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Why in the world do you think Iverson would fit ?


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LeBron has a pretty mediocre cast in Cleveland and they are winning and will continue to win. They have Eric Snow at PG for crying out loud. Some Superstars make their teams better and some worse. Take D-Wade off the Heat right now, especially without Shaq, and you have the worst team in all of the NBA. Chuckers like AI and Michael Redd don't make their teammates better. Case closed. Philly isn't just losing with their "superstar"...they flat SUCK. AI cannot defer to anyone. No thanks.

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whether we think it's a good deal or not there is a .000000001% chance that Billy Knight would even consider it IMO.

his MO is very clear. draft young talent that can play multiple positions on the court and stockpile it.

AI is short and he plays 1 position. BK wouldn't consider this deal for a nanosecond unless he completely changes his philosophy overnight.

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Not to mention that when this came up last year, our management was interested, brought it to BK and he shot it down. It's not happenning.

Teams with big aspirations aren't afraid to make big moves. Miami wasn't afraid to break up their young nucleus in Wade, Odom and Butler, in order to bring in Shaq...who was also old and had past problems with team chemistry. Worked out for them didn't it?

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May be its because they are open and AI is double teamed?

So then i guess if we looked at the rosters of Miami, Cleveland and Denver the teams would all be shooting better than Wade, Lebron and Melo.

May be, their supporting cast is so much better that teams are afraid to leave them open and double LeBron etc.

This increases LeBron's percentage and lowers the supporting casts shooting percentage. You know, all superstars hate it when they have no help.

Can the Sixers supporting cast have better shooting percentage than Cavs? Possibly. They are open more although may be worse players.

Can the Cavs supporting cast have better shooting percentage than Sixers although they are open less? Possibly. They are better players in better system.

The point is, AI may have lower shooting percentage just because he is in a terrible team. He will really enjoy it when JJ/MW/Chillz will make it very hard to double him.

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Shaq had led a team to the NBA title 3 of the 5 years before Miami traded for him. AI is on pace to MISS THE PLAYOFFS THE EAST for the 3rd time in 4 years. There is absolutely no comparison. Again, the 6ers trading for CWebb is a much closer comparison. Worked out for them didn't it?

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Shaq had led a team to the NBA title 3 of the 5 years before Miami traded for him. AI is on pace to MISS THE PLAYOFFS THE EAST for the 3rd time in 4 years. There is absolutely no comparison. Again, the 6ers trading for CWebb is a much closer comparison. Worked out for them didn't it?

Lets not bring Shaq here and muddy the water. If we could get Shaq over AI we would do it in a heartbeat(other things constant and no injury)

AI would take us over the top. Immediately.

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Can the Sixers supporting cast have better shooting percentage than Cavs? Possibly. They are open more although may be worse players.

The Cavs last year didn't have any swingmen who were better than Iggy (Hughes was hurt). And they didn't have a shooter as good as Korver.

Daly is a way better shooter than our boy Zaza, even from midrange. He makes over 50% of his jumpers compared to 37% for Zaza and is shooting 57% this year.

Webber has always been a 20/10 player. the Cavs don't have anyone who has been a 20/10 player.

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There is a reason why BK tried to get Shaq and he is not interested in AI. And I agree with him.

If we had never seen anything of AI but the past 3-4 years, we would be talking about him in the similar way than we talk about Marbury (minus the attitude). A phenomenal individual talent who doesn't know how to translate it into many wins. Beacuse that's what he's become.

And even if you look at his career, he's won 45 games 3 times. Made the playoffs 6 of 10 times. In the east, that's not exactly impressive for a supposed superstar. Again, a guy like Shaq only missed the playoffs once I believe. AI is a guy who for the most part of his career puts up insane stats, tries his hardest, but doesn't really know how to make teammates better or win many games. Because he is only effective with the ball in hand, which doesn't help anyone else.

Currently 5-12

2005-06 38-44

2004-05 43-39

2003-04 33-49

2002-03 48-34

2001-02 43-39

2000-01 56-26

1999-00 49-33

1998-99 28-22

1997-98 31-51

1996-97 22-60

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You've put your finger on the problem with AI but I am not sure you realize it.

The only team success AI has ever had was when he was surrounded by a group of defensive role players who didn't look to shoot much. Does that look like the Hawks roster to you?

If you see my past posts on Iverson here and on RealGM, you'll see that spelled out in great detail. The problem with Iverson is that he would have to change his game to fit in with the Hawks and who can count on that? It would be a huge gamble.

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May be, their supporting cast is so much better that teams are afraid to leave them open and double LeBron etc.

LOL so Eric Snow and Ira Newble are good shooters?

I am not sure what point your are trying to prove by bringing in Ira Newble? Ira has played 4 minutes this season. You are underestimating LeBron's supporting cast if Ira is what is in your mind.

Snow is shooting .484. His carrer average is .428.

There are many other better players in that team.

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The problem with Iverson is that he would have to change his game to fit in with the Hawks and who can count on that?

And in doing so you'd be diminishing his #1 weapon that makes him a supposed superstar (1 on 1 scoring). I don't think it's a good plan to bring a star over with the thought that it will only work out if he cuts down on the only thing he's good at. It's just not the right fit at all to me.

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I don't think it's a good plan to bring a star over with the thought that it will only work out if he cuts down on the only thing he's good at. It's just not the right fit at all to me.

Hey, it worked with Steve Francis in Orlando and New York, didn't it? grin.gif

Alright. This was fun while it lasted, but I agree that Iverson is not a good fit. Everyone has to admit that it's worth the time to consider, though.

***I'm still waiting on Exodus to tell me which defensive center target with the Hawks' FA money this summer.*** tongue.gif

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Can the Sixers supporting cast have better shooting percentage than Cavs? Possibly. They are open more although may be worse players.

The Cavs last year didn't have any swingmen who were better than Iggy (Hughes was hurt). And they didn't have a shooter as good as Korver.

Daly is a way better shooter than our boy Zaza, even from midrange. He makes over 50% of his jumpers compared to 37% for Zaza and is shooting 57% this year.

Webber has always been a 20/10 player. the Cavs don't have anyone who has been a 20/10 player.

Daly can be better than you boy Zaza, but he is no Ilgauskus.

Hobbling Webber who was in a new team last year + young Korver+Iggy last year were not in the same league with Hughes(36 games), Murray(28 games), Gooden, old Marshal, Jones, young Varejao.

Cavs supporting cast > Sixers suppoeting cast

LeBron > AI.

Lets go back to the original point. You didn't like that AI has lower shooting percentage than his teammates. In my previous posts I stated how its possible that a superstar can have lower percentage than his teammates even though the superstar may not suck. A lot of superstars get traded and start playing much better, you know.

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