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Diesel's points of the game. (ATL/NY)


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  • Premium Member

Good win, but here's what I see:

1. Josh Smith lacks confidence in his dribble so he settles for long shots. It's a very bad disease. It's called Bigdogision. The thing about it is that you actually have to be a really good shooter like Glenn Robinson was or like Robert Horry was for this disease not to be harmful to the team. I think it will come to a point where Smith will either need to fix this problem or spend more time on the bench.

2. Like I said before: We play best when we get out and run. We are a running team. NY couldn't stop us from running and we built big leads. When they did stop us from running, they came back.

3. Eddy Curry dominated Zaza and Lo. The main problem I see is that Woody has to coach these guys not to let opposing Centers get in so deep... Everytime Curry got the ball, he was one step away from the goal.

4. Zaza's offense is maturing. I saw several wonderful passes from Chillz/Joe to Zaza and the reciprocate... I think Zaza is our second scorer!!

5. Where's Speedy?

Right now, I can't see the difference between Speedy and Lue. Well, actually, Lue is better. My hope is that Speedy is still working to get his basketball wind back up... and that he needs a few more games to get familiar with our guys...

6. The Landlord is collecting rent. Shelden does a lot of little things very well. Some of you who only watch the boxscore can't see the landlord setting screens and playing good positional defense. However, Joe Johnson has his own personal screen setter... so when you see JJ with 30+ points, remember that Shelden gave him screens.. Shelden however, needs to work on his confidence offensively. Shelden has the same 11 foot shot that Al used to have... Al could nail it. If we could get Shelden to the point where he will take it and can nail it, we have something.

7. Even though it was successful, I don't like the minime backcourt.

8. Childress is the MAIN!!!

He's the spark off the bench. He's the guy who people hate to see come in the game because he can do it all. He bothered all the Knicks last night. Defensively, he harrassed Franchise with his height, he made Curry nervous with his backside defense, the only person that didn't care was Marbury... But every team should love it when Marbury takes over the Knicks!!

Childress also rebounds well and can score...

We win when we run.

9. Kudos to Woody for not panicking during the Knicks comeback. If the coach starts to panic, the team will start to panic. If the team panics, they forget what they were doing and they respond to what the other team was doing. Woody treated the Knicks comeback as though it was scripted...And Joe and Zaza never got nervous..

10. JJ's defense is suspect. I remember all this talk about how JJ is such a great defender... Ahm, Nope. I've been watching JJ for a while. He's solid, but not good and defenitely not great. QRich could score anytime he felt like it.

I didn't see enough of Freije or Boozeman to say anything..

Here's where we need to work:

1. We will struggle against the Zone.

Because we don't have a zone buster like shooter we will struggle against a fast team that plays zone. That's what happened in Philly.

2. We will punish fast teams.

It will be to a teams downfall to run with us. Even though Speedy has not shown that he's a playmaker yet.. We have too many guys that can handle the Ball (JJ, JC, even ZP)...

3. We have to develop a third scorer...

It could be JJ, ZP, and JC... that combo seems to be consistent.. but JC is more a 6th man. Somehow, JS has to step up his game by developing his dribble. IF JS can dribble through the lane.. he opens up a lot. Maybe this is where Marvin will excell?

4. The key to our wins will be running and rebounds...

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I agree with you for the most part. I think that Lue is actually outplaying Speedy and I can't see how the offense is any better when Speedy is in the game. I too think that our strength is in running. DId you notice that Zaza beagn to use his quickness against Curry in the second half. Curry played forty minutes last night and only had one rebound.

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Good writeup as I'm still procrastinating my purchase of league pass.

Seems like Speedy is gonna need a few more games to both get his legs back under him and to get more acclimated to the offense. Not to take anything away from him, but Lue has been here a while and knows the offense a lot better. I think eventually it will be nice to have Speedy comfortable on the floor.

I'm liking what I've read about Zaza so far and he's looking like a nice option as a backup scorer to JJ. Good to see Zaza step up in the absence of Marvin or any other secondary scorer and hopefully we'll get to see Shelden hitting that midrange jumper and Smoove taking it to the hole sooner than later.

Speaking of Shelden, again it's good to hear he's doing the little things. He lead us in rebounds against the Knicks and if he's playing smart like D said, I like it. He's not a flashy #5 pick but I'll take an efficient and productive #5 pick just the same.

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Good post.

1. Josh actually posted up a few times but I can only remember one time where he received the ball. He shot a fade away jumper from the baseline and missed. He does need to drive more.

5. When we ran Speedy was at the point. Lue is better offensively but mostly he just pounds the ball even when we have a chance to run. If we plan to run we'll need Speedy.

8. After the scrimmage I felt like Chilz wouldn't get off to his usual slow start and it seems to be true. Most players really start to breakout in their third season.

On the other side

2. I hope Speedy starts to blend in soon. I can't wait to see what we do against the Suns.

3. I can't wait for Marvin to come back. I felt he really could have helped us in the Philly game.

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The Suns are on a big losing streak so they will be looking to take us out and take us out early.

1. They play Zone.

2. They lack a big.

3. They run nonestop.

This is going to be a hard game for us because they play zone.

But if we can get this into a running game, we can beat them.

Just like them, when we run, all of our flaws disappear.

My tips to Woody are:

1. get Speedy more reps with the starters.

2. Play Chillz like you've been playing him.

3. encourage Smoove to post up against the suns.

Because they lack size, I think we can use our size advantage when Thomas is not playing.

One more thing...

Double Barbosa...

I think if we double Barbosa all game, we will shut down their best scorer... Amare has fallen off!

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Agree about ZaZa maturing and Chill showing lots of leadership off the bench. That is critical for teams that are gonna compete. He knows his role and embraces it.

There has been much talk about Shelden's height. Don't know the reality of it, but his body looks like he's big enough to mix it up. Got the girth and muscle to mature into a tough inside guy. My hope is that as Speedy learns how to run this team he'll help Shelden get some inside points.

Re other guys off the bench. They didn't make a big splash, but neither did they screw up in such a way that they were noticalbe. They held their ground and didn't try to do too much. Would like to see Freije get hot. He could be a weapon off the bench. Boze looks like he could be a defensive stopper.

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I was at the game (in my Hawksquawk shirt! - section 111).

ZaZa was the show last night. A real man. His defense is only average, but his tenancious play at least keeps the offensive players hesitating a bit before they make moves because he is so active. When they hesitate someone needs to double and help. No one does that except Chill.

Josh Smith is in trouble. He's scared to drive because of his poor dribbling ability. He seems disinterested on defense unless it's a shot block opportunity.

Speedy was better than I'm hearing some of you guys report. I think his penetration was terrific, especially early in the game. He made it to the hoop constantly and had the courage to drive and score (like Iverson). But a small penetrating guard can't do that every time. It is only successful when half the time the penetrator can then dish to someone else for the basket. All our guys stood and watched him drive. No one took advantage of the penetration, so Speedy didn't have options. Once he and the team get more familiar with each other, he will be a very nice acquisition for us.

Sheldon was fine for a rookie, even as the #5 pick. Six offensive rebounds - nine total. He is timid on offense, passing up three wide-open shoots during the game. He could have scored down low a couple times but deferred by passing it out. He'll come around and be a solid, though not specatular power forward.

Friege is fearless on offense! Unfortunately he only made one of his four quick outside shots in the first quarter (What was he thinking?!). He shoots beautifully, however, so when (not if) they start falling, he will be a better "spark" off the bench than Salim. He also was pretty aggressive rebounding, which I didn't expect.

JJ is the kind of player that you want your son to watch. Does everything well. Somethings great, but nothing bad. His defense seems a bit subpar because he is usually guarding guys somewhat quicker than he is - and our defensive "schemes" are so poorly excuted that he's on his own too much, particularly when we expect him to be our number one scoring option (which requires a lot of energy, thus your number scoring option is suppose to receive more help on defense). He is clutch personified as well.

Lue is also a warrior on offense and a very stabilizing factor as he talks to guys during the game. A great vet to have and deadly with his jumper when it counts.

We have NO offensive game plan. Absolutely painful to watch. Running around aimlessly anytime they get into a half-court set. Point guards having no one filling the lanes on fast breaks. Just pitiful. Offense ineptitude, not defense ineptitude, will be Woody's downfall as a coach. He should have hired an assistant coach over the summer who is familiar with a true running game.

Boozeman and Solomon Jones were in too briefly to form any legitimate opinions, though Boozeman looked pretty relaxed for someone with his lack of experience. That was nice.

We will "get by" okay with our tandem of point guards and ball handlers. What we still need is a 6'11" rebounding, shot-blocking presence in the paint. It ain't Lorenzen, at least not longterm anyway. We've got capspace and a "chance" at keeping our own pick next year, so maybe that will provide the person we need.

The Hawks really know how to put on a show in Philips. Almost didn't need the game!

P.S. The Hawks cheerleaders performed like pole dancers at the Cheetah (never been, but I've got a great imagination). It was actually kind of embarrassing with all the kids watching. That should be addressed.

P.P. S. On the other hand, an incredible amount of gorgeous women with huge breasts at the game!! shocked.gif

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A lot of solid points Diesel. Zaza is playing like Divac almost.

My thoughts on Chill is that he has to be one of the most efficient players in the league. He has one of the highest FG%, rebounds, and takes whatever the game is giving him at the time.

Speedy just is not looking good so far. Lue has a comfort level with the team, he is playing better. I'm hoping Speedy just needs more time to gel.

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I forgot to comment on Chill. He is fantanstic. GREAT sixth man. Will win the award someday (unless he goes to an even crappier team in order to start!). Someone MUST fix his jumpshot. Can't believe they didn't break it down over the last two summers. Other than that, he guards guys smaller and taller alike. Penetrates, steals, runs, rebounds . . . wow . . . worth the price of admission.


I was at the game (in my Hawksquawk shirt! - section 111).

ZaZa was the show last night. A real man. His defense is only average, but his tenancious play at least keeps the offensive players hesitating a bit before they make moves because he is so active. When they hesitate someone needs to double and help. No one does that except Chill.

Josh Smith is in trouble. He's scared to drive because of his poor dribbling ability. He seems disinterested on defense unless it's a shot block opportunity.

Speedy was better than I'm hearing some of you guys report. I think his penetration was terrific, especially early in the game. He made it to the hoop constantly and had the courage to drive and score (like Iverson). But a small penetrating guard can't do that every time. It is only successful when half the time the penetrator can then dish to someone else for the basket. All our guys stood and watched him drive. No one took advantage of the penetration, so Speedy didn't have options. Once he and the team get more familiar with each other, he will be a very nice acquisition for us.

Sheldon was fine for a rookie, even as the #5 pick. Six offensive rebounds - nine total. He is timid on offense, passing up three wide-open shoots during the game. He could have scored down low a couple times but deferred by passing it out. He'll come around and be a solid, though not specatular power forward.

Friege is fearless on offense! Unfortunately he only made one of his four quick outside shots in the first quarter (What was he thinking?!). He shoots beautifully, however, so when (not if) they start falling, he will be a better "spark" off the bench than Salim. He also was pretty aggressive rebounding, which I didn't expect.

JJ is the kind of player that you want your son to watch. Does everything well. Somethings great, but nothing bad. His defense seems a bit subpar because he is usually guarding guys somewhat quicker than he is - and our defensive "schemes" are so poorly excuted that he's on his own too much, particularly when we expect him to be our number one scoring option (which requires a lot of energy, thus your number scoring option is suppose to receive more help on defense). He is clutch personified as well.

Lue is also a warrior on offense and a very stabilizing factor as he talks to guys during the game. A great vet to have and deadly with his jumper when it counts.

We have NO offensive game plan. Absolutely painful to watch. Running around aimlessly anytime they get into a half-court set. Point guards having no one filling the lanes on fast breaks. Just pitiful. Offense ineptitude, not defense ineptitude, will be Woody's downfall as a coach. He should have hired an assistant coach over the summer who is familiar with a true running game.

Boozeman and Solomon Jones were in too briefly to form any legitimate opinions, though Boozeman looked pretty relaxed for someone with his lack of experience. That was nice.

We will "get by" okay with our tandem of point guards and ball handlers. What we still need is a 6'11" rebounding, shot-blocking presence in the paint. It ain't Lorenzen, at least not longterm anyway. We've got capspace and a "chance" at keeping our own pick next year, so maybe that will provide the person we need.

The Hawks really know how to put on a show in Philips. Almost didn't need the game!

P.S. The Hawks cheerleaders performed like pole dancers at the Cheetah (never been, but I've got a great imagination). It was actually kind of embarrassing with all the kids watching. That should be addressed.

P.P. S. On the other hand, an incredible amount of gorgeous women with huge breasts at the game!!

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Good win, but here's what I see:

1. Josh Smith lacks confidence in his dribble so he settles for long shots. It's a very bad disease. It's called Bigdogision. The thing about it is that you actually have to be a really good shooter like Glenn Robinson was or like Robert Horry was for this disease not to be harmful to the team. I think it will come to a point where Smith will either need to fix this problem or spend more time on the bench.

I've been saying this all preseason and getting blasted. Marvin is a much better Small forward than Smoove.


2. Like I said before: We play best when we get out and run. We are a running team. NY couldn't stop us from running and we built big leads. When they did stop us from running, they came back.

Agreed but I think we are going to be decent in the half court also once our outside shots start falling like they have in the past. Zaza is taking much better care of the basketball this year and so is Joe.


3. Eddy Curry dominated Zaza and Lo. The main problem I see is that Woody has to coach these guys not to let opposing Centers get in so deep... Everytime Curry got the ball, he was one step away from the goal.

Agreed that this is correctable but they should also mix in there some double team more especialy when Childress is in the game.


4. Zaza's offense is maturing. I saw several wonderful passes from Chillz/Joe to Zaza and the reciprocate... I think Zaza is our second scorer!!

Been saying this all preseason also. Zaza has also worked on that jumper. But his work around the basket looks really polished now!


5. Where's Speedy?

Right now, I can't see the difference between Speedy and Lue. Well, actually, Lue is better. My hope is that Speedy is still working to get his basketball wind back up... and that he needs a few more games to get familiar with our guys...

What? he's played three games with the team coming off of a broken hand. You think that would affect his shooting and timeing? Just give the guy some time!


6. The Landlord is collecting rent. Shelden does a lot of little things very well. Some of you who only watch the boxscore can't see the landlord setting screens and playing good positional defense. However, Joe Johnson has his own personal screen setter... so when you see JJ with 30+ points, remember that Shelden gave him screens.. Shelden however, needs to work on his confidence offensively. Shelden has the same 11 foot shot that Al used to have... Al could nail it. If we could get Shelden to the point where he will take it and can nail it, we have something.

Not the foul machine that many people made him out to be. That title goes to Wright.


7. Even though it was successful, I don't like the minime backcourt.

Agreed, there is no reason to go to that backcourt because we have Childress who despite the criticism he has received unjustly for his defense, can guard any 2 in the league.


8. Childress is the MAIN!!!

He's the spark off the bench. He's the guy who people hate to see come in the game because he can do it all. He bothered all the Knicks last night. Defensively, he harrassed Franchise with his height, he made Curry nervous with his backside defense, the only person that didn't care was Marbury... But every team should love it when Marbury takes over the Knicks!!

Childress also rebounds well and can score...

Can't understand why posters hate this guy!! In the preseason, someone stated that he doesn't have any discernable skills, well I beg to differ! I think that he has incredible skills! If he had a reliable jump shot, he would be an all star.

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Well, Lue is playing better within the team right now, but he isn't the type of point guard that pushes the tempo. When Speedy gains his comfort level, that's what he will bring. Plus, Speedy was getting into the lane last night, and that is going to do a lot to open up our jump shooters on the perimeter.

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3. Eddy Curry dominated Zaza and Lo. The main problem I see is that Woody has to coach these guys not to let opposing Centers get in so deep... Everytime Curry got the ball, he was one step away from the goal.

Maybe I didn't see it (I only watched about half the game), but Zaza outscored, out-rebounded, had more assist, fewer TO's and shot a better percentage than Eddy Curry.

Eddy Curry is going to score, he too big and quick not too - but if you can make him work on defense you are going to negate the one positive Curry has. Zaza got the better of Curry in this game, and the fact that a 7' 300 pound C who player nearly 40 minutes only got 2 rebounds is laughable.

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Just imagine when we start getting the calls our way.

Also, I agree regarding Speedy. He had a drive in the lane that killed the Knicks run last night. The momentum shifted after he cruised for a layup.

Fudder, I think Diesel was strictly talking about Curry's offense. He schooled Shelden on one play too. Zaza clearly had a better all around game. There's no other way to see it. He's looking like Divac.

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10. JJ's defense is suspect. I remember all this talk about how JJ is such a great defender... Ahm, Nope. I've been watching JJ for a while. He's solid, but not good and defenitely not great.
QRich could score anytime he felt like it

Watch that game again and than see who was guarding Q before you say that.

It was Smoove, who left Q wide open on every play and Q scored on him so easily.

Q never missed when Smoove was guarding him. Maybe Q scored once or twice on Joe, but all of his misses came when JOe was guarding him.

Smoove got killed defensively.

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Yeah, JJ really didn't guard Qrich much. He was mostly on Marbury, Francis, and Crawford.

Q Rich did kill Smoove but he's been able to do that to anyone he's ever went up against. He just got into a bad habit while playing with the Suns of only taking perimeter shots. He's really strong and an amazing player around the basket for someone of his height and position.

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Appreciate the input.

"Friege is fearless on offense! Unfortunately he only made one of his four quick outside shots in the first quarter (What was he thinking?!). He shoots beautifully, however, so when (not if) they start falling, he will be a better "spark" off the bench than Salim. He also was pretty aggressive rebounding, which I didn't expect."

If Frieje is the real thing and can provfide that spark off the bench I'm in favor of trading to him for a big guy like you suggest. Not sure what we could get, but lots of team need a gunner.

Agree totally on your thoughts about Woody's downfall will be offense.

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My tips to Woody are:

1. get Speedy more reps with the starters.

2. Play Chillz like you've been playing him.

3. encourage Smoove to post up against the suns.

4. Shout at Diaw.. he'll regress back to how he played when he was here!

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This isn't addressed to you, DrReality, but it is a general response toward everyone who constantly criticizes Woody.

I love it how people give Woody almost NO CREDIT for certain players improving or putting them in favorable situations, but place all the blame on him when we lose or when somebody messes up.

A lot of us act like we could step on the court right now, and coach the Hawks. Even though I've played the game in high school and some in college, I don't have the credibility or the RIGHT to call a longtime coach like Woody "an idiot".

We as fans act like we have all the answers, but none of us sees what goes on in practice. So when people talk about Salim playing more, or brining a guy like Smoove off the bench, there's no way you can make that determination off of 2 regular season games.

We as fans know what the strengths and weaknesses of each player are. So don't you think that the coaches know what we know as well?

I forgot. They're all "idiots".

I guarantee that none of us on this board couldn't even begin to run an NBA-like practice, let alone, manage a dang game.

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