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Too many whiners about what it takes to get a C

Guest Walter

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That's a weak response. Al was being shopped for pocket lint. Al wasn't still a Hawk and you GD well know it. Please.

Truth is never weak walter, AT THAT TIME HARRINGTON WAS A HAWK. We CHOOSE TO move him.


JS and MW are still questions. Two things that aren't questionable:

1) behind Speedy, JJ, JS, and MW Childress will hardly get off the bench and will leave when his two years of bench duty are up.

2) MW and JS, if they are ever to be a formidable forward tandem, NEED a true, potentially dominate center.

Who are the "dominate" big men you want?

Please don't tell me its "project Bynum," or Pryz; neither of these men meet the definition walter and you know it.


the Lakers won't let a project center go" sounds like a positive value judgement, yet you argue that "he's still a work in progress" and give him a negative value judgement for us. How does this flip/flop make sense to you?

There is nothing value-added about that statement, it is simply the facts as circumstances have borne out.

We both agree that we need a big, I simply was not willing to package Chill in a sign and trade to land another project. As I've said repeatedly it was too much for an unproven player.


Your level of caution will DOOM us to mediocrity. Fact is we are back where we started. You cannot name a single "proven commodity" at center

Are we really back where we started, I beg to differ, we have a much better team than we had three years ago. As far as proven commodity's go that is percisely my point, there are none available, therefore there is no need to throw valuable assest away gambling on tall boys with low skills.

Who is available Walter that is "proven"? Names::::: Lets talk about proven talent and not projects. What you will not admit is that there is a lack of big men, that is what this thread is really all about. Just locating a tall boy is not the same as finding a big man to play the post. I find it hard to fathom that you are so worked up over Bynum, a tall boy until he proves he can play the post. Surly you must have more names for me to consider. Names::::

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Worst case: Walter is positive that Big Ben or Bill Russell can be had any day of the week and twice on Sunday for any one or two players on our roster...I think we did ok this offseason. Nothing spectacular

I've consistently said that it is very difficult to find the type center we need to pair with JS and MW at the starting forward spots, to get that player you must pay substantially which is why I believe getting a prospect of said player is the only way we can (afford to) do it, and you must strike while the iron is hot in these matters.

BTW, "nothing spectacular" is another word for mediocrity. Given there wasn't a team with more flexibility or capitol this level of offseason performance will kill our title contention chances.


The fantasy is this. You think BK and the Lakers value this deal as much as you do. And you do this despite the fact that no one on this planet can produce any direct quotes from Busey, Kupchac, or BK and any of our owners.

You hear of a rumor off a radio station and automatically its real. Walter that radio station is just as bad as the NY newspapers. Just rumors with no named quoted sources and I guarantee you their ratings go up because of them. That is their job. Create some drama to sell their product.

#1 Fantasy is the Lakers really would do this deal.

#2 Fantasy is BK would really do this deal.

Obviously one of those two parties above disagrees with your Bynum fantasy trade and quite possibly both parties disagree with you.

Walter your ideas are fine but your penchant for thinking you know (just because this radio station said this) without a doubt that all parties involved should agree or one them does (Lakers) and the other does not (BK)is where the problem is.

For all any of us know, the Lakers truly beleive in Bynum and for all we know BK may think he is no more a player than ZaZa who we have now. Then again it could be totally opposite and we did try and get Bynum.

You act like you know what everyone thinks or should think about Bynum, Al, and Chillz and that is your fantasy. Bottom line is BK does not have to agree with you to be a good GM and neither does Kupchac. You just think they do...

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