. We did not even work the guy out to see if he held up against better competition since at Duke he was simply manhandled by legit big men.

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If 3 of the following happens (or had happened) I'll (I'd) give them an F.

1. Al resigned.

2. Speedy misses 20+ games.

3. If the Hawks pass Roy/Foye to pick up lesser talent who can't come close to their production(off&def).

4. If they can't find an adequate center who cuts serious minutes from Zaza.

5. If Al leaves as unrestricted free agent without any compensation for us.

6. If Marvin and JS haven't improved their bodies and games enough to play with each other for a significant amount of time.

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I think it is too early to tell. With the pieces we added and so many young guys, We won't have a sense of what we've got for 2-3 months.

Lord willing and the creek don't rise, we won't start out this year like we did last. That could be a HUGE differcne to help this young team get some confidence. It took them until later winter to get some confidence last year.

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