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Could someone explain why we didn't get B. Roy?


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I don't see how any of that helps our interior defense. The Sonics linup is so weak that that they had to go get Glynstiff to shoreup their interior.

You don't think we'd have kept him if ZaZa went down for the season and SW was on a bum ankle? You're mistaken.


Another (near) false delima BTW. One can help the team without helping the interior defense. It is possible. That makes two false delimas in one post.

False Delimas:

1)) The means to bettering this team is to improve interior defense

2) Because we need interior defense we NEED a Pf in SW.

I can improve this team without improving its interior defense. We were a 26 win team and there is much to improve on. If I choose to improve it I can improve it (better) through FAcy or trade. I can also improve it while improving elsewhere.

Why not draft Roy and sign two budget FAs like Lo, one at PF and center? It's not like you are going to get a player as good as Roy through FAcy (easily).


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1)) The means to bettering this team is to improve interior defense

That's not a false dilemma. For one it's correct, but apart from that to simply say we need to improve interior defense to get better is not a false dilemma.

First, I stated "nearly" false delima. Second, if by "the" he means "THE" as in "the only..." then...well, perhaps it's best to say its false. There are very many ways to improve this team, none of which exclude also improving it through improved interior defense.


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Our defense would have gotten WORSE had we gotten Roy. He would be DESTROYED by a quick pg. Mo Williams, Rafer Alston, and TJ Ford like players would have absolutely killed us. We would find out very quickly that Roy and JJ could not play pg and sg together. Our interior D would be reminisant of last year, and we'd probably again start 0-10.

This does not mean I don't like Roy, I think he will be a good player, but him and JJ can't share the pg duties like you all seem to suggest.

We are currently giving up 87 ppg, best in the league. We have faced 3 good opposing PF's and they have all had horrible games. Dwight Howard abused Ben Wallace, but scored 11/8 on us. I realize he was in foul trouble early, but Howard ALWAYS abuses us and didn't this year. The one nice play he had was on Zaza. BTW all three teams we've played are averaging OVER 100 ppg for the season, so take it how you want it, that's saying something.

I'd much rather have a player who gets it done w/o being in the box score (although SW is still avging a block/game in 15 minutes), then a flashy guard who puts up numbers who would have done NOTHING for our horrendous interior D.

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Roy has an achilles issue. It is not believed to be serious but he will miss a week possibly. That doesn't negate his value anymore than MW is negated due to his injury. It's all about the big picture and the big picture says Roy should have been a Hawk and we should have gotten a tougher inside presence thru the AL trade (remember the trade we gave AH away?) or free agency.

The Shelden or the defense sucks theory is cute...but entirely off the mark. But that's Hawksquak for you.

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Geez, if Roy plays as good as he has his first few games, than you have to admit it was a mistake not to draft him. I'll concede that.

Think of the other teams that passed on him, especially Toronto. They could have run with Roy, Bosh, and Villanueva. Charlotte is starting Brevin Knight. Their future looks better with Roy as opposed to Morrison imo.

If our defense remains one of the top defenses in the league, who gets credit and were people still off the mark? Just like I refused to panic after our loss to Philly, I'm not gonna panic that we missed on Roy. I agree that drafting Shelden was not drafting bpa, but he represents a commodity that sells at a premium.

Contrary to Walter's statement, the draft is the best place to get bigs. If you go on the open market you're in for sticker shock. If Shelden combines with our other forwards and Zaza well we got something at a premium for the price of a rookie contract. Wasteful in one way, but helpful in another. Now, I'm not sure how well Shelden will pan out, but I'm willing to give it some time.

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Roy is this years Dwayne Wade!! Ask yourself this question.

If you had a chance to play Dwayne Wade beside JJ would you???

Well that answers your question about should we have drafted Roy.

Brandon Roy is a flatout playmaker with excellent ball handling skills.

I have never considered Chillz a TRUE SG. He is not a SG, his game is more like a SF. He may be technically listed at the 2 but he is not a 2.

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Roy is this years Dwayne Wade!! Ask yourself this question.

If you had a chance to play Dwayne Wade beside JJ would you???

Well that answers your question about should we have drafted Roy.

Brandon Roy is a flatout playmaker with excellent ball handling skills.

I have never considered Chillz a TRUE SG. He is not a SG, his game is more like a SF. He may be technically listed at the 2 but he is not a 2.

I wonder what our resident philosophy major would have to say about your false premise!

While we're asking ourselves premature questions, let's also ask, "If you had a chance to play McHale or Bill Russell beside Smoove or Marvin would you do it?"

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From ESPN:


Status Alert: Roy (Achilles') played just 14 minutes Monday night before telling coach Nate McMillan he couldn't go any more, the Associated Press reports. (Nov 7)

I think there may have been injury concerns here, guys...

...but we'll never know.

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Of course he is not Dwayne Wade......not yet, however a lot of writers even before the draft compared his game to Dwayne Wade.

According to most predraft analyst his game and potential mostly resembles Dwayne Wade's potential and game coming out of the draft.

I made that comparison because that is the player people compared him to before the draft and so far he has more than lived up to that status.

I hate comparing players to other players because they will never be the same player (everyone is different), however if you had to compare him, most people see him as the next Dwayne Wade TYPE of player.

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Typical hawksquawk posters, now that Roy is playing great everyone wanted to get him in the draft.


I saw a lot more people wanted to get Foye and he is scoreless through first 3 games into season. Where are does people now??


Shelden and Speedy improved our D tremndously, Speedy doesn't let guards penetrate and Shelden blocks or fouls anything close to the basket and is our second best rebounder.

Roy wouldn't defend PG's better than Speedy and wouldn't play interior D and rebound better than Shelden, therefore we made a right decision.

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Get Real Dude....I am not going to sit here and explain to you what "This years Dwayne Wade" means. It is a figure of speech!!! His impact his rookie year will be Wade like...for people who can't translate a figure of speech.

And for you truly mentally challenged people......Dwayne Wade and Roy have different mothers, family, etc., therefore they can't be the same person.

People try to make things difficult just for the sake of making something difficult. You know exactly what that means!!

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Coming from a household of Muslims who hate Corn...

It would be impossible for B Roy to like Corndogs..

Therefore, instead of ruining our Lucky Corndog rule... BK committed to the first guy who said that he loves Corndogs!!

That's Shelden. Shelden has a history with Corndogs. While he was growing up in Oklahoma, Corndogs were his favorite meal. When his father was laid off in the summer of 89, Shelden's family ate Corndogs for 12 weeks straight and Shelden never had it so good. Shelden told me in secret that the only thing he likes more than a good corndog is a peanut butter and Jelly sandwhich.

Armed with this Knowledge.. BK was forced to get Shelden... Our defense is powered by Corndog Fuel! Shelden, Claxton, and Chillz are the corndog patrol...

The woman in the picture below is not some random Corndog Connoisseur. This young lady is Shelden's High School Girlfriend. Her name is Megan. If you lighten the picture and look very closely to the back right, you will see a picture of her and Shelden, eating corndogs together.

In short, the reason we didn't get B Roy is because he wouldn't provide Corndog Fuel for our defense.


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