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Game really got away from us, but we didnt fold


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so we have to be able to take a major positive from that, especially against a Bobcats team that has done this to us before. I was very impressed with Smoove tonight. He played within himself for the most part and had some HUGE defensive plays. This is the type of game that he can play and be a major contributor to our team. TLue and JJ were again our best players, but we also FINALLY got to see Speedy change the tempo of the game for us. Also, major props to Solomon for playing such tremendous D again tonight and bringing the energy like he did. Feels good to get a W tonight and I am now excited about the Cavs game coming up.

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The only problem I had with Smoove tonight was that he started forcing shots in the 4th...Why do that?

He had played pretty much a perfect game in my eyes up until that point.

I suppose Woody gave him a real talking to and it basically worked (until he made a few bad decisions late). My guess is that Josh will always be a high maintenance player. That's OK if the coach is willing/smart enough to keep it up and basically counsel him almost daily. The rewards can be great with Josh but he probably needs game-to-game reinforcement so he doesn't backslide into old habits.

Normally a SF is a guy with excellent handles and a good inside/outside shot - who is a combo type player. A "Silk Wilkes" type for us old-schoolers. Josh isn't like that at all and it hampers our offense to a degree. But he does bring mega-athleticism and can be a game changer. With JJ being what he is we can live with that if JS just stays under control and governs himself on the court. We lose some offensive continuity but we gain the things that he can do best...which are something(s) few other humans can do.

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The 4th quarter spoke volumes about us.

We are a 2 man team. When I looked up... I saw Zaza, JSmoove, and Salim all uneffective. We had a 24 point lead for God sakes.

My Hawks fandom was on the line. I drew the line in the sand last night... If we would have lost it... I couldn't follow this team any longer.

We won, but we barely won. I think right now, Lue should be our player of the week candidate. The guy hits big shots!!! I don't know why Woody has such a quick pull on Shelden. I don't know why Smoove stays on the floor... Smoove was a mess. He was so indecisive... His confidence is taking huge blows. Like I have said before, Smoove and Chillz needs to be in a chair taking 400-500 shots a day. For Smoove, it should be a rolling chair... His Shooting off the dribble is horrid!

It was a win for the Hawks... BUt i was disapppointed!

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Smoove stays on the floor because he is a differnce maker. I guess you didnt see those key rebounds and key blocks he had in the 4th quarter only the bad. He had some questionable calls against him too like that charging call. I rather him driving then shooting in the 4th it didnt go in oh well. He made some great plays in the 4th like not shooting the jumper faking kicking it to Joe Johnson. Seems like people just cant be happy with a win have to find anything to complain about.

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When Orlando had us down big, we made a run, EVERYONE makes a run in the NBA. We won by 9, that's not barely. They got the game close and we were able to pull away again. It's a microcosm of the entire NBA. You can't be disappointed by that!

Josh had a good overall game. HE defended well, blocked shots, rebounded and made some good passes.

Relax man relax!

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I thought Smoove got robbed on some of those offensive foul calls last night, especially the one late in the 4th. He never gets the benefit on any of his drives into the lane. I thought his D was very clutch in the 4th with a key block late. Everyone played pretty well (though I am starting to believe that Speedy is nothing more than a good backup point guard...Felton about near broke Speedy's ankles with a great crossover in the first half). Big win that we needed going into a tougher portion of the schedule.

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I know you may believe that winning is the only thing, however, It's not just that you win, but it's that you play like winners.

Charlotte is the worst team in the league. So this whole notion that everybody makes run is ridiculous... How many top teams would let Charlotte come back from 24 points down and be down by only 3. That's a 21 point turn around.

I know you say " well, PHO allowed HOU to come back".. Hell, Houston is a much more competitive team than Charlotte. Not just Charlotte, but Charlotte with Gerald Wallace hurt.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that we won. However, I'm not putting too much into this win. This win was like cabbage. Sure, I like it, glad to have it, but if I'm in my favorite resturant, I want more than just cabbage. This Hawks team have to get to the point where they are giving us more than just cabbage against the worst teams.

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even still, a lot of top teams do it all the time. You see it nearly every night. The better team focuses and they get the other team down big, they relax a little, the team comes back, but then they regain their focus and put them away. It happens every night and that's what we did. It's not like we're San Antonio and we barely escaped a loss to the Raptors.

How is Charlotte coming back against us any different than us coming back against Orlando? I like the fact that, under pressure, we executed and hit our shots to get a win. I'd much rather have that, than a blowout where guys like Josh Smith think that the score makes it ok to start chucking up meaningless shots.

Despite what you and others think may think, this team isn't so good that they should be expected to impose their will on teams for 48 minutes. We'd be a few games over .500 if that were the case.

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This Hawks team have to get to the point where they are giving us more than just cabbage against the worst teams.

You do agree that this team might possible be a little bit better with a healthy Speedy, Marvin & Childress right? If you do, why complain about their replacements not playing like champions? Please help me with this concept. I see it a lot on this board. I think that every win we get with those players on the shelf is all good.

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C'mon, we're 6-7, second place in our division, with two of our best players in street clothes. We won the game, who cares if we blew a lead to a bad team? We won, that's all that matters. Bottom line, it's a "W" and with 82 games, that's what important.

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We have one play - the high screen from ZaZa who hands the ball off to Joe Johnson. ZaZa cannot shoot, so why have him 15 feet from the rim. (Honestly that is why I though Murphy would be such a good choice for Atlanta in the summer - that is why Gasul would be ideal here in now.) Joe was doubled all 4th quarter so we had no other option. What exactly does Woody do during a timeout? I don't want to hate after a win but I told myself the the same thing - if we lose this game after being up 24 my fandom will be in seriuos jeopardy.

The one positive I thought of in my dispair was the relief we will have with Marvin and CHildress coming back. We will hopefully never have to see Salim or Bozeman log minutes when it counts again.

Right now, our offense is just like Philly's, one man running around creating his ownshot while four other players watch. I can't wait until Marvin comes back - at least there will be a second option who can attack the rim.

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