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Anyone else pleasantly surprised about our defense


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I can't believe that we are playing such good defense so far this year, especially since we normally play a small line-up compared to the other team.

Zaza is playing better in the interior (still a bit of a liability), but we really look different on the defensive end.

What are we doing differently??? Are we just a year better? Does Shelden and Lo make that much of a difference?

Kudos to Woodson, I'm glad he focuses so much on defense.

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I can't believe that we are playing such good defense so far this year, especially since we normally play a small line-up compared to the other team.

Defense is not about height. Its standing reach and positioning. The Hawks are playing great team defense because they can defend the pick and roll as good as any team in the league.

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Not just one thing. Defense is a team thing.

Hawks are a much better defensive TEAM than before.

Game experience for our youngsters, a plus.

Quick hands - Zaza is an example. He may not overpower

all those big bodies, but, watch out! He'll pick your

pocket before you know what's happening!

Zaza's not the only one - Watch those quick defensive

moves - - AND those long arms on the Hawks!

All the new players seem to have defensive powers. Not

only the first round draft pick and the old center, but

so do the other three new guys. Speedy has played very

limited minutes so far but he can and does play pretty

good defense.

Having a defensive plan.

Working the defensive plan.

Seeing the results of this.

Growing confidence. If it works, do it again.

Cover for each other. This is a part of the overall

defensive plan. Knowing what each player is doing and going to do - - EXPERIENCE in playing together as a

team. It takes it all, added together, to accomplish

what they are doing now.

GO HAWKS !!!!!


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Not just one thing. Defense is a team thing.

Hawks are a much better defensive TEAM than before.

Game experience for our youngsters, a plus.

Quick hands - Zaza is an example. He may not overpower

all those big bodies, but, watch out! He'll pick your

pocket before you know what's happening!

Zaza's not the only one - Watch those quick defensive

moves - - AND those long arms on the Hawks!

All the new players seem to have defensive powers. Not

only the first round draft pick and the old center, but

so do the other three new guys. Speedy has played very

limited minutes so far but he can and does play pretty

good defense.

Having a defensive plan.

Working the defensive plan.

Seeing the results of this.

Growing confidence. If it works, do it again.

Cover for each other. This is a part of the overall

defensive plan. Knowing what each player is doing and going to do - - EXPERIENCE in playing together as a

team. It takes it all, added together, to accomplish

what they are doing now.

GO HAWKS !!!!!


Too many interchangeable defensive pieces and thus pick&roll not working. Penetrations not allowed. Physical inside. Mid-range jumpshooters required against Hawks but they are rare in the NBA. Insane shooters like KK of sixers needed. Seattle with Allen etc. could give Hawks trouble. Super shooting is the only way to beat the Hawks. Unless they shut down the Hawks on offense, which is a much much easier thing to do at this point.

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I will say this even though I have been one of the most vocal Woodson detractors. Defense is about coaching and Woody has those guys playing defense. Big props to Woody and his staff. If they keep it up, I will say he has improved and has improved our players. Lets see how the team is doing at the end of December...

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I will say this even though I have been one of the most vocal Woodson detractors. Defense is about coaching and Woody has those guys playing defense. Big props to Woody and his staff. If they keep it up, I will say he has improved and has improved our players. Lets see how the team is doing at the end of December...

I say I say hip hip hoo-ray.

Woody for COY. tongue.gif

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I thought the defense would slip a little with Marvin gone. But good lord. What happens with this team when Marvin comes back? We'll not only gain another guy who can defend out on the perimeter, we'll regain another scorer.

Woody made a unpopular decision by some, to play Bozeman over guys like Salim and Ivey. But Boze is doing a great job in the limited minutes he plays.

All of these guys seem to know their limitations ( with the exception of Smoove at times, but even he is getting better ), and they don't try to play above their heads.

Great team defense is a great thing to watch. Keep it up Hawks.

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The great part is its not like offense that it can fall off when a key guy gets injured or when they get cold.

The depth is so much that everyone can go all out all the time and they know that if they don't they'll sit. They are so interchangeable for their length and quickness that they can confidently switch and lose nothing.

When speedy recovers fully and gets more minutes this defense will get better.

When Marvin comes back this defense will get better.

When Sheldon and super tall PG Bojemon understands NBA speed this defense will be better.

When they'll play together a little bit they will understand each other better and this defense will get better.

As Smoove cut down on 3 pointers and penetrates more the defense will be better since it'll cut down opposition fast breaks.

Folks this defense will be there in December, in January, in February, in March, in April and dare I say in May.

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Not for reounding or blocking out or setting picks, but because of attitude.

Last year the Hawks didn't buy into Woodson's defense plan.

Mainly because they had no inside presence or leadership to make it work. Shelden didn't have to buy into Woodson's defense plan because he was already defense-first oriented. In the summer league and on into the exhibition season, I think the team saw a "force" in the middle in Williams that was lacking last year. They saw Williams attitude and seriousness about playing defense and subsequently are buying into Woodson's defense plans.

I think they are now more serious about learning and playing defense. And they are beginning to see what good things can happen when they do.

Shelden is a rookie and has and will make many mistakes. But I think his biggest impact on the team doesn't show up in the boxscores.

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Not for reounding or blocking out or setting picks, but because of attitude.

Last year the Hawks didn't buy into Woodson's defense plan.

Mainly because they had no inside presence or leadership to make it work. Shelden didn't have to buy into Woodson's defense plan because he was already defense-first oriented. In the summer league and on into the exhibition season, I think the team saw a "force" in the middle in Williams that was lacking last year. They saw Williams attitude and seriousness about playing defense and subsequently are buying into Woodson's defense plans.

I think they are now more serious about learning and playing defense. And they are beginning to see what good things can happen when they do.

Shelden is a rookie and has and will make many mistakes. But I think his biggest impact on the team doesn't show up in the boxscores.

I think you are giving a little bit too much credit to Williams. However, I think he is a big part of it. I was surprised to see in his first summer league game where he stunk it up in offense, he was directing the defense and yelling at people to be at the right place.

I think our depth year is a major issue. They know that if they are not performing they are coming out. Having defensive liability Al out of there is just as important. Just about everything came together in the defensive end, despite Marvin & Speedy's injuries. Now, if Zaza suddenly becomes a shot blocker things would be perfect. Never mind. I am content with this dream.

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our guys are great at getting around the picks...other teams may as well not even bother setting the pick with the way jj/chill/marvin/etc just slide right by without even hardly looking

I miss Exodus. I wonder what he would say on this defense. He always saw things that I didn't. Can we petition here to ask him back?

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Why is Shellhead getting any credit? He's not playing well and IMO the real big change we have made is denying perimeter penetration straight to the hoop that we gave up in droves last season.

One reason is precisely Shelden's presence in the middle. Shelden is doing things not so easily seen. Against the Knicks Shelden went on a series of 3 offensive rebounds in the first half allowing second shot opportunities. Not only his positioning assisted others to get offensive rebounds. In the forth quarter of the Knicks game, Woodson sent Shelden in the mid-quarter. Isaiah sent Malik Rose in to obviously handle the rookie (Shelden) so he will not disrupt the boards (which is what he does). Well, Shelden went toe-to-toe and won each battle. Isaiah put Rose back on the bench. Mind you Malik is not as good as he was, but he is still formibable on the boards and in the paint. Shelden is a difference and will get even better.

Sothron, I understand if you do not.

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