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I think Marvin coming back will help Smoove


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in a big way. Marvin is more suited to play the 3 with his great handles and shot. When he comes back I anticipate Smoove moving down to the 4 quite a bit which should get him the hell off of the 3 pt line and make him move without the ball and get him in a position to rebound and get putbacks with his quickness and hops.

I really can't wait to see us line up Shelden at the 5 with Smoove at the 4 and Marvin at the 3. Its not a big frontcourt, but its a very athletic frontcourt. We couldn't play it consistently unless we made a committed effort to running the ball up and down the court like the Suns do.

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How bout a line up for about 6 minutes of:


Chill - SG

Marvin - SF

Smoove - PF

Shell - C

I know Shell will give up a few inches but everywhere else would be huge mismatches, and a huge rebounding advantage.

I would love to see that.

and fortunately i think we'll get to see that quite a few times.

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Considering that one the Hawk's biggest problems of this young season is getting timely defensive rebounds, that could be a good lineup late in games--especially when they grind to half court sets.

But I think Marvin being out has helped Smoove's development. I believe that he is learning how to play within himself and letting the game come to him. 15pts, 4 blks, 5 asts, 11 rebs and a couple of threes at a high percentage is a great all around game. I believe that Josh is learning to become a force on the court without having to take so many shots.

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...I really can't wait to see us line up Shelden at the 5 with Smoove at the 4 and Marvin at the 3...

I really don't think that would be as odd as many would think.

Shelden could realistically handle the 5 easier than the 4 - as a rookie - it would leave Zaza out though.

Shelden would have no problem going against taller centers in this league due to his strength - actually it would be better for him as far as fouls if the PFs and SFs challenge shots. There isn't a center in the Eastern conference that Shelden couldn't play with (except Shaq healthy).

but we can't leave Zaza out - he's too good to be left out.

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This is definitely right. The lineup you presented, with Shelden at the 5, is very youthful and athletic, but you're going to miss Zaza's post scoring presence early in games.

The lineup will undoubtedly call for Smith to be a 4. His help defense and swatability is going to be needed in the paint, meaning he'll have to defend his opponent on the block to get off of him quick enough to use his athleticism to get those swats. Marvin doesn't have the ups Smith does (duh), and he's athletic enough to stick to his man on the perimeter.

Upon Marvin's return (or shortly thereafter as he works himself into shape), expect a starting lineup of:






With Childress, Shelden, Lue on the bench, Woodson will have the kind of flexibility he's wished to have. Think Pistons during their Championship year, where they could bring Okur and James and Hunter off the bench. I'm not saying that the Hawks are at that caliber, but with two guards and a big man coming in, you have your possibilities.

The comparisons can obviously continue and the similarities of these teams is really easy to see - these Hawks are turning into a poor man's Detroit from a few years back. Speedy is no Chauncey, but he's got that ability and JJ is easily a better scorer than Rip. Prince and Chill both have those lanky arms and Chill does have a ceiling as far as a defender. Shell is no Ben Wallace, but an undersized banger who prides himself on his d? Check .. only thing left is for Marvin to play the outside/inside role Sheed did.

If you watched Marvin at RMR, you know he can do it. Combined with Smith, he definitely can make it happen.

Okur and Pachulia are similar in their offensive styles and defensive liability ..

Again, I stress that all this is a poor man's version, but I hope you guys can see that Woodson and Knight hoped to build the team in the same ilk as those Pistons. What Woodson has is very much so what the Pistons had.

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Great post.

A lineup of:






seems like it could really give opponents fits. On the defensive end, we could switch constantly, and there'd be so many long arms on the court to shut off passing lanes.

Offensively, it might be a good way to keep Johnson in the game while taking the pressure off of him to score.He could use those 10 or so minutes a night in that lineup to just run the offense and distribute the ball, almost like getting a rest while still playing.

God, you think about our bench scoring potential, and it's just fantastic. Lue, Salim, and Chillz make a great bench trio. Then you have the bench D of Sheldon and Chillz. Woodson could have a lot of fun with a healthy Hawks team, rotating frequently and keeping everyone fresh. Could be a big difference maker late in the season.

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