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I want to stay positive about Salim but


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You should all listen to peoriabird. Sounds like he knows why the Hawks have sucked for so long.

Salim is a chump with a j. Big deal.

Just imagine youself on the court with a guy like Salim or Al.

If you play you know what I mean.

The guy needs to go. We're building something here and we don't need pouty 20 year old cousins of noted professionals like Damon Stoudamire. Great bloodlines!

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Anyway, my opinion is he could be an effective role player on any team. Since we have good penetrators and they are becoming good passers, Salim's role should be easy on this team.

However, even we have two real point guards on the roster, it is like a sickness for us to see any player as a point guard. Remember the French guy, most of you learned his name after starting to play as a triple-double player. Do you remember what was he doing in our team? Yes, he was trying to play pg -the only position he can't play actually. Now we see Salim, tomorrow we'll see Cenk. None of them are point guards.

Now we are doing it with Salim. His value is great for teams like Spurs -as a role player of course. So why we can't make him play that way? Of course we don't have a Duncan, but we have Smoove, Marv, JJ and Chill. They can penetrate and pass. But because of that sickness we force Salim to play pg. Like we forced Diaw. Maybe if we release him or trade him for two packs of peanuts, we'll understand his value as a role player. Like Tony Delk...

This is my opinion, too. I think Salim has a long future in the league as a zone buster and offensive option from the bench. There is no harm in having him spend non-regular season minutes trying to improve his ballhandling and passing skills (which need improving) but he should contribute to this team right away as a gunner from the bench. I will be very disappointed if he is not on the roster unless his attitude is the problem because his game is good enough that he can be a contributing role player on this or any other team, IMO.

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I understand that it's only pre-season (and Speedy is hurt), so we can give SS PG minutes. But we can't have him running the show if he won't be a PG in the regular season. What kind of chemistry does that develop? It's a waste. If Salim won't be a PG come regular season why force the rest of our guys to try and adapt to his style now, diving for bad passes - he'll get somebody hurt. Play TL and Ivey - players who may actually be in the real games at PG...unless BK is just so arrogant that he's going to make SS a PG no matter what (in order to justify his "steal of the draft" pick).

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steal of the draft?!. since when we pay attention to those comment? or anything about us from espn or whatever? if you do, remember the bust of the draft we got(hint: 2004). come on salim's a second round pick. you guys expect him to be the next AI? or starting pg for this year's allstar game? ok two bad games so what? it's not even regular season. like somebody said already. i'm cool if he can come off the bench as a scorer to give us some instant points. i know his defense is bad but i don't see you guys having this kind of problem(or not as much) with al harrington or antoine walker.

one thing funny here. you guys don't seem to get excite about the win(s). we have two wins already. why really worry about our bench player so much?

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You just have some people on this board who are always in "panic mode". If they're not complaining about something, then they're not happy.

Salim "is what he is" . . a shooter off the bench who will probably always have that role.

What's crazy, is that everybody was ranting and raving over how well Salim played during Summer League. Now, those same people want him gone.

People act like the 38% from 3 point range that he shot last year, is some slouch number.

Guys who Salim outshot from 3 point range last year:

- Damon Jones

- Jason Williams ( the PG in Miami )

- Kirk Hinrich

- Gilbert Arenas

- Sam Cassell

- Sarunas Jasikevicus

- Joe Johnson

- Kobe Bryant

- Vince Carter

Salim should know his role on this team. And because it's preseason, it doesn't hurt to play him a little at the point, especially now, since Speedy isn't playing.

When the regular season comes, he'll know his role and he knows that he'll have to excell in that role in order to get PT.

It's an easy decision for the Hawks. If he's hot, give him more minutes. If he's not, the keep him on the bench.

But like bonethugz says. Salim is a 2nd round pick. A lot of the time, 2nd round picks don't even last in this league. And one-dimensional shooters like Salim routinely fail in the NBA.

LOL . . but I'm definitely not ready to cut Salim after a bad showing in preseason.

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Salim to me makes more of a difference than say Josh Childress who has no discernible skill other than hustle.

You lost me on this comment. Josh Childress plays defense, block shots, rebounds, get put backs, shoots a high percentage from the field than Salim, better ball handler. Hustles more, more of a leader, higher BB IQ, passes better etc. and he is less of a difference maker than a player with one skill and he doesn't even do that well! Good grief!!

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I think that it is hilarious that people are bitching about our 3rd PG and 3rd SG. Compare salim to out 3rd Center, or 3rd PF or 3rd SF. Salim to me makes more of a difference than say Josh Childress who has no discernible skill other than hustle.

Don't worry when, Salim scores 20 points in about 10 minutes than everyone will be saying he should be our starting PG.

That's how hawksquawk is unfortunately.

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Never thought Salim should start (yet), but technically he is our third string SG. What's wrong with comparing our third string SG to a third string C? when in doubt, go big!

I'm not saying we should cut Salim, we can't anyway since he's signed. Wouldn't you be open to moving in a trade Salim if it improves the team MW24? I think TLue + Chill can handle Salim's role. Where we need to improve the most (still) is interior D.

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Salim to me makes more of a difference than say Josh Childress who has no discernible skill other than hustle.

You lost me on this comment. Josh Childress plays defense, block shots, rebounds, get put backs, shoots a high percentage from the field than Salim, better ball handler. Hustles more, more of a leader, higher BB IQ, passes better etc. and he is less of a difference maker than a player with one skill and he doesn't even do that well! Good grief!!

Who in the hell has Childress ever stopped? He is too slow for 2's and not big enough to guar threes. He shoots a high percentage because he takes a couple of shots per game. He is not a better ball handler, he can never get a shot off unless he is wide open. His form stinks. and I already conceded that he hustles, but I need more from my backup 2, which is why I wanted Bonzi.

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Who in the hell has Childress ever stopped? He is too slow for 2's and not big enough to guar threes. He shoots a high percentage because he takes a couple of shots per game. He is not a better ball handler, he can never get a shot off unless he is wide open. His form stinks. and I already conceded that he hustles, but I need more from my backup 2, which is why I wanted Bonzi.

Well, have you also concluded that taking a wide open shot is a better shot than a contested shot? Have you also concluded that he is a better rebounder? Does he have more blocks? What about steals? His shooting percentage is not better because he takes fewer shots than Salim, its better because he takes better shots! Its called Bascket Ball IQ. By the way, who has Salim stopped? He can't guard the one because he doesn't move his feet well enough and he is too small to guard the 2.

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Salim to me makes more of a difference than say Josh Childress who has no discernible skill other than hustle.

You lost me on this comment. Josh Childress plays defense, block shots, rebounds, get put backs, shoots a high percentage from the field than Salim, better ball handler. Hustles more, more of a leader, higher BB IQ, passes better etc. and he is less of a difference maker than a player with one skill and he doesn't even do that well! Good grief!!

Who in the hell has Childress ever stopped? He is too slow for 2's and not big enough to guar threes. He shoots a high percentage because he takes a couple of shots per game. He is not a better ball handler, he can never get a shot off unless he is wide open. His form stinks. and I already conceded that he hustles, but I need more from my backup 2, which is why I wanted Bonzi.

Hey Johnny, Chill is waaay better than Salim and lets not compare the two.

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I'm not saying we should cut Salim, we can't anyway since he's signed. Wouldn't you be open to moving in a trade Salim if it improves the team MW24? I think TLue + Chill can handle Salim's role. Where we need to improve the most (still) is interior D.

I am not in love with Salim, i would trade him if it improves our team.

All i am saying is that when a player like Salim or Marvin have a great game than they are the best, and when they have a bad game than they suck, we should just dump them.

That's how some people think on here.

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All i am saying is that when a player like Salim or Marvin have a great game than they are the best, and when they have a bad game than they suck, we should just dump them.

That's how
people think on here.

I have to disagree about Marvin. There are people on this board that hate him and want him to fail regardless of how good he plays. If he wins mvp of summer league, he is Dion Glover. If he displays his multiple skills and potential, he is Tim Thomas lite. And that preseason stuff mean nothing. He hasn't done it in a regular season game so therefore he is Tim Thomas lite according to a well know poster here.

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Salim to me makes more of a difference than say Josh Childress who has no discernible skill other than hustle.

You lost me on this comment. Josh Childress plays defense, block shots, rebounds, get put backs, shoots a high percentage from the field than Salim, better ball handler. Hustles more, more of a leader, higher BB IQ, passes better etc. and he is less of a difference maker than a player with one skill and he doesn't even do that well! Good grief!!

Who in the hell has Childress ever stopped? He is too slow for 2's and not big enough to guar threes. He shoots a high percentage because he takes a couple of shots per game. He is not a better ball handler, he can never get a shot off unless he is wide open. His form stinks. and I already conceded that he hustles, but I need more from my backup 2, which is why I wanted Bonzi.

Hey Johnny, Chill is waaay better than Salim and lets not compare the two.

Childress is only waay better than Salim on things that 6'8 players should be better than 6'1 players in. In everything else Salim is superior. I mean compare Salim's production as the #31 pick over to Childress' production as a second year #6.

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