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Espn is delaying those Cavs/Hawks highlights


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They did! They also joked about us being for real at the end. Saying they had to give the love now because we might be done by the end of November. Monster Mash said we should have been a bankable win. I know he was bankable for about 20-50 missed games a year.

Cleveland is supposed to beat Atlanta. They made the 2nd round last year and the hawks won 26 games. That's just a fact.

But I knew they would. ESPN to me has become as bad as MTV for music. Their weekday games are awful and boring. The games have become more boring since they moved to ESPN for sure.

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Check the budget for PBS, where the games are shot from,

etc. Considering all tthat, they are MUCH better than

the network guys.

Still the laughingstock of the network guys.

They talked about, not how the Hawks won, but how King

James and his team were so great and played so well

and lost in the end because the King missed a free throw.


I don't care if THEY think that Cleveland just lost the

game, as had the Bobcats in the previous one - Hawks

still get credit for a -W- on the scoresheet.

We're STILL a joke to the national media. This will

continue UNTIL Atlanta can sustin this defensive, winning

type play for an extended period of time.

Hopefully we can. Then, when we get MW back, it will be

like setting off a booster rocket to the Hawks !!!



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It is odd how we received this mantle. The Hawks were in the playoffs consistently in the 80's and 90's. Then we have a couple bad years, gut the team, and all of sudden considered to be a woeful wasteland.

I think that the Braves apathy got transferred to the Hawks by the national media. Trust me if we only put 9,000 in the Omni for all those years the Hawks would have been in Charlotte by now.

No shot at PBS but doesn't it seem that all FSN games are hazy? Even in other markets. Maybe it is my TV. I have a 55 inch projection HDTV.

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Its not just your television. There's some sort of haze or film on the cameras and it looks hazy.

Did anyone else see the Yahoo sports recap of the game? Whoever wrote it not only trashed the Hawks about five seperate times in the piece they also said the Hawks have had "decades of futility". What.the.hell? Did I sleep through the 80's and up to the last 90's?

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Its not just your television. There's some sort of haze or film on the cameras and it looks hazy.

Did anyone else see the Yahoo sports recap of the game? Whoever wrote it not only trashed the Hawks about five seperate times in the piece they also said the Hawks have had "decades of futility". What.the.hell? Did I sleep through the 80's and up to the last 90's?

I noticed that too. That's just lazy, and another reminder that sports journalists shouldn't be considered journalists by any stretch of the imagination.

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