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Josh Smith Injury update from AJC.com


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No it's not DH....it is absolutely a failing of management. WTF - we have had draft picks out the ---- becuase we have sucked (record-wise) and all we have in the clutch is Freije? C'mon man - it's phookin ridiculous.

You are just trying to aggravate people right? You are not serious I hope.

Serious?...did you see Matt last night?

I came from a military family and my Dad always told me the quote from Robert E. Lee..."ametuers think about tactics - professionals think about logistics"

We obviously have screwed up as far as logistics - meaning having reasonable backups. shocked.gif

O.K. I'll play. Do you really why freije was in the game? We had 3 forwards out due to injury and Lo Wright had to move to center because Zaza had 5 fouls. So that is 4 Forwards out of the mix. That leaves Freije, Shelden, and Solomon Jones. Woody chose Freije but to say it was a lack of depth is screwy. We can suit up to 8 guys that can play forward. that is our strongest position. Just yesterday, poster were trying to figure out how to get our top forwards minutes but yet you claim its a position that lacks depth. Interesting

We are on different wavelengths - my comment was about planning for a possible disaster (injury-wise) - not about in game strategy (which I also thought sucked - but that's for a different thread).

Anybody who doesn't plan for contingencies takes the chance of looking like "W" after Katrina...."Great job Woody - LOL". smirk.gif

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Actually I bet BK was very tempted to draft Rudy Gay, coulda used him last nite..lol. I thought Frieje was a better shooter than he's shown this year. I think he's been given a chance to prove that he's not so I agree, I bet he's gone when we get back to strength. I can absolutely see no reason why Woody didnt pull him when he saw what was happening. Doubt it cost us the game since I doubt we would have won with such a depleted roster, but geez Woody sucks sometimes.

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I would have taken Milsap in the 2nd round - and taken other guys early (previous years) but that's water under the bridge.

SW and Milsap would be GOLD.

So you would have had Milsap, Shelden, Smith, Marvin, & Childress as your forwards. So how would you divide up their 96 minutes?

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I could understand why some people disagreed with my adamant stance that Millsap was the best player for us in round 2. I could understand it back then. They hadn't seen him play. They hadn't heard his name. They didn't think much of La Tech. They saw Dee Brown play in the championship game so they knew him (and disregarded his dismal shooting)

However, anybody suggesting that we shouldn't have taken Millsap NOW with the benefit of hindsight is just fooling himself. Millsap put up another great game tonight. 16 pts, 10 rebs in like 20 mins.

While it's true you can have too many SF's, the same isn't true for rebounding PF's. They are just too valuable. Even if you can't get minutes for all of them, you can certainly trade one if that ever happens to be a problem. It's not as easy to get fair value for a SF. Almost every team has a decent one.

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