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Could The New Ball Be Affecting Our Shooting?


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I think it is very possible that the new ball is affecting the shooting of some of our guys, particularly Salim and Chillz. I don't think ANY ball would affect JJ's shooting because his stroke is so pure but I wonder if the different grip and feel is causing problems for other guys. The reason I mentioned Salim and Chillz specifically is because their shots seem to me to be based more on feel than form. I think they can both adjust but it may take some time. In watching the game the other night, both guys were missing perimeter shots that they normally make and they were missing them badly. Chillz is so flicted, it is hard to tell but I have never seen him miss that many wide open J's BADLY as he did against Miami. Maybe he was just off but I don't know. Anyway, thoughts?

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That could very well be the reason. Anybody who plays basketball on a regular basis, knows that different types of balls can affect your shot and how you handle the ball.

Most people who play b-ball, loves the old NBA ball. I can't comment on the new one, because it's not in the stores yet. When it comes out, I'll definitely have to get one.

Anybody ever played with one of those outdoor basketballs? You know, the brown ones with absolutely NO GRIP to it?

How about those indoor/outdoor b-balls, that are super slick when your hands get wet?

Or how about the infamous rubber ball that sticks to your hands like glue, but might have TOO MUCH grip to it?

The ball could very well be affecting their shots.

That means that it'll take some time for them to get used to it. Eventually, they will.

The size of your hands could impact how you handle that new ball too. Shaq's non-free throw shooting self, has decided to experiment with a one-handed push shot to shoot FTs. We all know that he spoke out big time about the new ball.

People may not put a lot of stock in what Shaq says about the new ball.

But when a guy like Steve Nash speaks out about it too, then there may be a problem with that ball.

But like I've been saying with Salim. He's just in a shooting slump right now. He'll eventually snap out of it. But if the ball is the problem, it might take a little longer for him to be back to his old self.

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I already have the new ball. It is on sale on the nba.com website for $100.

Normally I can palm a basketball, even though I'm only 5' 10", since I'm a drummer and have pretty strong and flexible hands.

I can't palm this ball, however, because it is a "bit" slick. I have a feeling that the slickness will subside enough when I play with it for awhile.

Of course, most NBA players have hands much larger and stronger than mine, so I don't think they would have much trouble palming this new ball.

The seams are quite pronounced (deeper "ruts") - maybe a bit more than the leather ball.

Still, the ball bounces very "true" and rotates very "true" as well.

In my humble opinion, this ball should not cause any problems for anyone who really knows how to play basketball - and does so for a few hours each day. The pros will get used to this new ball very quickly.

That said, as a drummer of more than 40 years, I can always tell the difference between any drumsticks that I use. But again, give me a few minutes and I can play just as well with sticks that are heavier, lighter, shorter, or longer than what I usually use. If you're really talented it works itself out pretty quickly.

I can't say that the new ball will be any "better" than the leather ball, but it should be just as good. And apparently it'll be easier and cheaper for the manufacturer to produce balls that are consistently of similar quality, something they are having trouble doing with the current leather balls.

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