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Sekou: Feeling better about Shelden


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Who the hell cares where he was drafted?

We all should. We should not have a top 5 pick for 10 more years. You MUST get it right as a 26 win team with no more lottery picks expected (we traded ours remember).


You are putting too much emphasis on the draft and too little on the reason he was drafted. We had the worst interior D in the NBA. He was the most sure thing interior player in the draft.

26 win teams losing their second best player don't need role playing sure things. They need a higher level of talent and they need that talent to not bench the best of their prospects.


We could not ignore our interior D problem any longer and allow layup drills every night.[]/quote]

Then get it in FAcy (i.e. Wilcox, PJ Brown), trade (Magliore), or the draft with significantly more upside (Sene) in a player that doesn't bench your best.


Shelden was the best step in the right direction to fix that interior D problem with his tenacity on D and contagious energy that he brings to the defensive side of the ball, something our head coach specializes in.


Baloney. He wasn't the best (many are more talented and don't bench our best player/prospects), he wasn't the most ready (trade or FAcy), he wasn't...you know this.

I know you probably think we should have drafted one of those guards because it would have been the sexy pick. Well you don't get a rookie PG to lead the youngest team in NBA history. We got our guard in FA and got our big man in the draft.


Now how about you let him play 1 game in the NBA before you declare him the greatest bust of all time.


He was the most watched player out of this NBA draft. If you don't already know that SW is an NBA BU quality role palyer then you have absolutely zero ability to judge a player.

The point isn't about SW, however, it's about BK. This draft decision was horrible both now and the future. Every aspect of it was poorly done from promise to actual. It will be BK's undoing.

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So you think we will have a top 5 draft pick for the next few years? You think we won't improve?

We have enough players on this team with star potential, we didn't need another. What we needed was help on the defensive end.

You say there was a better interior player in the draft? Who?

d*ck Vitale put it best when he said that there were 7 footers in the draft that played like they were 6'6. Shelden plays bigger than his size. There isn't a guy in that draft bigger or the same size that was more proven as a presence in the post on either side of the ball. Hence the two time DPOTY and the reason why he was third in voting for player of the year despite being in an offense centered around another player and a defense with a perimeter approach.

You complain that Shelden isn't going to make an immediate impact yet mention Saer Sene who is one of the most raw players to come in this draft in years. Do you not see the hypocrisy in that? You're also basing everything off of one game against HS kids who were completely caught off guard by a guy no one knew existed. Do you not see how ridiculous that is?

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So you think we will have a top 5 draft pick for the next few years? You think we won't improve?

We won't have one. thus the last one we had was of significant importance. We are aimed squarely at mediocrity.


You complain that Shelden isn't going to make an immediate impact yet mention Saer Sene who is one of the most raw players to come in this draft in years.

Only SW should make an immediate impact (most NBA ready player) and Sene shouldn't (only 3 years basketball experience). I don't care so much about when impact happens just that when it does it's greater than that of a role player, BU. WE're a 26 win team. You should too.


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