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Just imagine....


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  • Premium Member

Had we gotten Deron Williams or Chris Paul in that draft!!!

It's obvious that we can be successful without Marvin... Imagine if we had the PG likes of a Chris Paul working with JJ!!

Dayuum.. we would be headed to the finals!

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It's obvious that we can be successful without Marvin... Imagine if we had the PG likes of a Chris Paul working with JJ!!

At least you're consistent.

We'll just have to see how the team as it is built right now plays WITH Marvin...who knows Diesel, we may be even better than we are now.

The only thing that is obvious, is that we can be successful without Harrington.


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I could care less, until I read Diesels post I hadn't thought about Chris Paul since last seasons awards were handed out. I hadn't thought about Deron Williams since long before that.

After seeing these first four games and seeing what he added to that from the preseason, I'm more than happy with what we have. It's a shame some haters just can't let it go.

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I understand your point. Its now a season removed from that draft and while we may not agree with the pick I don't see the point in constantly bringing it up. Most here would have preferred Paul, I would have went with Deron. I don't post about it incessantly since I don't really see the point in crying over spilled milk unless we're specifically discussing that player or that pick.

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Had we gotten Deron Williams or Chris Paul in that draft!!!

It's obvious that we can be successful without Marvin... Imagine if we had the PG likes of a Chris Paul working with JJ!!

Dayuum.. we would be headed to the finals!

Diesel I thought you had moved beyond that "Marvin pooped in my cornflakes mentality."


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we have zaza averaging 18/7, we have joe johnson playing out of his mind, we have shelden and ren knocking people left and right, we are 3-1 and respect is just now budding for this club -- why on earth bring up deron williams or chris paul? to me it's like bringing up us taking koncak - man it is ancient history by nba standards. enjoy the guys we have for goodness sakes.

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I could care less, until I read Diesels post I hadn't thought about Chris Paul since last seasons awards were handed out. I hadn't thought about Deron Williams since long before that.

After seeing these first four games and seeing what he added to that from the preseason, I'm more than happy with what we have. It's a shame some haters just can't let it go.


if the shoe fits.........

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Just because we're in the middle of the war... it doesn't mean we were not wrong for going??

Sometimes, you have to learn to acknowledge mistakes Chillz. Otherwise, you're destined to repeat them.

I really don't care what you call me or how you call it. What I am is a person who sees the truth and tells it.

Now, you can continue on as if there was no blunder... You can continue to try to sweep the blunder under the rug.. but the best way to MOVE ON is to first ACKNOWLEDGE that the blunder was made. TO DATE... There has not been a total acknowledgement from HS or BK that there was a blunder made. It's very Rumsfeldisk around here..

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