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Sene stat line for our most negative poster


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LOL . . funny thread.

By the way Walter.

Regular season b-ball > Preseason b-ball

Preseason b-ball > Summer league b-ball

Funny how Shelden has by far his most impressive showing during the first preseason game, than he did all of summer league. And he was solid on both ends of the floor.

Like I told you last week . . . Sene is a project. And big man projects usually fail in the NBA. If the guy can't even beat out Robert Swift for time, then Sene will only be a novelty act in this league.

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What in H_ll are you talking about? All I did was post his numbers just like many did during the summer league!

These are your words, right?


Now this can't be the guy that you been blabbing you mouth about for 2 weeks. Maybe this will shut you up for awhile and make you realized that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

After 12 minutes you want to talk [censored] but aren't willing to compare after a season?!? What a lame play.


Heeey Little Walter....Hey Little Walter listen....Heyyy Little Walter....sene sucks so face the fact...and Shelden ain't gonna suck like that.

For those who don't get it...Rent School Daze...or pick up the best of Tony Toni Tone.

LMAO @ Johnny.


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bobble bobble bobblehead

Before responding to one of my posts, if you can call that responding. Did I change my stripes all of a sudden to be so blessed with your arrogance, lack of sustance, and inability do more than bark?

You are as true to your word as a politician.

Welcome back, however.


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bobble bobble bobblehead

Before responding to one of my posts, if you can call that responding. Did I change my stripes all of a sudden to be so blessed with your arrogance, lack of sustance, and inability do more than bark?

You are as true to your word as a politician.

Welcome back, however.


nope. i'll shoot the ish with you all day Walter until you go back to that Shellhead stuff. we're at an impasse on that particular subject my friend. my ban on Walter is limited to that as of right now smirk.gif

carry on!

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You don't have to like me but you gotta respect what this kid is going to be able to do in 3 years time. He is a shot blocking machine.


anyhow back to the thread.....

Marvin just had somebody take his legs out from under him on a dunk.

this looks like it's becoming routine frown.gif

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4 fouls in 7 minutes..

I know he's young but DAMN.

(see SW's many fouls early). Especially a young dog. One cannott learn what Sene's got, the raw ability to dominate a game with blocked shots.

SW has 22 pts, 16 rbs, and 2 BS in = 80 minutes. That is essentially 7.33 pts, 5.3 rbs, and .66 BS in = 27 MPG. I'm not impressed given he's the most NBA ready player in the draft and a 5th overall pick. Consdering there isn't upside with SW, not good.


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Walter is incredible.

He's like a guy that knows that a Yugo is a terrible car . . . but defends it to the death because he made the decision to buy one.

Yugo = great gas mileage . . . nothing else

Sene = shot blocker . . nothing else

And to think that I was actually going to start a thread hyping up Sene and his 2 blocks in 7 minutes of garbage time. The opening post would've went something like this.

Thread title: Sene is a BEAST !!

Opening post:

"That Sene . . boy can he block shots. 2 blocks in 7 minutes? That means that he can block almost 14 shots in a game. He'd be a DOMINANT FORCE out on the court.

Uh oh . . . he also picked up 4 fouls in 7 minutes. That means that he'd only get to play 10 minutes, before fouling out.

Oh well."

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Walter is incredible.

He's like a guy that knows that a Yugo is a terrible car . . . but defends it to the death because he made the decision to buy one.

Yugo = great gas mileage . . . nothing else

Sene = shot blocker . . nothing else

And to think that I was actually going to start a thread hyping up Sene and his 2 blocks in 7 minutes of garbage time. The opening post would've went something like this.

Thread title:
Sene is a BEAST !!

Opening post:

"That Sene . . boy can he block shots. 2 blocks in 7 minutes? That means that he can block almost 14 shots in a game. He'd be a DOMINANT FORCE out on the court.

Uh oh . . . he also picked up 4 fouls in 7 minutes. That means that he'd only get to play 10 minutes, before fouling out.

Oh well."

Sene has blocked only 2 shots in 3 preseason games! So how is he a dominant shot blocking force?

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