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The Hindsight Poll


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I love Marvin. I want him to be a great player. However, in hindsight, he was not the right pick.

I don't blame BK for making the pick. It was what was expected of him, and 90% of the league would have done the same thing.

Going into the draft, I thought Deron > Paul. Not because I thought that Deron was good, but because I didn't think Paul was. I saw Paul get abused by Raymond Felton, Jarrett Jack, and whatever other competent PG that got thrown at him in the ACC. This told me that Paul couldn't compete with bigger PGs. I have a hunch that BK thought the same thing. I don't think anybody expected that all of those PGs were actually all NBA-quality game-changers and that's why Paul couldn't succeed against them (Except for Diesel, who likes to remind us bi-hourly that he though Paul was the real deal from the start)

So, by my watch, Paul was inferior to Deron. I hadn't watched a lot of Deron, but I heard he was a quick fast PG from reading a SportingNews at the airport that talked about him and Dee Brown running the fast break. This sounded tempting too. However, I also watched that North Carolina team a lot. They were very, very good. I watched Georgia Tech, who had been the runner up in the league the year before, get absolutely dismantled by the North Carolina team. And everyone on that team conceded that Marvin Williams had more talent than any of them.

In College Football, the best player on the best team gets the Heisman. From there, it's easy to project how good they will adapt to the pro game, because they've mostly developed into the player they will be due to age restraints that are in place. However, basketball has no restraints, so nobody was able to see how Marvin could develop. (And still hasn't seen it, for the record). The best player on the best team also happens to still be developing, that's a pretty tempting allure.

I think my whole point is, the pick was not a bad pick because Marvin is a bust. The pick is a bad pick because Deron and Paul ended up better than most anybody expected them to be, and Marvin is only developing at a rate that was expected of him (before being injured). For a team just starting out, the verdict is still out. However, with the Hawks prior conditions, it looks like the PG would have been the right call.

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Anyone who says no to this is really a Marvin lover because you the pose the question RIGHT NOW. RIGHT NOW with Chris Paul or Deron Williams we are a lock for the playoffs no doubt about it. Every writer and analyst in America Says the Hawks made a mistake on passing on either of these two guy. So a majority of the people know we f-uped big time. It hurts that we still dont have a franchise PG in our 3rd year of the rebuilding process. No what ifs, can we, blah blah we are a legit contender for the next 5-10 years and also we would have the best young back court in the NBA with Joe Johnson and Either of these guys. I think Joe would be even better with a good PG so would Smoove, Chill and Zaza. If we had any of these guys RIGHT NOW we wouldnt even be thinking ever about Marvin it would be Marvin who. Do you really think either the Hornets or Jazz would trade us Deron or CP3 for Marvin Willaims BECAUSE OF HIS POTENTIAL? NO WAY!! they would laugh at his. MARVIN WAS A BENCH PLAYER IN COLLEGE WHO WAS NOT DOMINANT AT ALL AND THEN SUDDENDLY HE BECOMES THE BEST PLAYER IN THE DRAFT ITS A JOKE! . Marvin still looks really awkward and clumsy to me same way he looked like last year which I find hard to believe when we took this guy number 2. We are stuck with a Roster OF Raw SFs and Still no franchise PG. This was the wrong pick 110% and its gonna haunt this franchise for a long time which is very frustrating for us fans.

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So far the results are pretty one sided although I would like to know where the 2 votes came from lol.

Now my question is why are we still arguing about this? I mean it really doesn't matter why BK chose Marvin in the first place. Maybe he just like the name Marvin. Bottom line is that it was the wrong pick.

This is like a lawyer who makes his argument and wins his case. However instead of accepting the victory he says to the judge "No thank you, I don't accept the verdict because I would like to keep arguing".

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i voted no. i am not frustrated with the pick at all. i am frustrated with the worship of paul and deron by hawks "fans" on this board. both of them combined have played the same number of playoff games as marvelous--zero!

and please stop with the "paul MADE david west" nonsense. why doesn't paul "MAKE" tyson chandler with their .500 record? west was a stud in college.

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i voted no. i am not frustrated with the pick at all. i am frustrated with the worship of paul and deron by hawks "fans" on this board. both of them combined have played the same number of playoff games as marvelous--zero!

and please stop with the "paul MADE david west" nonsense. why doesn't paul "MAKE" tyson chandler with their .500 record? west was a stud in college.

I guess you dont wanna see this team improve THE JAZZ and the Hornets would laugh in our faces if we offered Marvin for either of these Point Guards they are top 5 Point Guards. Is Marvin even a top 30 SF ???? Will ever be a top 5 SF Who knows but we what we do know is Deron and CP3 are All Star PGS. As a fan I have to be frustrated with our lack of taking the RIGHT player in the draft. Either of them make us a lock for the playoffs and thats the bottom line. This is about winning and getting to the playoffs not a Marvin Williams fan fest.

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I love Marvin. I want him to be a great player. However, in hindsight, he was not the right pick.

I don't blame BK for making the pick. It was what was expected of him, and 90% of the league would have done the same thing.

Going into the draft, I thought Deron > Paul. Not because I thought that Deron was good, but because I didn't think Paul was. I saw Paul get abused by Raymond Felton, Jarrett Jack, and whatever other competent PG that got thrown at him in the ACC. This told me that Paul couldn't compete with bigger PGs. I have a hunch that BK thought the same thing. I don't think anybody expected that all of those PGs were actually all NBA-quality game-changers and that's why Paul couldn't succeed against them (Except for Diesel, who likes to remind us bi-hourly that he though Paul was the real deal from the start)

So, by my watch, Paul was inferior to Deron. I hadn't watched a lot of Deron, but I heard he was a quick fast PG from reading a SportingNews at the airport that talked about him and Dee Brown running the fast break. This sounded tempting too. However, I also watched that North Carolina team a lot. They were very, very good. I watched Georgia Tech, who had been the runner up in the league the year before, get absolutely dismantled by the North Carolina team. And everyone on that team conceded that Marvin Williams had more talent than any of them.

In College Football, the best player on the best team gets the Heisman. From there, it's easy to project how good they will adapt to the pro game, because they've mostly developed into the player they will be due to age restraints that are in place. However, basketball has no restraints, so nobody was able to see how Marvin could develop. (And still hasn't seen it, for the record). The best player on the best team also happens to still be developing, that's a pretty tempting allure.

I think my whole point is, the pick was not a bad pick because Marvin is a bust. The pick is a bad pick because Deron and Paul ended up better than most anybody expected them to be, and Marvin is only developing at a rate that was expected of him (before being injured). For a team just starting out, the verdict is still out. However, with the Hawks prior conditions, it looks like the PG would have been the right call.

this is the perfect response and i agree completely. this is actually logical as opposed to "BK SUCKS! SHOULD HAVE DRAFTED PAUL!".......and the name of the poll is perfect.

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If this poll is open at the end of the season 07-08, I'll vote.

Marvin is a very different type of player than Pippen. He can never be Pippen, but he can be special in his own way.

If you look at Pippen's rookie stat you'll see that it's almost identical to Marvin's.

Every Bulls fan blamed the fat guy for picking Pippen and not picking Mark Jackson, who became superstar(short Magic Johnson) in 87-88.

Since you are going hindsight make it a long hindsight.

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I voted yes. We need a franchise PG just like we did back then. Both of these guys are looking like franchise PGs so far. Marvin is probably my favorite NBA player at this point because he's the only former UNC player that's a Hawk, but if I had the chance to make the trade, I would.

But since I can't, I don't waste any time wondering what might have been, I just enjoy watching Marvin and hope to see him reach his own lofty potential.

As a fan, I hope he becomes the Scotty Pippen to Joe Johnson's Mike Jordan. That's the good thing about being a fan, you aren't required to make objective personel decisions.

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the same people who said we f-ed up picking marvin were the same ones who said we should have picked him in the first place.

who cares what non-hawks fans or what the so-called pundits think. if marvin projects like we think, he could be a 22-7-5 guy or something like that. chris paul and deron have proven exactly what marvin has so far - nothing.

three years is what time it should take to judge draft picks. so if you have to ask me now i'd say "no," but there should be a choice in the poll to say "wait and see."

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Anyone who says no to this is really a Marvin lover because you the pose the question RIGHT NOW. RIGHT NOW with Chris Paul or Deron Williams we are a lock for the playoffs no doubt about it.

That's not true. How many years has Marvin had as a starter?

Did you know that Damon Stoudamire was awesome his first 3 years in the NBA? In fact his numbers his rookie year even looked better than Paul. People were saying taking KG over him was a mistake. KG had mediocre numbers his first few years.

Fast forward to a few years after that, and I don't think anyone would take Stoudamire over KG.

Now Im not saying CP3 is doomed to be the next SToudamire and Marvin the next KG.

But to say Marvin was a "mistake" when he doesn't even have close to a full year as a starter under his belt is absurd.

We get a decent PG in this draft and we will be fine.

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I love Marvin to death. In fact, I'm getting a Marvelous jersey soon. I'd still trade him in a heartbeat straight up for Deron or CP3 right now. If all we're looking at is the present and limiting the future to the end of this season, there's no question. There's a limit to my homerism/optimism.

I still feel that Marvin will be one of the foundations we build on for years to come. I still feel that Marvin will eventually be a bigger 'star' that either pg in question. But if we're talking about right here, right now, I'd trade Marvin for either one as quickly as I'd trade for Iverson.

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Anyone who says no to this is really a Marvin lover because you the pose the question RIGHT NOW. RIGHT NOW with Chris Paul or Deron Williams we are a lock for the playoffs no doubt about it.

That's not true. How many years has Marvin had as a starter?

Did you know that Damon Stoudamire was awesome his first 3 years in the NBA? In fact his numbers his rookie year even looked better than Paul. People were saying taking KG over him was a mistake. KG had mediocre numbers his first few years.

Fast forward to a few years after that, and I don't think anyone would take Stoudamire over KG.

Now Im not saying CP3 is doomed to be the next SToudamire and Marvin the next KG.

But to say Marvin was a "mistake" when he doesn't even have close to a full year as a starter under his belt is absurd.

We get a decent PG in this draft and we will be fine.

this point is the most logical one that can be put forward.

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Anyone who says no to this is really a Marvin lover because you the pose the question RIGHT NOW. RIGHT NOW with Chris Paul or Deron Williams we are a lock for the playoffs no doubt about it.

That's not true. How many years has Marvin had as a starter?

Did you know that Damon Stoudamire was awesome his first 3 years in the NBA? In fact his numbers his rookie year even looked better than Paul. People were saying taking KG over him was a mistake. KG had mediocre numbers his first few years.

Fast forward to a few years after that, and I don't think anyone would take Stoudamire over KG.

Now Im not saying CP3 is doomed to be the next SToudamire and Marvin the next KG.

But to say Marvin was a "mistake" when he doesn't even have close to a full year as a starter under his belt is absurd.

We get a decent PG in this draft and we will be fine.

this point is the most logical one that can be put forward.

Personally, I think the most logical point is to look at Marvin and CP/Deron today and conclude the evidence points to the Hawks having whiffed on the best choice for their pick but noting that we really need a few more years to know the answer to this question definitively. Unlike Stoudamire/KG, there is only one year difference in the ages of Paul and Marvin. Given their relative success to this point, I can't objectively say that I would not take Paul or Deron over Marvin if I had a chance to redo the draft based solely on what we know today.

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I don't really understand why this is still being argued. However if it is being argued now it will probably be argued the rest of the season. Therefore I wanted to try and bring a little clarity to the argument.

That's an argument I hear for MW at the time. Well this is a "hindsight" poll. The "consensus" 100% believes we made a mistake selecting MW over Paul or Deron so there shouldn't be a single vote who cited "consensus" as justification for the selection of MW who now votes contrary to the "consensus".


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