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Hawks near .500; SWilliams making positive impact


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Walter, it's all a matter of perception. Fairly or unfairly, you've earned your reputation as a wet blanket during this season of surprising (to many, at least) success.

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Why does it seem like the media is gushing over Josh McRoberts at Duke when he's putting up 11 and 7 a game, talking about how he is a white Chris Webber, while Tyler Hansbrough is putting up right around 19 and 9 for the second season yet is being considered only a middling prospect by some?

I've seen nothing from McRoberts that makes me believe he is better or has more potential than Hansbrough. I've just never been that impressed with McRoberts, while Hansbrough may be the player I like watching the most in college.

BTW, have you seen any games that Tyler's brother Ben Hansbrough has played in at Mississippi State. Ben got his first start on Saturday, and he scored 23 points on 6 of 7 shooting while dishing out 8 assists. He plays the same hardnosed defense that Tyler players. The only difference is that Ben is a 6'4" combo guard that will eventually be MSU's point guard, kicking Jamont Gordon over to his more natural shooting guard position.

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You don't come around here to be a Hawks fan anymore, if you were one to begin with. Every post you make is the same as the last.

I'm tired of this character assasination. Accusing people who don't like the GM of not being fans because they don't think like or express like 'wait and see' you. Shame on you!

I don't believe that BK is a good GM. I have facts to back up my position. His history without a winning season, his joke of a coaching selection history, his ridiculous selection of MW over Paul and Deron in the best Pg draft in 10 years, his ridiculous selection of SW over the much more talented Roy when we didn't have a need at Pf and there were equally talented Pfs in the 2nd rd, all but nothing for Harrington, among other decisions suggest this.

It's not like I haven't explored the other side. I've posted several headings including one citing the "10 things BK has done right" and asked for those who believe either way, that BK is or isn't a good GM, to cite the things they respectively don't like or do like about BK. If this isn't open minded I don't know what is. I can recall at least one pro-BK poster who insisted that "BK has not made one mistake as GM". I found 10 things that BK did well. Hmmm? Who's close-minded here?

I don't have to 'wait and see' to know we're going in the wrong direction. I don't have to 'wait and see' to know that I don't want the same GM taking us in the wrong direction to make future decisions about our direction. I don't have to 'wait and see' to know how much better and more needed Paul (18/9)and Deron (17/9) are right now, how SW will remain a role player (even KB didn't until BK selected him), and how the talent on this team is poorly distributed. I don't have to 'wait and see' to know that this past offseason was the one with the best combination of draft, cap space, and trade capitol and flexibility and we didn't remake the team.

Chillz, get off your high horse. You've got alotta nerve questioning my team allegiance. I had my patriotism questioned several years back when I applied the precautionary principle to invasion of Iraq. Guess who the majority agrees with now. I can't say for certain that the majority will agree with me about BK's ideology and incompetence (meaning I can't say I'm right), but I can say I believe his ideology is wrong, he has been often incompetent, and I'm right about these two things. I know you are not claiming "mission accomplished" when it comes to the Hawks' rebuilding effort like some. That is a valuable position to have stated. but I too have a valuable position, one that should be stated. and I'm stating it to your 'wait and see' ire. BK never was the GM to finish the job of rebuilding. We ALL know that. Unfortunately, he's demonstrated he wasn't the GM to have in the middle of rebuilding, making errors regarding scouting, NOT SCOUTING, simple drafting mistakes he shouldn't and that along with others have compromised our rebuilding effort.


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If that's correct then Woodson has to play him more, period. If he can end up being a 13/11 player instead of a 8/5 guy in 30 minutes...wait a minute, he's there already. I'll admit that I was wrong on the SW pick and he's been better than I thought he would be. He and Solomon needs more time on the floor so Zaza won't get worn down like he was last year when there was...well...who were the other big guys on the roster last year?

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and what you do is make the same posts, day after day after day.

I look at every thread here. I see people talking about what we did in a game, how we won, how we lost and I never see you taking part in any of those discussions. Everything you post is "This team is going nowhere", "All of Billy's moves are designed for mediocrity". I see "fans" taking part in what this team is trying to do, whether they agree with it or not, but not you. Nope, from you it's the same thing day after day.

Fans don't have to agree with everything the team does. I certainly do not, but you act like this is a business and you're losing something on it because it's not done the way you think it should be done. I've seen nothing from you in years to suggest that you enjoy being a fan of this team because all you do is complain about the same things.

So don't try to drag a branch behind you to cover the footprints you've been stomping around in for two years now. You can get all in a tizzy because I question your fandom when it's hard to not question it. You spend more time trolling the same posts, making the same responses and baiting new people into the same discussions, it's impossible not to question it.

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I'm not sure. Tyler's getting a ton of the NPOY type hype, but none of the NBA draft hype. I'm used to seeing the best of UNC players go early, and love to watch them in the pros, so while part of me would like to see Hansbrough stay forever, I also want to see him have a great pro career and get the things he deserves.

I think the reason McBob gets the NBA hype is that physically he fits the mold a bit better. he's a hair taller, and he's perceived to be a better athlete. Its minor (in the grand scheme of things) accomplishments like winning the McD's dunk contest as a white power forward. Though Hansbrough can finish a 360 in warmups and scrimmages, he doesn't play flashy. But people remember things like dunk contests. They see that and automtically people believe McBob is a better athlete. Tyler has narrow shoulders, he almost looks like a T-rex. But the kid is strong and plays stronger than he is. Does his shoulder width matter if he uses his body better than someone with a broad frame?

McBob supposedly has better skills with the ball and shooting, more "polished", but Tyler's touch is awesome from all over the court. Its just that he makes a soft touch look ugly the way he gets enough room to put it up. He hits 9 foot baby hook, and you don't know if its luck, or skill. Well, when he does it agin, it becomes more clear. He looks like he's forcing it, but he gets it done. He leads fast breaks and never loses the ball, he has great ball handling skills, but looks goofy doing it.

Tyler doesn't seem to really have specific post moves, he looks like he's just reacting to what's available. All instinct.

I think Tyler is a great PF prospect. I've never seen a kid play with such emotion and intensity, yet somehow keep his emotions in check. He ONLY uses it for him, and it rarely plays againt him. I can't think of any otehr guy that I can say that about. Usualy there's a trade off of teh good for the bad. He doesn't get T's, he doesn't fight with other players, he doesn't let a string of misses or uncalled fouls get him down.

I think McBob is a great talent, but I have serious doubts about K's use of big men. Shelden had to pick up trash. Michael Thompson was all-world, never got on the floor, trasferred. Shavlik could have been a lottery pick out of HS, K destroys his confidence, has him put on a ton of weight to play center, and the kid leaves early to go undrafted. Other guys have transferred as well, and while he recruits the evry best, he uses a thin lineup. I think K is an incredible coach, but he's abandoned the big man game. Their post coach is Wojo for crying out loud!!!

Anyway, Hans is the real deal. You want a guy to pick to play on your team and battle with you every night, how could you go wrong with that guy? He's the most disciplined, most "professional" kid I've ever seen in college. Some team will be very lucky to have him.

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McBob -

Fr 24.5 mpg, 8.7 ppg, 5.3 rpg, 1.5 apg, 1.3 bpg, 1.1 spg

So 32.6 mpg, 11.3 ppg, 6.8 rpg, 4.0 apg, 2.4 bpg, .5 spg

Webber -

Fr 32 mpg, 15.5 ppg, 10.0 rpg, 2.2 apg, 2.5 bpg, 1.6 spg

So 32 mpg, 19.2 ppg, 10.1 rpg, 2.5 apg, 2.5 bpg, 1.4 spg

The white Webber? Yeah, right.

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I think McRoberts is one of those guys who is weaker than he looks. Usually when a guy doesn't produce there is a reason.

When I played pickup games in college sometimes i would get matched up against the starting pg at U of Md at the time, Greg Nared (he has been Tiger's Nike rep for years). He may be a little taller than me but overall was about the same size.

One time i was playing D on him and put my arm into his chest to box out for a rebound and almost lost my balance. Imagine leaning into a curtain. I was shocked at how weak he was.

Talking to one of the lacross players afterwards (those guys are strong) he told me they lifted with the bball team sometimes and Greg was so weak he couldn't believe it.

I suspect the same may be true with Josh.

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This is funny. Shelden is one of the top 3 or 4 rookies in the entire league right now, and there are still people belly aching saying that he wasn't worth the 5th pick.

I mean come on KB. You are a farce. You vicerally HATED the mere notion of SW as a Hawk's draft pick until it was certain BK would do it. In fact, you might have been the biggest SW detractor prior to BK's "promise". Where did your integrity go?

SW's was the most NBA-ready player in the draft. No doubt there. Over the next three years many MORE players will catch and pass him, including many drafted after 5. Strawman is your specialty, however, KB. That and contradicting yourself because you are enamored with BK.


Walter, we have enough YOUNG TALENT WITH POTENTIAL (marvin, josh, solomon, bozeman). It was about time we drafted a player that didnt need all that time to develop. Could there be more talent we could have drafted that 5 years down the line might be better than Shelden? Sure. But we were trying to shore up a weakness NOW or have one that can atleast help shore it up within a year.

You would rather have drafted someone that wouldnt be helping us now? But instead get someone that MAY be a bit better but have to wait for him to develop. Therfore, currently our team not being as good and fans bitching and complaining about our management not bringing us a winning team? setting up the management for complaints.

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This is funny. Shelden is one of the top 3 or 4 rookies in the entire league right now, and there are still people belly aching saying that he wasn't worth the 5th pick.

I mean come on KB. You are a farce. You vicerally HATED the mere notion of SW as a Hawk's draft pick until it was certain BK would do it. In fact, you might have been the biggest SW detractor prior to BK's "promise". Where did your integrity go?

SW's was the most NBA-ready player in the draft. No doubt there. Over the next three years many MORE players will catch and pass him, including many drafted after 5. Strawman is your specialty, however, KB. That and contradicting yourself because you are enamored with BK.


There's nothing wrong with changing your opinion on a player after you see you were wrong. Perhaps you should try it.

Integrity?? Being able to admit you were wrong (whether or not he openly admitted it) shows far more intergrity than sticking with a decision soley because it was yours even though you were wrong (Sheldon being better than any draft pick YOU mentioned or anyone selected ahead of him PROVES you were wrong). That's not integrity. That's stupidity.

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it took Coach K a while to run plays for Sheldon as well

Coach K never ran plays for Shelden. He actually ran less when SW was a senior than when he was younger. K became more and more dependent and obsessed with Redick all the time, and that's why the program fizzled out each season of their 4 years. JJ and Shelden we're a part of one of Dook's most hyped freshman classes, and they left without a championship...thank goodness.

Had Shelden been the center piece of K's last two teams, I think they would have won at least one title.

But I digress...K sucks.

Stated like a true Queerolina fan.

Blue Devils!!!!

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I say we put you, AHF and thesheedera in the cage and and let you decide the old fashioned way which shade of blue is true.

We can let the numbers speak for themselves:

Most wins: Kentucky

Highest winning percentage: Kentucky

Most conference titles: Kentucky

Most National Championships: Kentucky

Highest Attendance at Games: Kentucky

In fact, UK has as many championships as UNC and Duke combined.

At least UNC is a championship program outside of the Dean Smith era - Duke is pretty much Coach K and an occassional final four. UK has championships under four different coaches.

All are outstanding programs and Tubby Smith isn't doing much for UK right now, but the numbers sure don't lie! laugh.gif

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At least UNC is a championship program outside of the Dean Smith era - Duke is pretty much Coach K and the refs. UK has championships under four different coaches.


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LOL I have never really gotten into the whole college rivalry thing, maybe because the U of Md teams sucked when I was there. But I have always gotten a laugh out of it.

For amusement i would go downtown to a sports bar during the SEC championship football game (or the national championship game, anything big) and get a kick out of the teams fans dressed in their school colors dogging each other.

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