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Why are we running at all HighLight Factory MY azz


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This team got off to a 4-1 record and we running teams off the court. This team is one of the most atheltic teams in the NBA with alot of High Flyers and quick players. Joe Johnson even said when we are running we are at our best. A guy like Josh Smith in the right run and gun system could score 6-8 Points alone by either dunking on people or going to the line. For the type of players we have on this team we arent running the ball at all and its hurting us. We can get ez baskets for us and it helps ez the scoring the load on Joe Johnson. When Marvin Williamns is back if this team is still not running the ball. Woodsons needs to be canned you have to PLAY too your teams strengths. Josh Smith is one of the best atheltes in the league and we are getting him in positions to score. I remeber the 1st 2 years in the league the Hawks had an Ally Oop play they ran in the half court offense which worked great. We have yet to see it once this year. We have to do what we are good at with guys Like Joe, Chill, Marvin and Smoove we can our opponents off the court. So much for the HighLight Factory it looks more like the Lowlight Factory to me.

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You can't run if you can't get defensive rebounds first of all.

Secondly when you have a guy who gets the rebound and tries to lead the break himself rather than get the ball to a guard that just short circuits the break and leads to turnovers, like last nights long pass from Smith back to Rashard Lewis (who didn't bother to get back on D) for a layup.

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I agree exodus! Smoove ALWAYS tries to lead the fast break everytime he gets a defensive rebound. He can't dribble worth a crap and always turns it over when he does this. I don't understand why Woodson doesn't tell him to give the ball up to a PG who can actually handle the damn ball on the fast break. He does this every single game too and obviously he isn't listening to Woodson or Woodson is a horrible coach for not telling him what to do.

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Hes not always turning it over sometimes he makes good passes, sometimes he gets fouled goes to the line, sometimes he finishes like vs Seatlle at home when he dunked tomahawk style and sometimes he turns it over. I agree his handles isnt good enuff to do it everytime but someone needs to do it. When Lue runs the break hes looking to shoot himself not pass. The best guy that we have that run the break for us is playing SG right now. We need a passing PG in the worst way.

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Smoove has rarely made the right pass or move on the fast break. I don't know what games you have been watching but 95% of the time Smoove blows the fast break with either a horrible turnover because he can't dribble or a missed layup which I've seen him do several times this year already.

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Smoove has rarely made the right pass or move on the fast break. I don't know what games you have been watching but 95% of the time Smoove blows the fast break with either a horrible turnover because he can't dribble or a missed layup which I've seen him do several times this year already.

We need to bring in Paul Westhead as the Atlanta Hawks Outlet Pass Coach.

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It's funny how some people are blindly loyal to their favorite players. For every 2 good things that Smoove does, he does 3 bad things. And unfortunately for the Hawks, those 3 bad things usually rear its ugly head at the worst times.

And I have to agree with the rest of the group. I literally start yelling in the arena or at the TV, when Smoove tries to lead the break by himself, and dang near loses the ball every time. As a former PG, that irritates the hell out of me.

But I also blame Lue and/or Speedy for that too.

PGs are literally taught from youth league to go get the ball once a big man rebounds it, not fill the lane and let the big man make the ball handling decision. The PGs responsiblity is to be the main ball handler and decision maker on the court. At the very least, Smoove should be looking to get the ball to JJ, because JJ will give it back to him for an easy dunk.

I know Woody has made a point in the past for our guys to quickly get the ball down the court, no matter who handles the ball. But it's safe to say that Smoove should NEVER be the one starting the fast break. His first move should be to find where Speedy or Lue is, and immeadiately get them the ball . . . then . . . fill the wing himself.

So if we do have a "Lowlight Factory", Smoove is partially himself to blame for it.

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...And I have to agree with the rest of the group. I literally start yelling in the arena or at the TV, when Smoove tries to lead the break by himself, and dang near loses the ball every time. As a former PG, that irritates the hell out of me....

Not saying I agree with all of the JS criticism - I don't...but I have to admit that I sort enjoy watching when once or twice a game JSmoove takes off dribbling the length of the court. You can't help but watch...kinda like a less violent version of "Greatest Sports Disasters".

I kind of grade him on a curve as far as ballhandling - like last night I only gave him a C- on the play where he threw the ball to the other team's guy for a dunk because he had successfully dribbled a few times before the backwards pass.

And every now and then he actually drives the length of the court and dunks the ball! cool.gif - it's like one of those NFL plays where the nose-tackle picks up a fumble and goes the length of the field for a touchdown.

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It is like watching a car that you know is going to crash. You just can't take your eyes off it.

I like Smoove a lot. He's real good at some things and bad at others. I just can't understand why he is not prohibited from dribbling down court. He should be yanked from the game every time he does. I understand most small forwards are good ball handlers but he's not. So what.

And most of the plays we run have him out at the 3 point line. He should be on the basline or around the lane. Chill does this.

I still think Smoove can post up. If he catches the ball on the block he can face up and jump way to high for his guy to block a 3-5 footer.

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Every night, I expect to see a dribbling misadventure by Smoove and every night I get one... The best part is when he falls... I think in one game, he just fell on his own... In my mind, I said "OK, that will teach him. He'll just wait for the PG next time." But Next time came and guess what... He fell again.. or he throws to the ghost man like he did last night...

In all his unsmoove misadventures.. It's obvious he wants to win. This would be good if he feel under his coaches offense... but then again, how much offense is Woody coaching? After Last night, you have to wonder?

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I agree there is no such thing as fast break without a defensive rebound. But when we do give up a score, I wish we would push the ball like the Phoenix Suns to respond on the other end of the floor.

With all the athletes we have on the floor, we negate their athleticism when we just slowly bring the ball up the court and only look for jump shots.

Perhaps when we get the star of the Highlight Factory back (the first guy you see on that clip), we will run more.

When we run, we usually win. ESPECIALLY, when we come out strong.

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... but then again, how much offense is Woody coaching? After Last night, you have to wonder?

Yeah, I'm beginning to wonder about that myself. Maybe Woody is one of those "as long as we work hard on defense - the offense will take care of itself" type coaches. Wouldn't surprise me with his Piston's past. That may work on a veteran team - but our youngsters are probably wondering where they should stand on offense while TL dribbles down the shot clock.

To be fair -we run some pick and rolls for JJ - but nothing very involved. I almost never see us swing the ball around from one wing - to the point - to the other wing - then into the post like some other "ball movement" teams do.

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I think Woody has told them that whoever gets the rebound should take a few dribbles and initiate the break. Smoove is a good outlet passer, I just dont think we really have any players who naturally try to break to throw the ball to. It's gonna have to be coached into them but it appears first Woody is trying to Coach defense and basic offense.

Getting Marvin back and Speedy playing more will get us breaking more. I really look forward to seeing Solo getting a chance to run.

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I think Woody has told them that whoever gets the rebound should take a few dribbles and initiate the break. Smoove is a good outlet passer, I just dont think we really have any players who naturally try to break to throw the ball to. It's gonna have to be coached into them but it appears first Woody is trying to Coach defense and basic offense.

Getting Marvin back and Speedy playing more will get us breaking more. I really look forward to seeing Solo getting a chance to run.

And the more dribbling Smoove does on the fast breaks, the better ball handler he will become. There is nothing to improve you ball handling like practice while you're in a game.

He works on his handles and it will be easier for him to drive to the basket when people kick it out to him.

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