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KB "I don't deal with hypothetical situations"

Guest Walter

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Guest Walter

Pre-BK, KB speaks out about hypothetical situations...



"First, they have to decide who the general manager is going to be. Billy Knight should get the job. He's been groomed under Donnie Walsh, who is one of the best in the league, and he has a good eye for talent. He will be a tremendous asset come draft time.

Second, they need to expand the scouting department and give Billy more resources to work with. If he wants an assistant GM, let him hire one. If he wants a director of basketball operations, let him hire one. The Hawks have to get better in the scouting department to get better in the drafting department.

Third, they should give Terry Stotts the coaching job on a full time basis. The team made progress under Terry Stotts, and his system is a good system for today's NBA. He's a good, up and coming young coach, and it would be a mistake to let him go for a recycled veteran coach.

Fourth, they should resign Jason Terry. He's making progress at the point guard position and is on the verge of being a star player in the NBA. He will never be a true point guard, but there aren't many true point guards playing today anyway.

Fifth, they should trade Glenn Robinson. Try to find whatever avenue possible just to trade Glenn. If kept, it has to be made clear to him that unless he gives his all defensively and plays more team oriented offensively, his ass will be riding the bench.

Next, they should use the MCE and sign Jumaine Jones to start at the small forward position. He's not a star, but he's a good enough role player to help the Hawks get better.

Resign Dion Glover to a one year deal that gives him a chance to really prove himself.

I would like to see DerMarr Johnson resigned, but I wouldn't resign him until he proves to me in summer league play that he has recovered from his injury."

I searched immediately prior to BK's hiring and within two pages found my first, purely hypothetical KB post.

The pre-BK KB was all too willing to post hypotheticals. Whatever happened?

I ask again, in light of this blatant hypothetical, KB what is your plan for today's atlanta Hawks? Whom should we trade and for whom, when, why, how? Other needed moves? What is your detailed plan. I expect it to at least resemble your plan for the 2003-04 Hawks in terms of specifics as you have shown yourself capable of this format despite your "(not dealing) with hypothetical situations".


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Guest Walter


What was hypothetical about that?

Then what IS hypothetical about what I've asked you to do?

I didn't ask your for hypotheticals (although I didn't exclude them), that was your odd defense for yet again not demonstrating your plan.

I asked for what YOUR PLAN is. I don't even intend to respond to it. I just want to indicate what specific player or 2-3 players you think this team needs and what means it will use to get that player/those players, including what current player it will need to (consider) trade. Think reasonable of course.

You were VERY specific about what should be done in this pre-BK post. You haven't been that specific since. What's up? Afraid having your own ideas may come back and bite you like your once love for Roy and hate of SW? It's time to grow some KB as yours have been replaced with neuticals since BK became GM. Give us YOUR plan now like you gave us YOUR plan then.


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I just want to indicate what specific player or 2-3 players you think this team needs and what means it will use to get that player/those players, including what current player it will need to (consider) trade.

That's dealing with hypotheticals.

Just to play your little game though, my plan would center around the foundation of Joe Johnson, Marvin Williams, Josh Smith, and Josh Childress. Every other move would be made based upon the idea that Joe Johnson is here for the long term, and that Marvin, Josh, and Josh will be here for the long term as well. When the time comes to extend the contracts of those three players, then the contracts will be extended. Under no circumstance will a move be made that jeopardizes the Hawks ability to keep any of those three players long term.

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Guest Walter



I just want to indicate what specific player or 2-3 players you think this team needs and what means it will use to get that player/those players, including what current player it will need to (consider) trade.

That's dealing with hypotheticals.

Just to play your little game though, my plan would center around the foundation of Joe Johnson, Marvin Williams, Josh Smith, and Josh Childress. Every other move would be made based upon the idea that Joe Johnson is here for the long term, and that Marvin, Josh, and Josh will be here for the long term as well. When the time comes to extend the contracts of those three players, then the contracts will be extended. Under no circumstance will a move be made that jeopardizes the Hawks ability to keep any of those three players long term.

No mention of a player you want us to go after? We will never keep JS, JJ, MW & JS and you GD-well know it. Fact is you simply can't do it. You do not have the balls you even once did. You are so afraid of being called on your [censored] later (and deservedly so) that you use "coach speak" to discuss your "plans".


When the time comes to extend the contracts...then the contracts will be extended

What the hell does that mean?


Is it really that simple.

Hell no!

I will call you "neuticals" from here on out. Grow some.


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I just want to indicate what specific player or 2-3 players you think this team needs and what means it will use to get that player/those players, including what current player it will need to (consider) trade.

That's dealing with hypotheticals.

Just to play your little game though, my plan would center around the foundation of Joe Johnson, Marvin Williams, Josh Smith, and Josh Childress. Every other move would be made based upon the idea that Joe Johnson is here for the long term, and that Marvin, Josh, and Josh will be here for the long term as well. When the time comes to extend the contracts of those three players, then the contracts will be extended. Under no circumstance will a move be made that jeopardizes the Hawks ability to keep any of those three players long term.

I concur. All players around these four will be complimentary roles. If a piece other than the four are at the end of their contract, trade or sign and trade for a complimentary piece. Keep JJ,Josh, Josh and Marvin.

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Just to play your little game though, my plan would center around the foundation of Joe Johnson, Marvin Williams, Josh Smith, and Josh Childress. Every other move would be made based upon the idea that Joe Johnson is here for the long term, and that Marvin, Josh, and Josh will be here for the long term as well.

If one of those 4 players gets traded your "plan" will immediately change. You will start saying how ____ had to be traded because he had no future in Atlanta and he needed to be moved to get ______ who the Hawks badly need to get to the next level. Plus trading ____ gets rid of the logjam, freeing up the other players.

"Another brilliant move by BK, and anyone who disagrees with this move is an idiot."

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There's no chance Childress stays on this team if his role is still as a bench player. Some other team will offer him a starting job and the money that goes with it. We aren't going to tie up our cap in a bench player nor do I think Chill as competitive as he is sees himself as a career backup on a lottery team.

Could be just me though. tongue.gif

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Not sure how Childress sees himself, or if it matters.

Remember when Dion Glover went on the free agent market to get a big payday, never happend. He came crawling back to the Hawks to have a job. Even JT faired less well than he imagined, and he showed a lot more than Childress.

All that to say it's conjecture to say that Childress will be a starter getting paid starter's money in a couple years.

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Chill is one of the first names people bring up in trade discussions with the Hawks. We have to face the fact that Chill and probably either Smoove or Marvin are out the door if they can not start here. Some other team will give them the starting spot and money to go somewhere else.

Call it an educated guess if you will. Dion Glover never showed what Chill and Smoove have at the NBA level.

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I don't think Chill would walk into a lot of situations where he would immediately be named the starter - but there are probably multiple places where he would have a fighting chance to earn himself that spot. Strangely (even though the Hawks have had v. poor records the last couple years) - this is not a good place for him to become a starter - too much talent (or "potential") at the 2 and 3 spots - so he's basically shut out.

No earth-shattering news there. So one would think that he would be better of and probably like to be moved...and he is our best available trade piece without damaging the future of the team...so it seems logical.

Two problems...he's a fairly cheap backup and role player on a team that is definitely in a holding pattern (salary cap wise), plus, there is the Diaw "fear factor" that he will go somewhere and blow up and make the Hawks look even worse.

Many felt that Al got scr3wed by the Hawks, but JChill may be in the worst spot of the quality players. He had to watch as the Hawks gave away the farm for a player who would take his (rumored) promised spot (SG) and then watch another SF get drafted. I'm not syaing he deserves to play ahead of JJ or JS or MW...but it would be nice to get something out of him as a pick instead of just watching him eak out minimal minutes and mostly sit the bench next year.

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It would absolutely suck to be so enamored of another person that you couldn't think for yourself. To agree on reflex with everything someone else does...wow. This is the most blatant case of envy that I have ever seen on any board regardless of topic. To not be able to post because of what your idol may do in the future is beyond sad. It's time to find a new hobby when your opinions have to match the moves of someone else in lock step. There is no man worth that kind of idolizing...certainly not Billy Knight.

My recommendation would be to get a real life of your own.

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Marvin, Josh, and Josh will be here for the long term as well. When the time comes to extend the contracts of those three players, then the contracts will be extended. Under no circumstance will a move be made that jeopardizes the Hawks ability to keep any of those three players long term.

I do not see us keeping all three of those players long term. If any of them turns out to be a longterm sixth man for us they will take one of two roads:

Play for championship teams like Horry or try and get starter time like Laettner.

I do understand why you do not want to propose any trade ideas for two reasons:

#1- It is all just guessing and #2 if you are wrong, then you will be in direct disagreement with BK.

I do not like guessing either but at the sametime, I will never in a million years agree with BK's draft promises this year to Sheldon and Solomon. Does not matter to me whether they workout or not. The promises were extremely pre-mature for someone with BK's experience...

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Guest Walter


It would absolutely suck to be so enamored of another person that you couldn't think for yourself. To agree on reflex with everything someone else does...wow. This is the most blatant case of envy that I have ever seen on any board regardless of topic. To not be able to post because of what your idol may do in the future is beyond sad. It's time to find a new hobby when your opinions have to match the moves of someone else in lock step. There is no man worth that kind of idolizing...certainly not Billy Knight.

My recommendation would be to get a real life of your own.

It is incredibly sad. KB used to be a thoughtful poster who didn't lie, strawman, and flip/flop. Now he does those daily for BK. I honestly don't get it.

If you look at the thread's initial post with KB highlighting "what the Hawks should do" (which he won't do now) you begin to see the BK-love already beginning.


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I hope that BK gets fired soon, if only to release the shackles that exist in KBs mind. If BK is released as GM, KB either goes into a long term funk that could cost him his career as a doctor...or, he regains his ability to think for himself. I'm hoping for the second outcome...I think that everyone should hope for BK's firing if only to help KB get his mojo back.

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