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For all of those who wanted Paul instead of Marvin


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Here are some facts from this season so far!

New Orlean scores 91.6 points per game which is 29th in the league

New Orleans shoots 43% from the field which is 29th in the league.

New Orleans averages 16.8 assist per game which is 30th in the league

Now I bet that you guys thought that a great point guard would improve your scoring efficiency but having a passing point guard may not be what you need. As soon as West and Peja when out, the Hornets have won 1 out of the last 6 games. So taking Marvin in the 2005 draft may not be the biggest bone headed move this decade because the above stats may indicate that the most efficient way of scoring is to have efficient scorers and ball movement as oppose to having one guy dicating scoring and assist.

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This is just a poor argument. Other than Paul, who on the Hornets can pass the ball? Who can create their own shot? That alone explains the low ppg and fg%. They will never be a great offensive team with that lineup. They will probably never even be a playoff team with that lineup.

To even suggest that Paul wouldn't tremendously help our team more than Marvin (at least right NOW) is rediculous.

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Chris Pauls #s in sophmore season

18 points 4.4 Rebounds 9 Assists 2.1 Steals

He would more then double the assist output we have right now and would the 2nd scorer on this team and lead them in steals.

These are Jason Kidd type numbers in his sophmore. I will take a young Jason Kidd over Marvin as this point any day all day.

Derons #s in his sophmore Season

17 Points 3.4 Rebounds 9.1 Assits 1.2

Same as above just look what he has done for the Utah Jazz. This guy is a big reason that the Jazz have the best record in the NBA. Hes one of the best point guards in the nba.

You can agure that the Hawks passed up on 2 Of the Top 5 Point guards in the NBA last year. I dont care what kind of talent soemone is suppose to have until he shows anything close to what these guys have done there will be tons of cristism. We passed on great players that would have made this team way better then we are right now and thats what hurts.

You can bring out all the stats you want until you turn blue in the face. The fact still remains until Marvin becomes the type of player Chris Paul and Deron Williams have become it will be a bad pick. You can both say they are allstar players in there 2nd years in the NBA. Its not fair for Marvin but its always gonna be there until he shows allstar talent every year. The fact that the Hawks had a whole the size of Mars at point guard and we passed on quite few good ones that IMO would have gave the Hawks the best young back court in the NBA for the next 10 years to go along with High Flyers like the Joshes is what is frustrating alot of people. The question of what could have been has alot of people doubtin this pick including myself. To say that not taking Chris Paul or Deron Williams at this point wouldnt have made us a even better team is ridculous. These guys make the players around them better which would have happend here we need a floor general/leader right now. Marvin has alot to live up and I hope he does it because if he doesnt then it becomes even more of a mistake. If Billy Knight drafts another Forward he should be fired on the sport. PG and Centers is all we need.

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Deron Williams is the MVP of the season so far. He not only does everything Paul does on offense he is about 9123902183082 times better on defense. It was a huge mistake passing on Deron Williams. I don't care about Paul. Never did. He can't defend his man and the Hornets record and points allowed shows it. Just watch their games and you can see how much he struggles on defense. Unlike Deron who has a perfect NBA point guard body.

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This is just a poor argument. Other than Paul, who on the Hornets can pass the ball? Who can create their own shot? That alone explains the low ppg and fg%.

Peja Stojakovic, David West, Jannero Pargo, Bobby Jackson, and the rest of the guys are the athletes that most point guards want. Chandler, Bobby Simmons, Armstrong, Butler, and Mason.

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Chris Pauls #s in sophmore season

18 points 4.4 Rebounds 9 Assists 2.1 Steals

Derons #s in his sophmore Season

17 Points 3.4 Rebounds 9.1 Assits 1.2

You can bring out all the stats you want until you turn blue in the face.

So if you bring up stats its O.K. but if I bring up stats, they are to be discounted. Interesting confused.gif

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Chris Pauls #s in sophmore season

18 points 4.4 Rebounds 9 Assists 2.1 Steals

Derons #s in his sophmore Season

17 Points 3.4 Rebounds 9.1 Assits 1.2

You can bring out all the stats you want until you turn blue in the face.

So if you bring up stats its O.K. but if I bring up stats, they are to be discounted. Interesting confused.gif

Your stats on based on team play you do realize that the Hornets are missing half there team. Bring up the Jazz team stats I bet they are much different. You are talking about Pauls play over Marvin so why not bring up his numbers instead of the teams. You can not sit here with a serious and say it wasnt a mistake right now as is.

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Your stats on based on team play you do realize that the Hornets are missing half there team. Bring up the Jazz team stats I bet they are much different. You are talking about Pauls play over Marvin so why not bring up his numbers instead of the teams.

Because we all know that this is a team sport and that individual stats doesn't necessarily translate to team success just ask Philadelphia

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Thats fine but you do realize that you are bringing out those stats with Chris Paul missing 2 of his 5 starters right? Peja and David West are 17+ scorers for that team. He's doing a heck of a job for what hes got around him. You are saying its a TEAM GAME right other guys have to do there jobs too you cant look at him being the reason those numbers are better because its a team game right? If guys are making shots and passing the ball of course those numbers will be down. You agruement really makes no sense because thats based on the team production not induviual. Everyone has to do there part and everyone as playing better they would have a better record then 9-10. Chris Paul is a great player and will be in Las Vegas this year but hes not superman. I hate talking about this really we could have sent 2 allstar to LV this year oh could have beem. =(

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Thats fine but you do realize that you are bringing out those stats with Chris Paul missing 2 of his 5 starters right? Peja and David West are 17+ scorers for that team.

Sounds familiar. Haven't the Hawks been without 2 starters and then some for the entire season. Peja & West have only missed the last 5-6 games. The stats that I quoted are for the season.

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You are trying to bring down Chris Paul Value to his team because he is missing two starters ok. I dont know how you single handely blame those team stats of New Orleands on Chris Paul as you said its a team game and Paul is by far there best player. He avgs 9 Assits a game and the rest of team 7 thats just bad team play if you ask me. Now what does this have to do with him being a better pick then Marvin I do not know. Maybe it helps you feel better about taking Marvin but in the end the stats are there Paul is an allstar and Marvin is no where near that right now.

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Not to say that this argument isn't a bit absurd, but I love the defense of Paul because he's missing two starters who can create their own shot, when everyone is fine tearing Speedy to shreds when he's missing the only other players on the Hawks besides JJ who are capable of creating their own shots (and yes, are capable of being 17 PPG players if given the opportunity)

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Last time I checked Speedy Claxton is having one of his worst years ever in his career. Speedy is a veteran in this league who just got a nice contract and isnt living up to it he deserves to get ripped apart. Speedy would never have a year like Paul 1 because he wouldnt be able to stay healthy. 2 because he just isnt as talented he was the back up to Chris Paul last year. Also Josh Childdress is not a starter hes the 6th man for this team. When Speedy avgs 18 4 and 9 with 2 starters out please let me know even with 2 starters out Paul is putting up big numbers...

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Good points. It doesn't take a genius to see what we should have done in last year's draft. I don't need to look at stats to see who means more to their team(s). Even if we didn't pick up a Paul or Deron in that draft, we should have done more to get a Jack or Felton. Marv has a lot of tools but so does JSmith/Childress. It's good to have depth at different positions(at least that's the justification for picking Marvin), but why haven't we addressed depth at the PG position? Sounds kinda hypocritical to me. You're right on in your observations Smoovethefuture. I'll use a football analogy to explain this situation--Call a fumble a fumble. If you have to look at the replay over and over again to try to call it otherwise, it's a FUMBLE!!!--We fumbled in last years draft. It happened and there's nothing we can do about it. Just make sure it doesn't happen again BK. mad.gif

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Sothron, you made the best point of all. The national media went CP3 crazy and annointed him the next great PG. The reality is that Deron is the better player right now because his offense is right there with CP3 but his defense is clearly better. Deron didn't jump out of the gate like Paul so he got left behind in the media frenzy. But he is better now and I think Marvin will surpass them both within the next 2 years. MW is a 20ppg, 8rpg, player that will also defend. Marvin was younger than the other two but its not where you start, its about the overall body of work. We are going to love Marvin Williams in Atlanta.

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Last time I checked Speedy Claxton is having one of his worst years ever in his career. Speedy is a veteran in this league who just got a nice contract and isnt living up to it he deserves to get ripped apart. Speedy would never have a year like Paul 1 because he wouldnt be able to stay healthy. 2 because he just isnt as talented he was the back up to Chris Paul last year. Also Josh Childress is not a starter hes the 6th man for this team. When Speedy avgs 18 4 and 9 with 2 starters out please let me know even with 2 starters out Paul is putting up big numbers...

1) He. Is. Hurt.

I don't know how many times this needs to be emphasized. Speedy Claxton is not playing at 100% right now. If he was playing at 100%, you would not be complaining. If he was not playing and healing up instead, you would be bitching that he's being lazy. You cannot fault the guy for being hurt, any more than you can fault Childress or Marvin. It happens, you're just mad that we spent money on a guy who is hurt. I'm not happy about him being hurt either, but it is NOT HIS FAULT. He is playing at 70% because, like it or not, at 70% efficiency he is a better option than Tyronne Lue and Salim Stoudamire.

2) I never said Speedy was Chris Paul, or even comparable. I merely said that you're willing to turn a blind eye towards Paul, and not one towards Speedy.

3) First off, I never called Childress a starter - I called him and Marvin 2 of the only 3 Hawks who could create their own shot. Also, Childress averaged 37 minutes a game in the 7 games he played. West averaged 35. But, no, Childress is obviously not the key player out when he was injured, because he was not on the court at that all-important tipoff.

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I think Marvin will eventually be a better player than both of them as well.

In comparing Deron and CP though, I think the systems may have some effect on their play respectively as well. CP seems to be the focal point of the New Orleans offense, where as Deron is simply part of a terrific pick and roll tandem with the focus being more on Carlos Boozer.

I will agree that Deron is a far better defender at the point guard position, and he definitely fit the style that I believe Mike Woodson would prefer to run in Atlanta which is more half court and defense oriented.

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I think Marvin will eventually be a better player than both of them as well.

In comparing Deron and CP though, I think the systems may have some effect on their play respectively as well. CP seems to be the focal point of the New Orleans offense, where as Deron is simply part of a terrific pick and roll tandem with the focus being more on Carlos Boozer.

I will agree that Deron is a far better defender at the point guard position, and he definitely fit the style that I believe Mike Woodson would prefer to run in Atlanta which is more half court and defense oriented.

I hope your right about Marvin for BK's and the Hawks' sakes. Right now, this looks like one of the biggest blunders by the Hawks organization outside of the Nique trade. Sometimes, I think that you can overthink a draft to the point that you question the unquestionable(see Vince Young and the Texans). We went into that draft with a glaring need and the resources to fill that need were present throughout the first round. Inexplicably, we failed to draft a PG and instead grabbed another SF. How is that even possible?!?!? Do you realize how well this team would be doing right now with one of those PG's from that draft? I can't understand the reasoning of some on this board. confused.gif This can't be explained away with team stats. It was a mistake pure and simple. Paul/Deron/Felton/Jack were/are the answers to our continuing problems at PG. We had the chance to groom a high quality PG to grow with this young team and we blew it.

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Deron Williams is the MVP of the season so far. He not only does everything Paul does on offense he is about 9123902183082 times better on defense. It was a huge mistake passing on Deron Williams. I don't care about Paul. Never did. He can't defend his man and the Hornets record and points allowed shows it. Just watch their games and you can see how much he struggles on defense. Unlike Deron who has a perfect NBA point guard body.

I thought he'd be a little slower coming along than Paul but Paul exploded last year making many of the "Deron 1st, any franchise Pg 2nd" contengency squirm a little. MW not only has to become better than these guys to justify BK's selection of him over them, but he has to be significantly better as the Pg position is harder to fill, more important to the team, and we had JC, JS, and Diaw already at Sf.


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