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Foye has a tough first game


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It's like I told the Minnesota fans on the ESPN board. They really can't expect Foye to come out like gangbusters and tear up the league. Most guards struggle mightily with their shot in their rookie year, and Foye will be no different.

Foye will be good, and will show improvement as the season progresses. But he's not going to just come out the gate and be a guy that people talk about, like Chris Paul was last year.

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It's like I told the Minnesota fans on the ESPN board. They really can't expect Foye to come out like gangbusters and tear up the league. Most guards struggle mightily with their shot in their rookie year, and Foye will be no different.

Foye will be good, and will show improvement as the season progresses. But he's not going to just come out the gate and be a guy that people talk about, like Chris Paul was last year.

That's not people were saying after his 1st summer league game. People were cursing BK up and down for passing on this sure thing.

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Shelden Williams will be compared all year to Foye and Roy (not to Sene, which is ridiculous), since those are the two players we passed on to take him. Looks like Foye didn't show up tonight...he couldn't have been much worse.

Such ignorance. The ONLY reason I cited Sene is because I-F our reason for drafting SW was interior defense (that most improved the team in 3 years by not benching a better prospect, being benched himself, and/or having upside) then SW wasn't the better pick. No, nobody outside Atlanta will bemoan the "loss" of Sene (that doesn't mean they shouldn't) but the simple fact is that SW wasn't the best potential interior defender in the draft. Sene was, but we had already promised ourselves out of the draft and draft day trades and all their potential. SW's was the most ready interior defender in the draft. Unfortunately that's either as a BU or as a result of benching a better prospect. There were other cheaper, more ready defensive Pfs in FAcy or trade and Sene has far more upside at center with less downside (benching best prospects).

Certainly, SW wasn't the better pick over Foye or Roy based upon talent, greater position of need, and the fact that neither would bench a player. No brainer. Sene is ONLY to describe how even if you argue the narrow rationale that SW was the best interior defender, you are wrong in terms of prospects given Sene's upside and possible team changing role with us and regardless SW isn't worthy of a 5th pick as a role playing BU.


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Such ignorance. The ONLY reason I cited Sene is because
our reason for drafting SW was interior defense (that most improved the team in 3 years by not benching a better prospect, being benched himself, and/or having upside) then SW wasn't the better pick.
No, nobody outside Atlanta will bemoan the "loss" of Sene
(that doesn't mean they shouldn't) but the simple fact is that SW wasn't the best potential interior defender in the draft. Sene was, but we had already promised ourselves out of the draft and draft day trades and all their potential. SW's was the
most ready interior defender in the draft
. Unfortunately that's either as a BU or as a result of benching a better prospect. There were other cheaper, more ready defensive Pfs in FAcy or trade and Sene has far more upside at center with less downside (benching best prospects).

, SW wasn't the better pick over Foye or Roy based upon talent, greater position of need, and the fact that neither would bench a player. No brainer. Sene is ONLY to describe how even if you argue the narrow rationale that SW was the best interior defender, you are wrong in terms of prospects given Sene's upside and possible team changing role with us and regardless SW isn't worthy of a 5th pick as a role playing BU.

After awhile its not even worth responding to these types of post because they make no sense. Here Shelden gives you 12/9 and Sene gives you 0/1 and yet there is an argument made that supports Sene as the better prospect. Go figure!

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After awhile its not even worth responding to these types of post because they make no sense. Here Shelden gives you 12/9 and Sene gives you 0/1 and yet there is an argument made that supports Sene as the better prospect. Go figure!

To Funny....

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Walter, we don't need anymore young prospects! Were already the youngest team in the league. What is this fascination with Sene anyways? The guy was taken way too early to begin with at #10 when he would have fallen to the late teens at least. Shelden(The Landlord) is a post interior presence that will help our team out THIS YEAR. We need to make a move now for the playoffs with the team we have. Its obvious Smoove and Marvin are going to have big years this year along with Superman JJ. Sene is a TOTAL project with limited offensive skills at this point. Shelden will give us 10pts/10rbs. every game if he can stay out of foul trouble. Plus he is a better defender than Sene. He knows how to man the paint and fight for position. All Sene does is block shots which we don't need. His game is too limited right now. We needed help NOW! So quit this garbage talk about taking some nobody like Sene who hasn't played against any REAL competition in his life. Shelden's resume speaks for itself. GO Hawks!!

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Walter, we don't need anymore young prospects! Shelden(The Landlord) is a post interior presence that will help our team out THIS YEAR.

If it's mediocrity you want the SW is the right pick for interior defense. We needed to hit more than a single with a top 5 pick. We needed a double or triple. It would have takent Sene a year or two to get up to speed but with his shot blocking instincts and ability we could afford him time on the court to do so. Simply put, mediocrity now vs title contention later. We chose the former.

BTW, I STILL would have picked Roy over Foye (big gap here) over Sene and SW. I bring up Sene only because of the interior defense argument. SW isn't talented enough and Sene is too big of a prospect to be selected over Roy or Foye in my book, but if I'm choosing the lesser of two "interior defense" over talent evils, I pick Sene.

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