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Doesn't Shelden play for the Hawks?

I think so


Why are we heckling him? In our house no less...

Cause there is people on here that wanted to pick somebody else in the draft. That's perfectly fine, but this is not fine!

For example Walter:

He wastes his time and makes a thread about Roy scoring 20 points and Sene blocking 2 shots in a game just so he can prove that he is right.

When Shelden gets 20 and 13 in Nba game than he won't say anything.

I can't believe that, so basicly he is here just so he can prove something about him self and doesn't really care how Shelden does.

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I have a nickname for most Hawks players, especially if they don't have one. When Crawford was here I was yelling Crawdaddy, with Lo Wright its was (and is again) Lo Down and I love to yell "Go down low with Low Down!" when he's on offense.

Shelden needed a good nickname and Shellhead works on at least two levels. I had to explain to Wright what the hell Lo Down came from and Crawford just laughed at the Crawdaddy nickname because of how obvious it was. If Shelden needs explaining of what Shellhead means I'll be happy to inform him. Its not negative.

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I have a nickname for most Hawks players, especially if they don't have one. When Crawford was here I was yelling Crawdaddy, with Lo Wright its was (and is again) Lo Down and I love to yell "Go down low with Low Down!" when he's on offense.

Shelden needed a good nickname and Shellhead works on at least two levels. I had to explain to Wright what the hell Lo Down came from and Crawford just laughed at the Crawdaddy nickname because of how obvious it was. If Shelden needs explaining of what Shellhead means I'll be happy to inform him. Its not negative.

Your explanations Are lame. It is not flattering. He calls himself as others "The Landlord".


Even in the Marvel comics, Shellhead is a derogatory dig insinuating Iron Man was dim-witted.

You just don't get it do you ?

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If Shelden needs explaining of what Shellhead means I'll be happy to inform him. Its not negative.

It doesn't matter if you think it is negative or not, it is the perception of other people. Are you going to explain to everyone you see what Shellhead means? Even if you explain it to Shelden, I seriously doubt he would ever want you to keep saying it because of what other people will think.

I had my fun of making fun of Shelden for the month after we drafted him. It is time to move along, he is a Hawk so now he is the Landlord to me.

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No, Shellhead is an affectionate nickname for Iron Man just as "Webhead" is the affectionate nickname for Spidey. Excuse me, Spider Man. I don't want to you to be even more offended.

I believe I have the right to dub players whatever nickname I choose to give them. tongue.gif I am not responsible for why other people would call him that or use other nicknames that make fun of his physical looks. I am a huge fan of Iron Man comics and Shellhead just works for him. No one cares that I call Wright Lo Down, why care about Shellhead? Its just as silly a nickname as most nicknames usually are.

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Tell that to Michael Vick.

And no . . a fan does NOT have the right to say what he wants to say to a player, just because he paid some money to see him play. If the situation was reversed, that fan would cry like a baby and would try to sue the player .. . talking about "emotional distress". Fans should act like fans . . not idiots.

LOL . . some of you guys act like NBA players or pro athletes in general, are robots that don't have any feelings. The "Shellhead" nik is a moot point anyway, because none of you would have the guts to call Shelden "shellhead" to his face anyway.

It's funny that MW24 brings up a thread illustrating that Shelden is the #3 rookie on nba.com . . . but people immeadiately resorted to making jokes about Shelden, instead of giving him props on what he's done in the past 5 games or so.

LOL . . just think what will happen, if Marvin becomes the clear cut SF on this team, pushing Josh Smith out of the mix as a starter. This board would be in full Marvin hate mode.

I, for one, give Shelden his props. And he's doing all of this playing limited minutes. If the guy was getting starters minutes, he may very well be averaging 10 - 12 rebounds a game right now.

But he's doing exactly what he should be doing for this team right now. He's rebounding on the offensive and defensive ends of the court. He's holding his own defensively by not letting his man get a bunch of easy shots. And he's even showing the ability to knock down the 15 - 18 foot jumper on occasion. He started horribly, but he's now even shooting 50% FG and 80% FT.

So much for him being a bust.

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And he's even showing the ability to knock down the 15 - 18 foot jumper on occasion.

Actually he is making 43% of his jumpers. For comparison purposes Smith is making 27% and Childress 30%.

I noticed last year that Shelden had a good jumper but he rarely got a chance to use it at Duke. As he gets more time/confidence i think we will find that he can be a very effective scorer.

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When I've had chances to talk to Lorenzen Wright and Crawford at the games or at fan meets before the games I called them by my pet nicks to their faces and they both had no problems with it. If I get a chance to talk to Shellhead I will have no qualms callilng him that to his face. Its not an insult. What is he going to do, beat me up at the game? lol please.

And I'm sorry but the "Landlord" is a horrible nickname. He should thank me for giving him a much better and affectionate nickname. No one likes a Landlord but everyone loves a Shellhead! cool.gif

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When I've had chances to talk to Lorenzen Wright and Crawford at the games or at fan meets before the games I called them by my pet nicks to their faces and they both had no problems with it. If I get a chance to talk to Shellhead I will have no qualms callilng him that to his face. Its not an insult. What is he going to do, beat me up at the game? lol please.

And I'm sorry but the "Landlord" is a horrible nickname. He should thank me for giving him a much better and affectionate nickname. No one likes a Landlord but everyone loves a Shellhead!

In light of his forehead, I think "Shellhead" would be the most easily misunderstood nickname in the NBA. Just around the Squawk there have probably been 3-4 posters who use that same nickname derisively.

It is a bit like calling an albino cyclist "ghost rider" in reference to the comic book character. Very likely to be misconstrued.

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When I've had chances to talk to Lorenzen Wright and Crawford at the games or at fan meets before the games I called them by my pet nicks to their faces and they both had no problems with it. If I get a chance to talk to Shellhead I will have no qualms callilng him that to his face. Its not an insult. What is he going to do, beat me up at the game? lol please.

And I'm sorry but the "Landlord" is a horrible nickname. He should thank me for giving him a much better and affectionate nickname. No one likes a Landlord but everyone loves a Shellhead!

In light of his forehead, I think "Shellhead" would be the most easily misunderstood nickname in the NBA. Just around the Squawk there have probably been 3-4 posters who use that same nickname derisively.

It is a bit like calling an albino cyclist "ghost rider" in reference to the comic book character. Very likely to be misconstrued.

Hahah!! Albino cyclist.. amazing analogy!

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It's funny that MW24 brings up a thread illustrating that Shelden is the #3 rookie on nba.com . . . but people immeadiately resorted to making jokes about Shelden, instead of giving him props on what he's done in the past 5 games or so.

Yeah, this is ridicoulus. Only Graymule responded and everybody else is making fun of his picture.

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I am absolutely glad that I was wrong (so far) about Shelden. Giddy, even. I despise Duke and really was very skeptical of the pick, but I have to say that it seems to be working out very well. I love when I am wrong in a good way! Go Shelden!

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I didn't want him, but I felt he would be a good safe pick. I have despised him for 4 years, but also felt for him because K never let him be anything more than JJ's table scraps guy, and he seemed to be a decent dude. He didn't have as much of the dookieness that most dookies have.

He's becoming one of my favorite players. He's no-nonsene, he's tough, he's smart, he's dependable. He's what a PF used to be and what a PF is SUPPOSED to be. He will almost ALWAYS help your team more than he'll hurt it.

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