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Vote for BK's biggest draft mistake

Guest Walter

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In light of Monta Ellis' 2nd 30+ point game in a row I felt this vote might be closer than even I thought.

I chose SW over Roy because it and the way it occured was the least defensible IMHO. I believe all have been mistakes to some degree but this one stands out. Monta Ellis may quickly make us forget all the other mistakes.


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In light of Monta Ellis' 2nd 30+ point game in a row I felt this vote might be closer than even I thought.

I chose SW over Roy because it and the way it occured was the least defensible IMHO. I believe all have been mistakes to some degree but this one stands out. Monta Ellis may quickly make us forget all the other mistakes.


I spend a fair amount of time in Vegas. If I ever play roulette, and a number other than the one I've chosen comes up, I don't consider it a mistake. This is analogous to the Monta Ellis situation.

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I don't have enough time to assess these (or the Sene pick for that matter). I want to see where someone is at least 3 years into their career before considering judging picks.

If I had to pick now, I would lean towards the Marvin pick but I don't think that will necessarily be a "significant" mistake in the long run if Marvin develops into a star. It is tough to assess guys like Shelden and Roy (think Chillz this far into his rookie season); I don't think the Chillz and Smoove picks were significant mistakes; and I don't think the Salim pick was a significant mistake (even though a second round pick will rarely be the best player available at that draft slot and it appears Ellis may be that best guy available in the second round).

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In light of Monta Ellis' 2nd 30+ point game in a row I felt this vote might be closer than even I thought.

I chose SW over Roy because it and the way it occured was the least defensible IMHO. I believe all have been mistakes to some degree but this one stands out. Monta Ellis may quickly make us forget all the other mistakes.


I spend a fair amount of time in Vegas. If I ever play roulette, and a number other than the one I've chosen comes up, I don't consider it a mistake. This is analogous to the Monta Ellis situation.

Very good analogy. I do consider it a significant success if a second round pick pans out, but because of the low odds I don't consider a second rounder who is surpassed by someone else in the second round as being a significant mistake.

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Hind sight being 20/20, I would have to say Salim over Monta Ellis.. he is flat out balling right now..

If we are playing that game, how about his decision in the 2001 draft to pick Shane Battier with the 6th pick over Gilbert Arenas, taken with the 31st. That must have been a very significant mistake because look how good Gilbert is now.

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I chose Marvin, even though I'm glad we have him. In my mind that was a tactical error, as we should have come away from that draft with a solid point guard. I think taking Felton/Paul/Deron at #2 would have been a stretch (in hindsight it wouldn't have been, but at the time it was clearly a two horse race for #1) but the fact remains that we needed a PG in a bad way, and there were a ton of them available, we had the #2 pick and tradeable assets to make something work.

I look at that draft as a mistake, but not a fatal mistake. I think Marvin will be a great Hawk and we'll be proud to have him on the team, but we missed opportunities throughout that draft to get great young talent at the PG position.

All in all I like his draft record.

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Hind sight being 20/20, I would have to say Salim over Monta Ellis.. he is flat out balling right now..

If we are playing that game, how about his decision in the 2001 draft to pick Shane Battier with the 6th pick over Gilbert Arenas, taken with the 31st. That must have been a very significant mistake because look how good Gilbert is now.

...nor were they similarly rated predraft.

A more similar comparison would be Milsap and SW in terms of similar position and it may be that Milsap turns out to be the better basketball player, but not even they weren't THAT similarly rated (although NOBODY had SW near where BK did and alot of GM's, Denver's included as they traded their 2nd rd pick away after Milsap was taken, indicating they thought they could get a "bargin" in Milsap).

It's clear, if we were thinking anything about small guard, Monta owns Salim and at that point in the draft there wasn't a Battier to even consider. Had their been a 6'8" player with any talent there undoubtedly BK would have drafted him.

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...in which I would have drafted Sene over Roy. Roy has always been my first choice. I sighted Sene to indicated that I-F interior defense, particularly interior defense that didn't bench JS or MW, was our GM's goal (and they did not want to address it in FAcy...why I don't know) then Sene was the ONLY individual with NBA game changing potential as an interior defender. Looking at SW "NBA-ready" measly BPG stats I don't feel at all threatened by this. I've always believed Sene could be traded down for as well. SW's pathetic offense is no suprise and doesn't help his case over anyone.

All that being said, I'd still have drafted Roy over any of the remaining players (by far) and have always asserted that.

gsuteke, how'd you like the election? Polls change, tides change fast and the culture of forgiveness that people have for BK's GMing job will change soon enough when GS-like mediocrity AT BEST stares them in the face.


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Numbers on a wheel and evaluating human talent are two totally different topics. It is not only not a good analogy...its simply misguided. If the draft was all chance then every GM would be the same. Some evaluate talent better than others. Paul Milsap is better right now than Shelden Williams. Right now. Will he be better than Shelden in the end? Don't know.

But we drafted Solomon over him as well. That isn't like random numbers on a wheel. That is a GM who knows talent making a smart decision.

Funny how some get tripped up on this analogy stuff. They buy in to a totally false premise and then write about how "on target" it is. grin.gif

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Numbers on a wheel and evaluating human talent are two totally different topics. It is not only not a good analogy...its simply misguided. If the draft was all chance then every GM would be the same. Some evaluate talent better than others. Paul Milsap is better right now than Shelden Williams. Right now. Will he be better than Shelden in the end? Don't know.

But we drafted Solomon over him as well. That isn't like random numbers on a wheel. That is a GM who knows talent making a smart decision.

Funny how some get tripped up on this analogy stuff. They buy in to a totally false premise and then write about how "on target" it is.

Who was it? George Bush senior? Was asked the question about the price of a a gallon of milk and went dumb. Totally out of the loop. BK can't be that clueless as he is not that removed from his role as Bush was from the common man, but the value of our picks has been terribly, consistently misused by BK. I con't stress this fact enough. It may take years of mediocrity for the majority to come to this agreement and I hope that it doesn't have to in order to get rid of BK, but...

Anyhow, we could start a .500 win team with the players BK has passed on. At Pg Paul/Monta Ellis, Sg Roy or Iggy, Sf Diaw or Deng, Pf Milsap, and C Pryzbilla. There a few other names one could add to the list but there isn't a position well-filled.


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that the reason Milsap "fell" was his listed height. SW should have fallen given his short height and terrible overhead reach but he actually rose so much on BK's board we didn't even tryout over half the talent. SW's could have been picked up later, traded down for, and if missed Milsap sought out. Instead, we just layed down for SW. Just poor GMing.


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Sene sucks people!!! Why is his name even being considered here. He already got sent down to the NBDL by Seattle and they only have one healthy center for gods sake. That speaks volumes on how awfully raw this guy is offensively and his game overall. He clearly sucks! That was a horrible pick by Seattle taking him that early at 10. Way worse than us taking SW at the #5. At least the Landlord knows how to play defense and rebound. Sene can't even do that. His offense will come around if they would start giving him the ball for once. He has nice low post moves and jumper which he has already displayed. I'm just sick of Walter talking about this bum Sene. Give it up already dude!

And Chill is no worse than Deng/Iggy! How do you say they are? Based on what? Chill has been dominating so far this year as a 6th man and these other clowns are playing starters minutes putting up similar stats. So quit saying they are better. You make no sense! Chill plays better defense than both of them and that is a fact.

Pryzbilla sucks man! The guy has been hurt all year and is very limited offensively. Zaza is 100 times better than Pryzbilla for petes sake. Its not even comparable. That is not a bad move on BK's part not signing him to that big contract he got considering he went out and got a 22yr. old center for 16mil over 4yrs in Zaza. What are you talking about?

The only mistake I could see BK making drafting wise was maybe taking Marvin over one of the many PG in that draft. But even at this point I truly believe Marvin is going to be a star in this league and you can't go wrong picking him at #2.

Saying BK messed up picking Salim over Monta is ridiculous. Especially considering every single analyst said Salim was a steal in the second round and Monta's name wasn't even mentioned. What about all the other friggin teams that passed on Monta Walter? I love how you say it was BK's fault and a total blunder for not picking Monta when every other NBA team didn't either. What a joke? Salim is still a very good player and lights out shooter. He will only get better . Still a good pick for BK because Salim is a nice asset to trade or keep either way you look at it.

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I spend a fair amount of time in Vegas. If I ever play roulette, and a number other than the one I've chosen comes up, I don't consider it a mistake. This is analogous to the Monta Ellis situation.

...that BK is no better at scouting than a random number generator? Regardless, take the possible numbers and divide them by 5 (as both Salim and Monta are guards) and consider that BK was reportedly considering Monta, he still chose Salim. That means that out of 6 players (30 in the 2nd rd/5) he considered only two viable and 100% picked the wrong one.


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but the value of our picks has been terribly, consistently misused by BK. I con't stress this fact enough.

You most certainly can!!!!!!!!!

If all your posts and threads relate to the same general point, I would say that you have stressed your point enough. How many more posts will it take?

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but the value of our picks has been terribly, consistently misused by BK. I con't stress this fact enough.

You most certainly can!!!!!!!!!

If all your posts and threads relate to the same general point, I would say that you have stressed your point enough. How many more posts will it take?

Walter's posts are a joke with no merit whatsoever and I can't believe he is calling himself a Hawks fan. Unreal!

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I spend a fair amount of time in Vegas. If I ever play roulette, and a number other than the one I've chosen comes up, I don't consider it a mistake. This is analogous to the Monta Ellis situation.

...that BK is no better at scouting than a random number generator? Regardless, take the possible numbers and divide them by 5 (as both Salim and Monta are guards) and consider that BK was reportedly considering Monta, he still chose Salim. That means that out of 6 players (30 in the 2nd rd/5) he considered only two viable and 100% picked the wrong one.


Your assumption that I am not implying that is correct. My point is that second-round picks are crapshoots. (AHF got it.) Getting one that even makes the team is a successful pick!

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