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Is htere a spot for Salim?


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Truthfully, is there really a spot for this guy on our current team?...what can he do? shoot?

Otherwise he is useless and we already have better (%-wise) shooters. He makes no sense if you want to win. Salim was a cool pick that didn't work out (IMHO). We are better off without him.

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Even when Speedy comes back I think Salim has a spot on the team. If Phoenix has shown me anything, and it's not that we were idiots for trading Diaw, it's that having an abundance of shooters is never a bad thing. I think he fills the niche roll of instant offense to a T, and once Speedy is back he can do less damage with turnovers as a SG sub versus being a PG sub.

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He's not just a "shooter" he's a scorer, and there's a difference.

JJ Redick has one skill - shooting. He can't take it to the hole or hit a pull up jumper. When Salim is on, he can score from anywhere on the court.

He has some issues, but as your 7th or 8th guy on your squad, he's a pretty good weapon to have.

They're playing it out to try and develop his PG game while Speedy's out, let's not make such a big deal about it. If Salim is running the point often during the regular season, then I'll start worrying about how he's affecting the squad. For his sake and for the sake of maximizing their investment in a layer, they're giving him a bunch of run leading the squad. If Speedy's healthy, he'd be coming in as n off-guard.

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Salim and Ivey both fall into the category of guys we don't really need. I think however that because we have given Salim a 3 year deal (unheard of for most 2nd rounders) that we are trying to see if he could be a PG with JJ on the court. The answer that we are seeing is NO.

Here's the problem.

Now, we have Speedy.

That means that at PG, we have:

Speedy, Lue... 2 guys with championship experience. I doubt that we keep 4 PGs... So what we may be doing right now is seeking a trade for Salim. Salim is messing up the trade opportunity with his bad play...

Salim is not the right size to play OG. but skillwise, that's what he is.

The question is asked, Is Salim a fit?

Well, a running team needs a spot up shooter... however more than that a running team needs a PG.

I'm already considering life without Ivey. Salim could find a spot if he could play defense and bring the ball up without turning it over?

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whatever, I guess I shouldn't be so defensive, this is the same guy who's complete nonsense about harrington gave me a great chuckle

i'm still not sure if which direction he thinks my racist remarks go, but if he's watched as much dook hoops as i have over the last 4 years, he knows dang well that jj is one dimensional. lucky for jj, he's good enough at that one diension that he'll always have a place in the nba

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It's all good DJ.

I think JJ and Salim have a lot of similarities (defensive liability, not really a point, salim isn't the biggest, and JJ isn't the quickest, etc).

JJ is a much better shooter than Salim; Salim is a better all-purpose scorer. At least that's the way I see it.

Here's a question - If JJ were on our team, would we be trying to force him to be the point?

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am i being ridiculous?

sort of weird to make a comment about salim and JJ and all of the sudden get called a retard and a racist, when what I posted was a pretty reasonable description of the truth

I guess the racist comment came from the Salim/Redick comparison? Didn't seem racist to me. Calling someone a retard for being racist is pretty dumb though. Isn't that a degree of the pot calling the kettle black?

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If you get offended when someone thinks you're a tard because you think Salim is an "all around scorer" you should not be posting on any site. You should sit in your basement and be quiet.

It is absolute racism to say that Reddick is just a shooter while Salim is so much more.

What a joke. Reddick was one of the most prolific scorers in collegiate history.

Salim had problems with Lute Olsen just like here.

Neither one can defend at the winning NBA level so what's the point of discussion.

Anyone with the moniker of the Sheederra probably doesn't need to ask for an apology. Sheed is such a open-minded guy.

I did not call you a racist. I said it sounded like a little racism.

I found the comparrison uneducated.

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I am just sick of talking about millionaire chumps that we would be better off without.

When I read the posts they're like a parent hoping that their child will be something different than what they are.

Too blinded to see the truth.

I love the Hawks.

Guys like Salim are everything guys like Mookie, Deke, and Smitty aren't.

I want to have players that we can be proud of again.

We're so close to being there.

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