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Josh Smith: I've got a lot to prove


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BTW, I see no reason to discuss your "below average" specifics such as "quickness" and "finish creatively" as they remain vague and are ridiculous. When did "finish creatively" EVER become important?!? Laughable.


What i mean by creatively is when there is good defense, sometime players have to alter their shot in a creative way to get it off. Kobe and D. Wade are excellent at this. Josh Smith is below average in finding ways to get his shot off in the lane.

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We're smarter than you...

Or better yet Walt, we live in what is called Reality.

Reality is that we do not have that Great Center....

Maybe you were planning on going into the time machine and grabbing a young Deke fresh out of Georgetown to make up for Marvin and Smoove's inadequateness. Or maybe you would get Hakeem.. Or maybe you have mind control over the Lakers management and you're going to use said mind contol to make them give us Bynum for Stoudamire or Childress. Or maybe you were going to go back into the time machine and immitate BK and say we're selecting Sene...

If you do have a time machine, I wish that you would go back in time, immitate BK and say " we're taking Chris Paul".

However, there's no time machine. And from all the hell you catch on the board, there seems to be a weakness in your mind control.

With those two things not working for you, try this...

Live in the reality that is today.

Yes, we picked Shelden. Maybe the plan was to get Magloire in trade for Al... We won't ever know.

Yes, we passed over Sene' who is the project Center you have pined for since Priest left.

Yes, we will probably have a forward rotation that does point out our redundancy at Sf.

Yes, JSmoove is more a Sf than a PF.

Yes, we should have taken Chris Paul.

Yes, Zaza is not a dominant Center.

Yes, we should have gotten more for AL...


Skillwise and Positionwise, we do not lack.

You can point out all the hindsight you want to call out, but the truth of the matter is that these are your 2006-2007 Atlanta Hawks. Either be a fan or not.. that's your choice. However, you bitching about what could've should've, would've been does nothing but irritate the hell out of other Hawks fans. Hell, even I take a break sometime.

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Here is my Spin Diesel!

We had Smoove at the three but is he really a good three? Does he have the potential to be a star at 3? My answer is no so we went out and got Marvin.

We had Childress penciled in a 2 but was he going to be a star at the 2? My answer is no so we went out and got Joe Johnson.

We had Al Harrington then penciled in a 4 but was he going to be the dominant defensive force we were looking for at the 4 My answer is No so we went out and got Shelden

We had Point guard by committee penciled in at point guard but was that going to be enough to get everyone involve while keeping our turn-over down? My Answer is no. So we went out and got Speedy.

The center position was being maned by Jason Collier and Peja D but were they going to hang around in the paint enough to atleast foul an opposing center? My answer is No therefore we picked up Zaza and Lo Wright.

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Here is my Spin Diesel!

We had Smoove at the three but is he really a good three? Does he have the potential to be a star at 3? My answer is no so we went out and got Marvin.

We had Childress penciled in a 2 but was he going to be a star at the 2? My answer is no so we went out and got Joe Johnson.

We had Al Harrington then penciled in a 4 but was he going to be the dominant defensive force we were looking for at the 4 My answer is No so we went out and got Shelden

We had Point guard by committee penciled in at point guard but was that going to be enough to get everyone involve while keeping our turn-over down? My Answer is no. So we went out and got Speedy.

The center position was being maned by Jason Collier and Peja D but were they going to hang around in the paint enough to atleast foul an opposing center? My answer is No therefore we picked up Zaza and Lo Wright.

To say we drafted Marvin Williams because we thought Josh Smith wasnt the answer at the 3 is Ridculous he was coming off his rookie year in which he was 2nd team all rookie. Marvin Williams was the wrong pick there is no denying that because if Chris Paul was on this team we would be a playoff contender for the next 10 years the same cant be said with Marvin Williams he just adds to the log jam at the forward spots.

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To say we drafted Marvin Williams because we thought Josh Smith wasnt the answer at the 3 is Ridculous he was coming off his rookie year in which he was 2nd team all rookie. Marvin Williams was the wrong pick there is no denying that because if Chris Paul was on this team we would be a playoff contender for the next 10 years the same cant be said with Marvin Williams he just adds to the log jam at the forward spots.

Marvin was definitely the "right" pick. Sane minds will rest assured this season. Marvin has more upside than anyone else in the last three drafts, for sure. The kid looks 6'10" at least now. More and more he is reminding me og KG with a sweet jumper.

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It amazes me for some of you just KNOW who can play what or cannot. To debate Smooves development with certainty is foolish. How do you judge any players growth without witnessing their play? You can't. Some of you think you know but actually are clueless.

Get over the '05 draft gosh you are stinking.

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But with every position there have been players who were 'hybrid', ie not a true pg but play the position. At every position there are guys who have unique skills and can flourish and in the process challenge other players that ahve to guard them. I think he is a very unique talent that can play his game and be successful.

It is really nice to see a young guy like him work his butt off to make instead of acting like the world owes him. Great example for the other young guys.

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Here is my Spin Diesel!

We had Smoove at the three but is he really a good three? Does he have the potential to be a star at 3? My answer is no so we went out and got Marvin.

We had Childress penciled in a 2 but was he going to be a star at the 2? My answer is no so we went out and got Joe Johnson.

We had Al Harrington then penciled in a 4 but was he going to be the dominant defensive force we were looking for at the 4 My answer is No so we went out and got Shelden

We had Point guard by committee penciled in at point guard but was that going to be enough to get everyone involve while keeping our turn-over down? My Answer is no. So we went out and got Speedy.

The center position was being maned by Jason Collier and Peja D but were they going to hang around in the paint enough to atleast foul an opposing center? My answer is No therefore we picked up Zaza and Lo Wright.

To say we drafted Marvin Williams because we thought Josh Smith wasnt the answer at the 3 is Ridculous he was coming off his rookie year in which he was 2nd team all rookie. Marvin Williams was the wrong pick there is no denying that because if Chris Paul was on this team we would be a playoff contender for the next 10 years the same cant be said with Marvin Williams he just adds to the log jam at the forward spots.

what the heck is with the people on this board that choose a favorite player and then proceed to close their minds? confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gif

there is a ton of that on this board. if you are a Josh Smith fan first and foremost and a Hawks fan second start a Josh Smith fansite.

Leave the Hawksquawk posting for the fans of the "Hawks."

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Guest Walter


The point of my post is that we don't know what type of player Josh Smith will become. A lot of posters want to claim that his skills right now are closer to that of a small forward than a power forward. I don't know about that personally. In fact, my feeling is that he would be a better inside player than a perimeter player in long run.

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

The front office thinks so little of JS's Pf prospects that they spent a 5th pick, the 2nd highest Hawks pick in over 25 years, on a REACH, at best top 10, role playing "pure Pf". That suggests that they see all but any hope that JS will "grow" into such a position.

Of the top 10 Pfs, all but Jamison are taller and/or bigger than JS and all played the position (or center) in HS AND college (if applicable). You want JS to be the exception within the exception within the exception. Want doesn't carry that kind of weight.

BTW, I think the front office is wrong to waste a 5th pick on SW A-N-D are wrong in their apparent assesment that a vastly more talented 2, Sf lineup with skill diversity at the forwards and the right center is not more attractive than a mediocre talented lineup with a pure Pf.

Also of note: I don't really care what you want to call JS as long as you realize what type of player/prospect we need alongside him and MW at the center position. Call him a Sg like KB use to before it was inconvenieent for him. Just get us the right kinda center!


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Guest Walter


We had Smoove at the three but is he really a good three? Does he have the potential to be a star at 3? My answer is no so we went out and got Marvin.

We had 3-4 other "holes" to fill at the time of MW drafting! Hello?!? No Pg, no center, no real Sg, no Pf! And instead we (correctly?!?) focus on the ONLY position we may actually have filled? This is ludicrious reasoning. Plain dumb.


We had Childress penciled in a 2 but was he going to be a star at the 2? My answer is no so we went out and got Joe Johnson.



We had Al Harrington then penciled in a 4 but was he going to be the dominant defensive force we were looking for at the 4 My answer is No so we went out and got Shelden

Why were we looking for a defensive dominate force a the 4? SW is no better on defense than Harrington on offense and Harrington is not worse on defense than SW on offense. Overall Harrington is better. So we traded Al and a 5th pick for SW and a 20th pick to become slightly worse overall while benching MW or JS? Incredibly stupid and short-sighted.

BTW, usually such an interior offensive force is prefered at the center position. Some were available and all with greater upside.


We had Point guard by committee penciled in at point guard but was that going to be enough to get everyone involve while keeping our turn-over down? My Answer is no. So we went out and got Speedy.

Who may make his living on the IR. Hope not. He was the best pick up this offseason. SAD when a mid-level FA is a better pickup than a #5 pick.

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Sorry, couldn't help myself.

The front office thinks so little of JS's Pf prospects that they spent a 5th pick, the 2nd highest Hawks pick in over 25 years, on a REACH, at best top 10, role playing "pure Pf". That suggests that they see all but any hope that JS will "grow" into such a position.

and they used their highest pick in franchise history on a small forward so what is your point?


Of the top 10 Pfs, all but Jamison are taller and/or bigger than JS and all played the position (or center) in HS AND college (if applicable). You want JS to be the exception within the exception within the exception. Want doesn't carry that kind of weight.

Again what is your argument? Are you saying that he cannot be an effective power forward? If not then drafting a power forward this year was appropriate


BTW, I think the front office is wrong to waste a 5th pick on SW A-N-D are wrong in their apparent assesment that a vastly more talented 2, Sf lineup with skill diversity at the forwards and the right center is not more attractive than a mediocre talented lineup with a pure Pf.

You lost me!


Also of note: I don't really care what you want to call JS as long as you realize what type of player/prospect we need alongside him and MW at the center position. Call him a Sg like KB use to before it was inconvenieent for him. Just get us the right kinda center!

And remind me again why it is necessary to build this team around Josh Smith?

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Guest Walter



Skillwise and Positionwise, we do not lack.

We absolutely do lack skill-wise. NO post-scorer. NO true Pg. And at 6'7" and a short reach SW isn't going to be near the defender in the pros he was in college. No more than half our young talent can be on the court at any one time. How much skill does it take to play the position of BU? Not to mention how much talent we sacrificed not getting Roy or Foye and instead drafting SW to bench JS or MW! We lack skill and talent (the later particularly with SW in the lineup).

We have a well-rounded team that lacks the necessary talent and skill due to benching at least half of it.


You can point out all the hindsight you want to call out, but the truth of the matter is that these are your 2006-2007 Atlanta Hawks. Either be a fan or not.. that's your choice. However, you bitching about what could've should've, would've been does nothing but irritate the hell out of other Hawks fans. Hell, even I take a break sometime.

Oh, shove it, Diesel. OR rather shovel it. I want the Hawks to contend. That's IT! After 7 years I'm over the childish feel good stuff. I think a better fan wouldn't enable BK with such rhetoric.


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So now we have centers capable of and willing to foul. That simply won't cut it, especially if we want to contend. We can't have ourBU quality hybrid centers determining we can't start MW and JS together!

So we can't start Smoove and Marvin together big deal!


he's never fielded a respectable team and even if this one approaches that it's mediocrity gained at the cost of our bright future.

The guys on this team are kinda young!

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Guest Walter


Again what is your argument? Are you saying that he cannot be an effective power forward? If not then drafting a power forward this year was appropriate

That one can win with and it would have been easier for us to design a significantly more talented, diversely skilled, 2-Sf starting lineup with the type center that would allow them to play their more perimeter oriented game without the team conceeding the post than it would be to win with a significantly lesser talented, albeit true Pf who benched one of our two best prospects.

Did that encapsule it enough for you to swallow. I've had alot of proctice wording it. Enough I'm shocked you had to ask what my argument was.


And remind me again why it is necessary to build this team around Josh Smith?

I've never said it necessary to. I've always posted two scenarios that could work. Along with the above I've suggested trading one of MW or JS.

Regardless, drafting SW doesn't make a starting forward tandem of MW and JS work or rid us of their redundancy. It furthers the redundancy, benching on of them and Childress even further. Now Childress becomes even less valuable, the benched one out of MW and JS becomes less valuable, none of whom we could ever hope to resign for bench duty, and simply put, SW's isn't talented enough to justify all this chaos, especially after trading Al for peanuts to start MW and JS only to rob them of that opportunity. He's a 1-dimesional, role-playing, lunch-pale guy that you can get for the mid level in FAcy. He's a good piece but you dont' throw away better peices to force him into the puzzle somewhere. Just inane.


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Guest Walter


So we can't start Smoove and Marvin together big deal!

Wow. That is a bold statement. I doubt whoever between them sits will agree with you. The talent loss of sitting JS or MW and starting SW verses starting both JS and MW with Sene or starting both, Roy, and whatever center we could get in FAcy or trade for Al/Childress is so huge I would rethink your statement if I were you.


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Here is my Spin Diesel!

We had Smoove at the three but is he really a good three? Does he have the potential to be a star at 3? My answer is no so we went out and got Marvin.

We had Childress penciled in a 2 but was he going to be a star at the 2? My answer is no so we went out and got Joe Johnson.

We had Al Harrington then penciled in a 4 but was he going to be the dominant defensive force we were looking for at the 4 My answer is No so we went out and got Shelden

We had Point guard by committee penciled in at point guard but was that going to be enough to get everyone involve while keeping our turn-over down? My Answer is no. So we went out and got Speedy.

The center position was being maned by Jason Collier and Peja D but were they going to hang around in the paint enough to atleast foul an opposing center? My answer is No therefore we picked up Zaza and Lo Wright.

To say we drafted Marvin Williams because we thought Josh Smith wasnt the answer at the 3 is Ridculous he was coming off his rookie year in which he was 2nd team all rookie. Marvin Williams was the wrong pick there is no denying that because if Chris Paul was on this team we would be a playoff contender for the next 10 years the same cant be said with Marvin Williams he just adds to the log jam at the forward spots.

what the heck is with the people on this board that choose a favorite player and then proceed to close their minds? confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gif

there is a ton of that on this board. if you are a Josh Smith fan first and foremost and a Hawks fan second start a Josh Smith fansite.

Leave the Hawksquawk posting for the fans of the "Hawks."

Your kidding right? Everyone in the country besides maybe a hand full of Hawks fans belive Marvin Williams was the wrong pick it set this franchise back we would be much better with Chris Paul right now. Just look wat he did to the Hornets franchise. I guarntee you he leads them deep into the playoffs while Im hoping we get in it will be hard. The progression of this team and franchise would have way faster had we not taken another SF. Some of you people dont wanna believe/hear some of the opinion/truth some Hawks fan gotta say only wanna hear you want to hear. Screw that it was a terrible pick. I just got done playing NBA2k7 on the XBOX 360 and the announcers said many around the league felt the Hawks should have drafted Chris Paul over Marvin Williams this is in a freaking video game. Enuff said?

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So we can't start Smoove and Marvin together big deal!

Wow. That is a bold statement. I doubt whoever between them sits will agree with you. The talent loss of sitting JS or MW and starting SW


I guess that no one will be able to convince you that Shelden Williams has talent. Therefore there no reason to continue this dialogue

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