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Bonzi Wells


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I am not going to beat this dead horse like I did A.I. But what is wrong with taking a flier on this guy? We could sign him to a one year deal in the 5-6 million dollar range and plug him in at SF. This way Marvin could keep developing without the pressure of starting. Bonzi would also give us a defensive identity, something I think that we lack on this team.





Zaza/Lo Wright

The only negative I can see is that he would take Chills' minutes at the 3, but I think that Childress may benefit by being designated as THE backup to JJ at the 2, with Salim playing spot minutes for scoring punch.

I think we all agree that we need another vet on this team with the loss of Al's leadership. Instead of adding another stiff to stick on the front line, I think that we actually need a defensive specialist. Although Bonzi has attitude problems at times, he could help us with his intensity and veteran saavy.

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if the Hawks can bring Bonzi, he would be a great addition. He is versatile, can score inside/outside, great physical presence, attitude, and toughness. He is a proven veteran who would probably take the Hawks definitely to playoff contention without a doubt.













that's fine, a really nice team

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Good, which means he is desperate. He doesn't want to be another Latrell. We should offer him a one year 6 mil dollar deal. Which means that he will over achieve in order to get a new deal. We win both ways. And even if we stink we could still trade him for a draft pick. And an expiring stiff.

I don't see any negatives here.

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I don't like it at all. We need to give the minutes he would take to Josh Smith, Marvin Williams and Josh Childress. They are the future of this team and are good enough to be impact players now. I know Bonzi was great in the playoffs but the guy has never been an impact player and I think Marvin and Josh Smith will be better than him as early as this year.

I like the idea of getting a solid veteran on the cheap but I just don't see us having the room or need at the SF position.

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I agree with not bringing him in. He has had problems everywhere he has went and I find it strange that after the performance in the playoffs Sac town lowballed him. I don't think that they want himback but they had to make it look like they made an offer for him. Just Say No!!

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How does Bonzi Wells, a 6'5" wing who can't shoot the 3-ball, make us a "sure playoff team"?

I just don't see how we need him on our roster when we have JJ, Childress, MW, and probably Smoove and Salim splitting time at the 2/3. He's not taking JJ's minutes, so would he really be an upgrade over MW/Childress/Smoove? Maybe he would, but only slightly. Since when does a marginal upgrade make a probable lottery team into a sure playoff team? Also, why is a marginal upgrade worth taking minutes and development from MW/Smoove/Childress? If it helps us this year, it hurts us the following year.

No thank you.

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How does Bonzi Wells, a 6'5" wing who can't shoot the 3-ball, make us a "sure playoff team"?

I just don't see how we need him on our roster when we have JJ, Childress, MW, and probably Smoove and Salim splitting time at the 2/3. He's not taking JJ's minutes, so would he really be an upgrade over MW/Childress/Smoove? Maybe he would, but only slightly. Since when does a marginal upgrade make a probable lottery team into a sure playoff team? Also, why is a marginal upgrade worth taking minutes and development from MW/Smoove/Childress? If it helps us this year, it hurts us the following year.

No thank you.

If you think he is only a marginal upgrade then you have only been watching the CBA.

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If we could get for 1 yr and about 5-7 million, then by all means we should do so. This organization needs talent and assets. He is both. He is easily traded at the deadline if that became expedient b/c of last years playoff performance and an expiring contract. If he had a big year, then the team contends for the playoffs. He is then he resigned (doubtful) or we do a SNT. Limited risk. Possibly high reward.

Just my thoughts.

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The Hawks future depends on Smoove and Marvin. Those are the two guys that have the potential to be big time players. JJ already is a star in my book but he needs help.

If those two don't become major contributors then the Hawks are screwed no matter what they do. There is no point in bringing in a rental that will take away from their development.

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This is really amusing that you guys are telling me I must not have seen Bonzi play those 6 games. I really don't care about the fact that Bonzi looked great against the Spurs. What I care about is his continuous decline in production over the last 5 years. You don't go sign a guy just because he had 1 good playoff series. Well, not unless you're Pete Babcock (see Chris Crawford and Jon Koncak).

Bonzi was in a contract year, so he had a solid season, and he played his ass off for 6 games against the Spurs. If you think he's going to come in here and put up 38 point games with any frequency, you are kidding yourself. We're not even going to get the skilled 2nd option Bonzi of 5 yrs ago who slashed and shot well from deep. We're going to get the 11 ppg, 4 rpg underachieving player that Bonzi has become. He was traded from Portland because he was sand-bagging it, not because he wasn't talented, not because he wasn't capable of putting up the occasional big game.

Besides ALL OF THAT, what is the point in signing this guy if it means Smoove/MW will get even 10% less development (however that could be measured)? If we're 2 games worse next year because we signed Bonzi this year, I don't think it's worth it. We're not making a playoff run this year, even if we manage to squeak in. Why hurt our future so that we can manage a first round exit.

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I'd also add Austin Croshere to the list of guys that got favorable contracts for a good playoff series...

The key to the Hawk's future (and even upcoming season) is the development of its younger players. I do not want childress nor salim to lose time for a player with a short term contract. Also, Wells wants a contract that is really too big for his career performance.

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Bonzi turned down a 5 yr $35 million dollar deal from the Kings a few months ago. Nice move. He just fired his agent.

I loved Sacramento's response to Bonzi either wanting to rejoin the team or a question about his rejoining the team coming up. It may hurt Sac. in the short term, but I'm wanting to see Kevin Martin get a starters' chance there. He's ready. Go Catamounts!

I wanted this guy over Childress (in otherwords, not draft Childress and get Martin late 1st) for a Sg. I just thought among the SG prospects (I didn't really see Childress as one) he was just as good as any if not better than all of them. After watching 50 of his games I have to say he can be a legit starter if not something more special in this league. Look at his improved numbers in one year!


He was hardly coached at WCU, came out early, and raw to begin with, but a little coaching will go a long way with him. Such a fluid athlete in addition to a quick release bad ass shooter. Saw him score 50+ at least 3 times at WCU (just the home games I saw) seemingly without breaking a sweat because he could get his shot off anywhere, shoot out to 25', and always went to and was automatic at the line. Made 50+ FTs in a row. Shot 90% FTs each year. Put 50 on UGA(?) that I didn't see. He's gonna be good if not great. Perhaps Reggie Miller-like.


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