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Don't Worry


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Don't Worry everybody last nights game was the result of a team that just wouldn't miss a shot (lakers). they were hot and when they got hot, i said "well some games are not meant to be won, and this is one of them". they hit everything it didn't matter where they shot from, it went in. so don't worry, we got marvin back, speedys getting healthy, now we just gotta wait on chillz. if we can hover somewhere near .500 we can make a run at the playoffs. go hawks

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Agreed. Some games you just can't miss. Other times,

nothing will go in. Such is life in the N.B.A.

Watched until half time - Had to be up @5 A.M. to go to

work, so I missed the second half.

Got one more on the road, come home for one against a

western team, then hit the road again.

Let's just get the next one!!


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