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I do see BK and Woody borrowing from the Pistons


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I posted this earlier on the AJC blog and it got me thinking.

I did want to respond to something you said in T. (I hate my life, so I take it out on others) Moore's blog. You say we have too many SF, but it is this depth that is allowing for all out effort on defense every minute. You ask what will happen when Marvin comes back? Lets do some simple math. There are 48 minutes at each F spot. It is safe to say Smoove plays alot at the PF. Chill also plays 3-4 minutes at the 2 when JJ goes out, and last night even played 3 at the PG for a long athletic lineup to give the starters a rest. Shelden will also slide over and play 3-4 minutes at the C spot when other teams go small to give ZaZa a breather. Thats 106 total minutes for four players Shelden, Chill, Marvin, SMith. Thats 27 minutes a player. UM, hello most starters average 30-35 minutes a game. So we have our top four players in the entire time. How many games last 2 years would our bench come in and we would be in the game down 1 or 2 and then get blown out by I 15-4 run with our bench in. Now imagine other teams bench going against a fresh, Chill, Marvin, Smith, or Sheldon. Can you say match up problems. Thats 27 minutes that each play can be going all out on defense and offense where some players tank a few positions to rest up. Its this depth that allows us to run, play d, and then not worry if one guy gets in foul trouble (how many times last year if Smith or Al got in trouble did we hear Smitty say who's going ot help Joe score now), or god forbid someone get hurt. Its all about depth, we trade one of these guys and then one gets hurt ala Marvin, Matt Frieje is a starter. Think about that. Teams like Miami and Detriot are succesfull because of depth. Nobody whined about Detriot having Wallace,Wallace,Tashyun, Antonio McDyess. Gee, thats 4 forwards. How did that depth turn out for them??? Miami went out and got Haslam, Wright, Walker, Siemen, Kapono. It seems that everyone points out the Hawks glut at the F spot, but nobody points out that strategy has won several rings in the past 5 years.

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I will agree that we have depth. However, we lack diversity. I think overtime, that will be more of a problem to us.

Having 5 Sfs is a good thing if a Sf was to ever go down. However, our tallest player is 6'10". Without Speedy, we don't really have a pure PG. These are just areas that we lack diversity. All of our guys are the same mold.. About 6'7 - 6'10 (athletic, long). The only guy who's really different is Zaza.. and Zaza has made a big difference so far and I believe most of it is because he is different. For instance, if we had Swift instead of Zaza, I don't think we'd be so successful.

I like our depth, but I look forward to more diversity.. if that means we get it by player development or we get it by the acquisition of a player with diverse game.

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we have speedy/lue/bozeman at pg and jj/chill/slim/ivey can all play there as well

we could use depth at center, but we do have zaza/shelden/lo/solomon/batman there

we are fine at 2/3/4 of course

we could use better backup center (or shelden to become a legit backup center) and a future pg for when lue is gone (maybe bozeman could become that with some work?)

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That was my point. Everyone bitches about drafting all these F's, but it seems to be working for other teams. I wouldn't call Billups a typical PG with all those F's in Det. I think a team built with a lot of talent and depth at the F spots is the new NBA. I think we can win and be succesful because of this.

I do understand and can see Diesel's point that he would like some deversity, but thats where JJ,Speedy, and Salim come in. If on a given night we for some reason arent getting out of those guys we have some diversty, but i can see what you are saying.

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We need a real point guard that can pass, defend and shoot. So far Lue is doing a nice job in that role but he's better coming off the bench. This is where I think we are really missing passing on Deron Williams who fits my criteria to a "T" and that's about it for this season. Next year we will have to choose between Smoove or Chill since one (or both) will be leaving.

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We need a real point guard that can pass, defend and shoot. So far Lue is doing a nice job in that role but he's better coming off the bench. This is where I think we are really missing passing on Deron Williams who fits my criteria to a "T" and that's about it for this season. Next year we will have to choose between Smoove or Chill since one (or both) will be leaving.

No they are not..we extended them all.

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Please expound on why they would be leaving. They are extended for two more years, and we have purposely left so much room under the cap so we can resign them. We dont want a PHX and let JJ get away because we cant afford someone.

If you are thinking of trading them please read my first post on here, on why we shouldnt trade any of them. We have 4 guys that can be Top 15 at their positions playing 28 minutes a piece wearing down opposing defenses. It is this depth (notice not glut), but depth that lets us run like you want to with fresh legs, get rebs late with fresh legs (how many big boards did Chill get down the stretch last night), and most importantly play the d we are playing. You cant expect 2 guys to play 40 minutes running and gunning and tehn get back on D its just impossible. Wait, I retract that, unless your intials are JJ and liked to be called daddy.

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I will agree that we have depth. However, we lack diversity. I think overtime, that will be more of a problem to us.

Having 5 Sfs is a good thing if a Sf was to ever go down. However, our tallest player is 6'10". Without Speedy, we don't really have a pure PG. These are just areas that we lack diversity. All of our guys are the same mold.. About 6'7 - 6'10 (athletic, long). The only guy who's really different is Zaza.. and Zaza has made a big difference so far and I believe most of it is because he is different. For instance, if we had Swift instead of Zaza, I don't think we'd be so successful.

I like our depth, but I look forward to more diversity.. if that means we get it by player development or we get it by the acquisition of a player with diverse game.

How many "a pure PG" do Miami and Detroit have ? This PG thing is over-rated. players are players and players make players. Guys like JJ, Lue, Wade, Billups, and the like play and make plays.

How many championships do Nash, Kidd, Bibby and the like have,...Zero.

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the only thing that i think we need at this point is one more 3 point shooter...jj and lue hit them at a good clip but the rest CAN hit them but not as proficient....maybe frieje can do that, maybe not

other than that, i say we see how this team works together for half a season before we can see our true weakness.

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I will agree that we have depth. However, we lack diversity. I think overtime, that will be more of a problem to us.

Having 5 Sfs is a good thing if a Sf was to ever go down. However, our tallest player is 6'10". Without Speedy, we don't really have a pure PG. These are just areas that we lack diversity. All of our guys are the same mold.. About 6'7 - 6'10 (athletic, long). The only guy who's really different is Zaza.. and Zaza has made a big difference so far and I believe most of it is because he is different. For instance, if we had Swift instead of Zaza, I don't think we'd be so successful.

I like our depth, but I look forward to more diversity.. if that means we get it by player development or we get it by the acquisition of a player with diverse game.

I don't think we lack diversity at all.

Smoove can defend the 4 better than he can defend the 3 . . even though offensively, he plays like a poor man's Tim Thomas

Childress has become the master of the open mid-range jumper. People complain about his release point and him getting his shot off. But he's one of the few guys in the league who can hit wide open shots more often than not.

Marvin will be the slasher on this team that attacks the rim, more than he settles for jumpers.

Shelden is a rock on the inside that makes this team much tougher than they were a year ago.

Freije is a 3 point specialist who is offensively a Matt Bullard/Bill Laimbeer type player.

Five different players . . five different styles of play.

Our length is obviously starting to bother people when we make a concerted effort to play defense. And because the league is dominated by SF's and SG's that score the basketball, it makes us that more potent as a team . . . if we can get everything together.

We may have to add a piece, or subtract a piece to add a few pieces, but this team is definitely headed in the right direction.

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the only thing that i think we need at this point is one more 3 point shooter...jj and lue hit them at a good clip but the rest CAN hit them but not as proficient....maybe frieje can do that, maybe not

other than that, i say we see how this team works together for half a season before we can see our true weakness.

We have him...but Woody has him buried on the bench.

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That's like if you had 5 buick lesabres that were all different colors and calling them DIVERSE. It's a joke KB.

There's not much different skillwise between our pack of Sfs. The only guy who really is different is JJ.

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Diesel, cmon now lets not be silly. If you honestly think Chill and Smoove are the same. LOL. You think Shelden and Chill are the same. LOL Chill was almost 50% from 3 last year. You think Shelden can do that. Lets look at Shelden banging with Gooden last night. You think Chillz wouldnt get run over by Gooden like the French by the Germans. Cmon now just look at their builds and you tell they all have diffrent skill sets.

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So now we are back to losing Soth. According to you and most Squawkers Chill and Shelden are bust and wont make starters. The point is avg 28 minutes a game is close to starter time to put up starter numbers. We have enough room to sign them all to nice deals. Especially with JJ's being front loaded we actually get more and more cap space each year. Secondly, the rolls will probably be defind as marvin and Smith starting. Then Shelden and Chill being mixed in till they all get about equal time.

I love how you choose you basis for arguments. First are f's werent the best picks, and there were better players at Chills postion. Now in this argument they apprently are going to be monster FA that everyone will be chasing and throwing money at. Make up your mind?

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Oh boy. Are you BK here? Talk about tossing out strawmen!

The fact we could have drafted better is completely seperate from this topic. So let's don't cloud issues. Chill is a player that's good enough to start for most teams. I'm not sure I ever called him a bust but he certainly has been a disappointing use of a lottery pick. If he wasn't then we would never have brought JJ over.

But that's not here or there. Chill is good enough to start and he's going to want to start. He and Smoove are going to want to start and if they both are stuck on the bench neither one will ever get the chance to truly grow as players and put up the kind of numbers (and money) they could have. So yes, they will leave.

We will not offer them as much money as other teams will to become starters. In fact with our ownership situation it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see us do sign and tradse just to get a pick or two to get a cheap replacement for their skillsets.

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LOL . . and those same people complain that BK has done a horrible job and has taken less talented players . . . but Childress and Smoove are talented enough to command big contracts by going someplace else?

Here's a prediction . . BOTH Childress and Smoove will have 4 year deals by January 2008. The Hawks won't even let let them test the market before they lock them up.

Both could get 6 - 8 million dollar deals . . and both guys will probably take that money because no one else will offer them that much.

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My point about you saying better players is this. Since they all were drafted at the same time they all hit the market within a year or two depending on the extensions they take. So if you think Iggy, Deng, and those guys are better who are teams going to throw more money at. So using your evalution of talent you think if you are the third best option in your position you will be commanding large FA deals??????? There usually arent to many teams each year that need to fill a starting viod and using your logic these other two players will have first crack.

This is where my point was if you think that he will be lured away and start he must be equal or better then those guys. So which is it, either he is equal and then might get lured away, or is he not the best talent at that time which means we can probably resign him for a reasonable deal.

Secondly, uh news flash Smith is STARTING. He started last year too. He is a starter so how can you say he will want to be a starter? We have made him the face of the franchise almost since he is an Atl guy. He is seen as one of Atlanta fans. He wants to take THIS franchise to big things. So if we offer him a long term deal to be a Hawk which was his dream that is compareable to other offers you dont think he will stay.

So that takes care of the Joshs. Maevin and Sheldon are in subsaquent years so there are ways to structure deals to fit them all under the cap. Im just saying other teams that have won championships even two that you pointed out yesterday as your favorite gm jobs have built teams that won rings around 4 or more f's. We build around them and Joe, and you can sign or develop future draft picks at the pg and C. (I know your next argument is BK doesnt draft those guys) Maybe his foundation is set with guys he likes and now he pick for position in the next few drafts.

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