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i went to the mavs/hawks game, heres what i saw


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1)hawks have the potential to hang with any team in the NBA. By halftime, the hawks tied the mavs with a their scoring leader JASON TERRY.

2)while u guys want to trade Terry, i think we need 2 Jason Terrys! in the first half, he had 20 points. in the 2nd half, the mavs locked him down (focused their D on him).

Dan Dickau had some wide open looks throughout the game but couldnt hit them (for most part). If he was JT, he would have hit those wide open 3's and 2's.

3)Everyone on the Mavs can shoot outside (nothing new, rite?). They ran many picks and hit many wide open shots. The hawks played zone defense which lead to many OPEN SHOTS for the mavs.

4)Lil Bow Wow + Chris Tucker was present at the philips. I also saw Michael Vick there... imo, more fans were watching Michael Vick instead of the game. He brought 5-6 friends with him as well. I saw lotta little kids and fans try to the section he was sitting at to get his autograph... too bad it didnt work (for most part).

security were nearby and wouldnt let anyone w/o the ticket in that section come near VICK. Vick and his buddies left halfway in the 4th quarter.

5)back to JT... it seems like JT is the only player on the hawks that is playing with FIRE in his eyes. Anyone agree?

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yes yes yes yes yes...i agree...we do not need to trade jt..if we choose jt as the one to trade, i may become a sacramento or memphis fan...

if there is anyone we should trade, it would be glenn becuz he doesn't fit in the system and he is stricty a midrange shooter..

i know sar hasn't been doing well lately but i think it's because he's frustrated with the record..jt is fighting for his spot on the team(to not be traded)..

we should just trade glenn for a fighter, banger, rebounder that can shoot a little and put sar at sf..maybe get a tall pg for it also..

ALSO if you noticed on ajc.com, mark cuban says he bets atlanta still makes the playoffs..he actually bet 10 grand on it..he thinks we have the talent but not gelled yet..

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If we can't get:

Penny, Odom, Hill, Mash, Smitty (stretch), Mobley, Wesley, Toni (healthy), Kidd, Payton, Barry, Barry, Anderson, or even OLD MAN Pippen then we definitely need to look into trading Terry for a worthy SG and get rid of unwanted contracts.

I say this because it's been three yrs with Terry. He's not a PG. He's a SG. However, to play him as a SG, we need another Ball handler that's big enough or Strong enough to gaurd opposing SGs and SF.

For an example of the failings. Last night, we played the minimouse Offense with Terry and Dickau. It worked until Dallas adjusted. Dallas adjusted by getting the matchup they like... Dirk on Terry. Dirk walked by Terry three times and I knew that this theory of playing Terry, Dickau just won't work.

The other thing is this. As a PG, Dickau showed stuff that Terry hasn't quite grasped yet. Like how to use his scorers. During the second and 4th... Dickau's first pass was NEVER to big Dog. Dickau moved and rotated until either Grob was wide open or the defense left somebody else open. However, Terry comes down. Throws the ball to Glenn and Glenn shoots. That's what he does.

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This team has too many weaknesses.Trading Terry

isn't going to be enough.This is a very flawed team

with flawed players that really aren't that good.

You can point to stats all you want but somebody

has to score and somebody has to grab a few rebounds.

Even the sorry Mavs of the 90's had 20PPG scorers

so what?They still lost.The Bullets had Howard/

Webber/Cheney and Strickland that put up numbers

but they still lost besides one year.

"The other thing is this. As a PG, Dickau showed stuff that Terry hasn't quite grasped yet. Like how to use his scorers. During the second and 4th... Dickau's first pass was NEVER to big Dog. Dickau moved and rotated until either Grob was wide open or the defense left somebody else open. However, Terry comes down. Throws the ball to Glenn and Glenn shoots. That's what he does."

It's easy do stuff when you are being blownout.It's

easy to find guys once you get down by alot of points.

The only thing Dan found in the second was JT.He

did nothing to make Reef/Big Dog or anybody else

better.If Jt hadn't had a fluke period the Hawks

would have never got it close period.

That second period meant nothing.Just a fluke period

in which Dallas missed and JT was hot.The rest of the

team was ineffective on offense.

Face it,this whole team needs to be scraped or they will

look just like the Wizards in two years.Mark Cuban is a


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In reply to:

You can point to stats all you want but somebody

has to score and somebody has to grab a few rebounds.

Well how do you judge a player then Hotlanta. I mean, it's not by watching them... You claimed that JT had a fluke qtr last night and that Dickau probably won't have that many assists again... But you obviously didn't watch the game.

ANd now you say it's not by Stats?

Well what method do YOU use?

Let me guess..... Weather his team wins or not?

That would make Shaq and Kobe some sorry Jokers thus far. Elton Brand, KG too.

I tell you one thing. Being negative all the time has got to make you the life of the party.

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Teams get ahead of the Hawks...they let their

guard down and the Hawks score and bloated

their stats.

Every team has scorers and rebounders.The

difference is winning and losing.

How can you compare the Hawks to the team

that has won the title 3 years and just in case

you haven't noticed the Lakers are starting to

win while the Hawks have lost 11 of 13 games.

When a team is that bad their stats mean very

little.Somebody has to score in the game no

matter how bad the team is.I gave you examples.

I'm only giving the truth.

WoW we have 3 20PPG scorers! 12-22 record so

who really cares?What does it matter if you are

losing all the time?You allow Mohammad to take

shots all the time in losses and he will probably

get you 17PPG.So big deal.

JT/SAR have made careers out of scoring on bad

teams that their season is over by the allstar

break.What did they achieve in the grand scheme

of things?That is right,nothing.

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Well JT hasn't been fair to Atlanta.He's not the PG

he is supposed to be.He's a made for a bad team

type of player.He would come off the bench on a

good team other than Seattle and a handful of


He's a weak undersized player that can't defend

either position or do much of anything other than

chunk up shots.

JT is a 4th option on a good team as a starter or

a 6ht man for alot of teams.

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He is supposed to be a PG because he can't be a

SG on 90% of the teams.Face it,he's a bust for

a lotto pick and he will never be a sucessful player

unless he goes to some team as a role player.

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listen HOT ATLANTA, you have been criticzing my writing ever since I have posted letters on here. The only reason I write n this page is to give my number one player DAN DICKAU some support. You can check all of the past posts that I have written and they will say that I knew dickau would be good. I mean he had 10 dimes and 8 points plus 2 steals in 32 minutes off the bench. He runs the PG position as a rookie better than JT does NOW! JT is a [censored] good player, don't get me wrong, but he is not a point guard, period. Dickau is, and JT will most likey be moved this year, or next off-season. Mark my words and print it up.

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Like I said,he has to do alittle than feed Terry's

fluke period before I consider him anything.Besides

as I said,he had 10 assist in a blowout game and

there was no pressure on him or JT.They were down

by nearly 20's it makes things easier to happen.It

isn't like Dan done anything to help anybody else

do anything.IF JT hadn't been hot they probably

would have only scored 10 points that period.Why

don't these guys win games before they are given

credit for anything.Right now none of the players

deserve credit.

Everybody on the Hawks roster sucks.It will be

3 years before it is cleaned out and the team

starting over.People kill me acting like stats

in blowout games mean something.lol

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No doubt that Dickau will be a good PG. His shooting will come along. His passing is very good already (IMO). His defense is OK. The one thing that will set him apart from JT or NE Body else is his desire to play PG.

Watching the Mavs, game ,I finally saw the problem with JT at the PG.

He doesn't have the desire to play the position. When he plays the PG, he looks for somebody else to take on the roles and responsibility to run the offense. However, when Dickau plays it... It's like he gets a high from No Look passes and those Laser Passes that he makes. Also, Terry is at his best when he has no responsibilities othre than being a SG.

On thing about Moving JT is this:

Who will buy it.

Who really wants to have a 6'2 180 pound SG?

Would Miami give us Jones for JT? I doubt it.

Would Chicago give us a nice package for JT?

I don't think so.

The only team that could remotely want JT is either Seattle or LAL.. and I don't want anything that LAL is selling. Seattle has some interesting players to offer... But Mason for JT is probably not enough. Plus, Dickau is not quite ready yet.

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[censored]...a JT/Kobe backcourt would be killer. If we could actually get a big guard with handles, that is decent defensively we would be fine with JT at the 2. McGinnis would be ok...I would rather have Derek Anderson or Brent Barry. Jamal Crawford...Joe Johnson....but right now I say start DD/JT and Ira at the three and live with it..not like what we are doing now is working.

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I've been reading about Crawford...

Reports are that he's a CANCER?? It's hard to tell, but he has had shouting matches with every coach that He's had and he has skipped some practices. Is he young JR Rider?

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I've thought the main thing effecting Jt playing

PG was his desire.He DID do a pretty good job

last year when he played the position....But perhaps

then he felt he only had to play it on a temporary

basis.....You can tell he hasn't been happy this

season.He has tried to hide it,but he hasn't been

a happy camper all season.He is a lazy player

and therefore he must accept a limited role if

he can't be traded.These guys get paid enough

so they shouldnt be lazy on top of that.

I really don't see JT's value around the league

as a SG.He isn't worth Desmond Mason....He's

got the value of Allan Houston.

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