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Congrats to Shelden on his 1st Pro Double-Double


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He had a couple of bad games in a row. He keep working hard. I am not sure how he played tonight since I didn't listen to the game. 12 pt and 10 Reb in 22 mins. He had to do something right.

A couple jumpers, a couple stickbacks, some free throws, 10 rebounds, a block...nothing earth shattering but a really solid effort IMO.

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He had a couple of bad games in a row. He keep working hard. I am not sure how he played tonight since I didn't listen to the game. 12 pt and 10 Reb in 22 mins. He had to do something right.

A couple jumpers, a couple stickbacks, some free throws, 10 rebounds, a block...nothing earth shattering but a really solid effort IMO.

we've got star power in Marvin and Smoove. JJ does some of everything. Chillz is the glue guy that goes unnoticed but is a key to the team winning.

we need Shelden to rebound and defend the post. kind of like Ben Wallace, points will be a bonus from him. that being said I think his offensive game is being overlooked by those who still hate on Billy Knight for drafting him. also Shelden also brings something to the table that is priceless, confidence. he's not running around out there in his 4th NBA game like a deer in headlights. if he is scared he's not showing it.

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He was off in the Miami game but he didn't lack confidence in taking the shot and the shot actually looked pretty good. I think he will be able to knock down the J from 15 feet fairly consistently and he may take it out a little further than that over time. If he develops a little go to move in the post (and i think he can), his ceiling is going to be higher than many of us (including me) thought.

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The man tried to tell all of his detractors that he could knock down the 18 foot jumper. But the fans didn't believe him. He is showing that he can knock down that shot when open.

He's a much better offensive player than Ben Wallace, but not nearly the defensive force that Ben is.

I said before the season that he could average 10 ppg and 7 rebs this season. I'll stick with those numbers.

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The man tried to tell all of his detractors that he could knock down the 18 foot jumper. But the fans didn't believe him. He is showing that he can knock down that shot when open.

He's a much better offensive player than Ben Wallace, but not nearly the defensive force that Ben is.

I said before the season that he could average 10 ppg and 7 rebs this season. I'll stick with those numbers.

With alittle more depth up front I find that less likely than I would have last year.

If he can give 12/10 SOME nights with just a solid effort, that's pretty good for now.

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He had a couple of bad games in a row. He keep working hard. I am not sure how he played tonight since I didn't listen to the game. 12 pt and 10 Reb in 22 mins. He had to do something right.

A couple jumpers, a couple stickbacks, some free throws, 10 rebounds, a block...nothing earth shattering but a really solid effort IMO.

That is his game. He played his role at Duke, does the little things and will take some preasure off ZaZa when he's in there. If quietly does those things, he'll let JJ, Josh and Marvin do what they do and get better. Blue collar guy. And Lo is gonna make him a lot better.

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The man tried to tell all of his detractors that he could knock down the 18 foot jumper. But the fans didn't believe him. He is showing that he can knock down that shot when open.

He's a much better offensive player than Ben Wallace, but not nearly the defensive force that Ben is.

I said before the season that he could average 10 ppg and 7 rebs this season. I'll stick with those numbers.

And his defense is like Al's offense (overrated). He is Al Harrington øn his head. I just don't think he was worth a 5th overall pick if we were going to give up Al for so little (in order to start JS and MW). Al's a fully developed player. If he's only worth a mid-first, why is his doppleganger worth a TOP FIVE pick?


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At some point you have to stop drafting potential and try and get a sure thing. This team already has too much potential anyway. I would have gotten Foye but that's really the only player I would have picked over Shelden at 5, or trade down. Roy is NOT a PG and would not have helped our cause, I'm not even sure Foye is a pg actually, but would have taken the chance.

The pick we should be more concerned about is the Solomon pick. That made no sense whatsoever. We already had too many 6'9 players as it is and then we got Shelden, why draft a PROJECT who is ANOTHER 6'9 player in the 2nd round? Especially when PG's such as Gibson (who WAS considered lottery talent until about midseason) and Washington were available, not to mention plenty of other players that I don't feel like looking up right now.

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At some point you have to stop drafting potential and try and get a sure thing.

And how are Foye or Roy more about potential than SW. They are simply better players, more talented players. And they can start (alongside JJ without benching MW or JS!!!


This team already has too much potential anyway.

Hmm? Again, Roy and Foye were never about potential.


I would have gotten Foye but that's really the only player I would have picked over Shelden at 5, or trade down. Roy is NOT a PG and would not have helped our cause, I'm not even sure Foye is a pg actually, but would have taken the chance.

Actually Roy plays more like a Pg than Foye. Even Roy's college coach called him an NBA Pg. Both can play it and excell next to JJ, especially with MW at the 3.


The pick we should be more concerned about is the Solomon pick. That made no sense whatsoever. We already had too many 6'9 players as it is and then we got Shelden, why draft a PROJECT who is ANOTHER 6'9 player in the 2nd round? Especially when PG's such as Gibson (who WAS considered lottery talent until about midseason) and Washington were available, not to mention plenty of other players that I don't feel like looking up right now.

Agreed. It was too early in the 2nd rd to take a flyer out on someone. The middle/end of the 2nd you draft the next Euro-nobody (see previous year) or small college somebody.

What I don't get is that you approve of getting SW. BK's record of 5 forwards with 5 consecutive mostly high lottery 1st rd picks? Just right! His record of 7 SFs out of 9 picks in both rounds altogether? Abomination?!? You can't hate the later and even respect the 1st. His drafting is F-ed up. We know it. Hold him accountable!


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And how are Foye or Roy more about potential than SW. They are simply better players, more talented players. And they can start (alongside JJ without benching MW or JS!!!

I think Foye can play PG, I don't see it in Roy. I could be wrong but I'll just wait until I see his assist numbers first. He probly won't play PG in Portland anyway.


Again, Roy and Foye were never about potential.

Where did I ever say that?? Aren't you the one who has been arguing Sene for the last month??


What I don't get is that you approve of getting SW. BK's record of 5 forwards with 5 consecutive mostly high lottery 1st rd picks? Just right! His record of 7 SFs out of 9 picks in both rounds altogether? Abomination?!? You can't hate the later and even respect the 1st. His drafting is F-ed up. We know it. Hold him accountable!

I do! I was against getting Marvin, I wanted Felton first and then Paul, even over Bogut who I still believe is overrated. The Royal Ivey pick over Duhon was stupid as hell as soon as it happened. I didn't want Shelden and would have rather had Foye or traded down but frankly I don't blame BK for getting him because I watched the team last year, and our Interior D was attrocious. Although it was horrible that he made a promise to him over a month in advance of the draft.

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Solomon will never get meaningful minutes on this squad with our current team. He is FAR from ready, he's 6'9 and too skinny to EVER play Center unless he bulks up. He is currently behind Zaza, Lo, Shelden, Smoove, Marvin, and probly Batman. Trust me he isn't gonna play. Lue will probably be gone after this year or next. Royal is NOWHERE near a pg. Why not go after Gibson or Washington, especially since Speedy is injury prone? Or at least a project true 7' bigman? I hope he proves me wrong, and I like Solomon, but I just don't see why BK picked him over some other players..

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Where did I ever say that?? Aren't you the one who has been arguing Sene for the last month??

I've long argued that I would have picked Roy, then Foye. My only arguement with Sene is that he has much more potential than SW AND he doesn't bench our best potential.

In short, if our goal was interior defense FOR UR TEAM Sene was the better prospect as he would not bench OUR TEAM, would play center for OUR TEAM, and he had the talent and potential to dramatically improve OUR TEAM.

I still wouldn't have picked him over Roy or Foye, but...safe, role playing, BU caliber #5 picks are for losers.


I do! I was against getting Marvin, I wanted Felton first and then Paul, even over Bogut who I still believe is overrated. The Royal Ivey pick over Duhon was stupid as hell as soon as it happened. I didn't want Shelden and would have rather had Foye or traded down but frankly I don't blame BK for getting him because I watched the team last year, and our Interior D was attrocious. Although it was horrible that he made a promise to him over a month in advance of the draft.

You may be right on Felton as he may turn out the best of the bunch. How many Pfs were there in FAcy? You don't use a 5th pick to "fill a hole" you can fill with a BU FA. We (like most teams but moreso) vastly prefered interior defense at the C position. We didn't get it and we paid too much for what we didn't need.


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In short, if our goal was interior defense FOR UR TEAM Sene was the better prospect as he would not bench OUR TEAM, would play center for OUR TEAM, and he had the talent and potential to dramatically improve OUR TEAM.

You're exactly right, he's the better PROSPECT. That does not mean he's the better PLAYER or ever will become the better PLAYER. At least Shelden can help us this year, and push Smoove and Marvin. Sene would not get PT here or even challenge behind Zaza and Lo, and probably wouldn't do anything for at LEAST 2 years. I don't know for fact, but I bet he has a very LOW BB IQ since he hasn't played very long which means he'll take even LONGER to develop, and thats IF he ever develops.

I still would rather have gotten Foye also, but even if we ended up with Roy I'd be willing to give him a chance until he proved me wrong, unlike you with Shelden.

As far as Shelden benching someone or him being a being a bench player Roy would have benched himself, because we still would have gotten Speedy because Roy is NOT ready to be an NBA starting PG, and if you say or think he is you're in denial.

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I still would rather have gotten Foye also, but even if we ended up with Roy I'd be willing to give him a chance until he proved me wrong, unlike you with Shelden.

...and I would have given Foye a chance (not my first choice either), but SW is a farce of a fifth pick acquired in a farce of a way. 26 win teams can't afford to play it safe with role playing BU caliber players. Just can't. Not when other positional and talent needs exist and the role of spot interior defender/rebounder can be filled by PJ Brown or the like in FAcy.


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