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We really need Marvin back


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gsuteke, "I like to call people bobbleheads, I like to call people bobbleheads. Did I mention I like to call people bobbleheads?"

You are as predicatable and hypocritical a those you intend to jab. We get it. You like to call people "bobbleheads". Next.


Sorry, I see no sarcasm or irony here. There would have been, had you not written the second paragraph and there might have been if you wouldn't have really meant what you wrote in it. But like you stated yourself your meaning was to criticise.

If you would have wrote something like:

"I admire your imagination to come up with fresh expressions like calling people "bobbleheads" instead of repeating yourself" - that would have been sarcasm.


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Sorry, I see no sarcasm or irony here. There would have been, had you not written the second paragraph and there might have been if you wouldn't have really meant what you wrote in it. But like you stated yourself your meaning was to criticise.

If you would have wrote something like:

"I admire your imagination to come up with fresh expressions like calling people "bobbleheads" instead of repeating yourself" - that would have been sarcasm.

I believe the repetitive nature of gsuteke's "criticisms of criticisms" are well known and documented. The irony is inherent. GSUteke repetitively using "bobblehead" to express what he finds to be repetitive. I don't have to highlight it any more. The sarcasm is in using his own language to describe him. I will admit I prefer your example. I find it a better example of sarcasm, but not qualitatively different. Thank you.


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Sorry, I see no sarcasm or irony here. There would have been, had you not written the second paragraph and there might have been if you wouldn't have really meant what you wrote in it. But like you stated yourself your meaning was to criticise.

If you would have wrote something like:

"I admire your imagination to come up with fresh expressions like calling people "bobbleheads" instead of repeating yourself" - that would have been sarcasm.

I believe the repetitive nature of gsuteke's "criticisms of criticisms" are well known and documented. The irony is inherent. GSUteke repetitively using "bobblehead" to express what he finds to be repetitive. I don't have to highlight it any more. The sarcasm is in using his own language to describe him. I will admit I prefer your example. I find it a better example of sarcasm, but not qualitatively different. Thank you.


you know Walt the best defense is a good offense, however in this case you seem to being doing a much better job than I could ever hope to do in refuting your own credibility grin.gif

back to Atlanta Hawks basketball......

if one is predisposed to making the Paul/Marvin argument said individual surely cannot refrain from recognizing this same "logic" if you will can be applied to a Smith/Nelson debate!

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if one is predisposed to making the Paul/Marvin argument said individual surely cannot refrain from recognizing this same "logic" if you will can be applied to a Smith/Nelson debate!

You got us all, BK has made mistakes with every draft pick. Mind you, drafting MW when we had two starting to star caliber Sf prospects over our choice of the best franchise Pg class in a decade was huge choosing hometown hero Josh Smith over a good albeit not great Pg prospect could have gone either way.

Interestingly, NOBODY in their right ming would remember Nelson's name had BK drafted a frachise Pg the next year. Indeed, early decisions can be made smarter, more clear by following decisions, but the ability to do that decreases over time with less capitol to make change. Not drafting Nelson (or anyone, say player X, for that matter) was more than correctable the following year by drafting a much better Pg prospect amongst the best crop in a decade, but BK chose not to even do that. Similarly JS's and Childress' and Diaw's selections look worse WHEN & ONLY WHEN you use your next and greatest draft capitol to draft yet another 6'8" Sf. Worse still when you draft another 6'7" player at Pf with a #5 pick, reducing JS's potential long-term role.

JS was a very good 17th pick selection. Any second guessing regarding him is minor (vs. major) and overlooks the multiple following decisions and ommissions by BK that alone highlight BK drafting the best Sf and not drafting the best Pg that year. In short, I'd rather have Paul/JS than MW/Nelson, but regardless, BK continues to get it wrong.


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if one is predisposed to making the Paul/Marvin argument said individual surely cannot refrain from recognizing this same "logic" if you will can be applied to a Smith/Nelson debate!

You got us all, BK has made mistakes with every draft pick. Mind you, drafting MW when we had two starting to star caliber Sf prospects over our choice of the best franchise Pg class in a decade was huge choosing hometown hero Josh Smith over a good albeit not great Pg prospect could have gone either way.

Interestingly, NOBODY in their right ming would remember Nelson's name had BK drafted a frachise Pg the next year. Indeed, early decisions can be made smarter, more clear by following decisions, but the ability to do that decreases over time with less capitol to make change. Not drafting Nelson (or anyone, say player X, for that matter) was more than correctable the following year by drafting a much better Pg prospect amongst the best crop in a decade, but BK chose not to even do that. Similarly JS's and Childress' and Diaw's selections look worse WHEN & ONLY WHEN you use your next and greatest draft capitol to draft yet another 6'8" Sf. Worse still when you draft another 6'7" player at Pf with a #5 pick, reducing JS's potential long-term role.

JS was a very good 17th pick selection. Any second guessing regarding him is minor (vs. major) and overlooks the multiple following decisions and ommissions by BK that alone highlight BK drafting the best Sf and not drafting the best Pg that year. In short, I'd rather have Paul/JS than MW/Nelson, but regardless, BK continues to get it wrong.


I'm happy with Josh Smith.

once again you don't get the point of the post Walt. have AHF explain it to you tongue.gif

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

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if one is predisposed to making the Paul/Marvin argument said individual surely cannot refrain from recognizing this same "logic" if you will can be applied to a Smith/Nelson debate!

You got us all, BK has made mistakes with every draft pick. Mind you, drafting MW when we had two starting to star caliber Sf prospects over our choice of the best franchise Pg class in a decade was huge choosing hometown hero Josh Smith over a good albeit not great Pg prospect could have gone either way.

Interestingly, NOBODY in their right ming would remember Nelson's name had BK drafted a frachise Pg the next year. Indeed, early decisions can be made smarter, more clear by following decisions, but the ability to do that decreases over time with less capitol to make change. Not drafting Nelson (or anyone, say player X, for that matter) was more than correctable the following year by drafting a much better Pg prospect amongst the best crop in a decade, but BK chose not to even do that. Similarly JS's and Childress' and Diaw's selections look worse WHEN & ONLY WHEN you use your next and greatest draft capitol to draft yet another 6'8" Sf. Worse still when you draft another 6'7" player at Pf with a #5 pick, reducing JS's potential long-term role.

JS was a very good 17th pick selection. Any second guessing regarding him is minor (vs. major) and overlooks the multiple following decisions and ommissions by BK that alone highlight BK drafting the best Sf and not drafting the best Pg that year. In short, I'd rather have Paul/JS than MW/Nelson, but regardless, BK continues to get it wrong.


I'm happy with Josh Smith.

once again you don't get the point of the post Walt. have AHF explain it to you tongue.gif

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

I'm happy with JS and whatever applies to selecting JS instead of Nelson applies 1000000000000000000000000000 times more to selecting MW over Paul or Deron. It isn't about what applies to both, it's about to what (monumental) extent it applies.


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bonethugz, there's always a pretty toxic vibe around here, i guess that goes with the territory of following a bottom feeder trying to claw to the top, but it bothers me as well and its a big reason why I don't post here as much as I'd like to

this board has more agendas and negative vibes than congress

Great point and great post! Perfect reply that should be used in every "we should have done this because I am right statement"!

This thread was suppose to be about Marvin and it just turns out to be another aurgument. Do any of you wonder why a lot of posters just drop by every now and then. It is not because we are not Hawks fans. It is because we just get tired of reading the same cartoon. The only ones who give rats behind about whose right and who is wrong about this draft pick or that draft pick can be counted on two hands.

And you all know who you are too. It's so funny that some of you think your aurguments are actually going to do something. Think about it, the same aurguments for two years and Deron, Paul, MWill, Smoove, Chillz, Diaw, Jameer, and Sheldon are still in the exact same place; just as you guys are. Nothings changed; but somehow you believe you are accomplishing something. Funny as heck, just like watching a cartoon...

Good job!

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