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An Interesting Question


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Zaza, wasnt a discount????

I agree with you actually for once TP which is absurdly scary, i give BK about a B overall. People get on here and act like he is Babcock or something, he is slowly getting everything in order. Patience people, you act like a 5 yr old.

For everyone's whining, we are actually a competitaive team besides 3 games (Philly, Orl, Sad) we have been ahead at sme pont every game and in contintion to win coming down the stretch. Please show me were in th last 7 years we can say we had a team that was NBA competeitve night in and night out or at least 17/20 games. We are a young team, and yet we are still hanging around with age and maturatiy late this season or next we will win those close ones. It takes baby steps folks.

3 years is a relativley quick turn around, look at Boston, Chi, Clips, Sac, Den, etc. they all took about 4 years. Give it time, none of those teams started from scratch scratch, they at least had several pieces to trade or do whatever wth. BK got nothing and is at least building the team. For the poster that said we were stuck in quicksand, I am puzzled. 13 wins, 26 wins, on pace for 34 so far with all of our injuries its no stretch to think for a better finish, so maybe 38 or 40 this year. I dont think that is quicksandish.

It is not 3 years it is 8. Just because it wasn't on BK's watch doesnt mean we forget about them.

In fairness, we have had 7 consecutive losing seasons (not counting this one).

Chicago had 5 out of 6 seasons in 8th place in the Central Division.

Boston and Denver had 8 consecutive losing seasons.

Chicago and Boston are our closest comparables.

The Clippers had two runs of 12 consecutive losing seasons.

The Kings had 16 consecutive losing seasons.

Chicago was rebuilding after having 6 championships. Boston has like 132 championships. We are more like the Knicks.

I agree we aren't like Chicago or Boston in terms of our team history. I just meant in terms of breaking a team down and moving back to respectability. Chicago went through a couple cycles of rebuilding and enjoyed better picks than we have but eventually came out of it with a good, young team that appears ready to make the leap into contender status. Boston hasn't been a contender for a while but gave up after several attempts at putting together failed groups of vets and started rebuilding with some youth and is now struggling with finding the right balance between upside and experience.

The Kings and Clippers were just god aweful with no hope for the future for a very, very long time.

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This is the youngest team in the NBA, if Joe Johnson were the same age as many of his team mates, he would not be leading anyone anywhere either. To be honest with, I'm surprised the Hawks are competing as well as they are, considering their experience level.

It is going to take a couple more seasons for that second, third, or even fourth star to emerge. The funny thing about the Hawks is that this could happen. Smith and Marvin could certainly blow-up, and who knows what could yet happen from the group of Childress, S.Williams, Pachulia, and Jones. If a couple of these guys reach JJ's status, then you will have a team that has to be reckoned with for a decade, not just a couple of years.

This concept (and right now it is only a concept), is why you draft for talent, not position. And you do not trade your draft picks.

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Stop saying Craig is a solid pg. He is absolute garbage. BK is supposed to know these type of things. He can't shoot, pass or penetrate. He is the worst free-agent signing in Atlanta Hawks history.

He passed and penetrated a lot tonight, and played solid D. Craig is OK, let's not get carried away. Worst FA ever is just asinine.

And let's also not massage Babcock's sack here, either. That guy brought us these same winners:

Steve Smith for JR Rider and Jim Jackson.

Lon Kruger

Terry Stotts

Wright, Knight, Gasol for Shareef.

Ed Gray

Donnie Boyce

Cal Bowdler

Tyrone Corbin

I may be digging too far, but isn't he also the guy who managed to sign Koncak to 13 million for 4 years, and thus MATCHING the Pistons' offer they stupidly gave him? After ONE nice playoff series of 12 points a game?

And the all-time biggest gaffe in Atlanta sports history: Dominique Wilkins AND A FIRST for Danny Manning. 37 games of greatness.

Here's what Pete had to say about it...

"In-house, we asked ourself the question, 'Would we do this if we knew Danny would not be back?' " said general manager Pete Babcock, describing a pre-trade scenario. "It was unanimous on our staff that it was worth making the deal.

"Lenny [Wilkens] and I are disappointed Danny is not coming back. But we were prepared for it. We made the trade with the understanding he wouldn't be back."

If you truly are a Hawks fan, NEVER come to this board and defend the guy who killed the spirit of an entire fan base.

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Have we been to the playoffs without him? I never loved the guy, but give me a break. He had a pretty decent run and made some mistakes at the end. All I know is, we had a chance every night back then. Let me guess, you like the direction of the franchise, right? By the way, I thought Kruger was a good coach. He had Reef and J.T. That would kill any coach.

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Stop saying Craig is a solid pg. He is absolute garbage. BK is supposed to know these type of things. He can't shoot, pass or penetrate. He is the worst free-agent signing in Atlanta Hawks history.

He passed and penetrated a lot tonight, and played solid D. Craig is OK, let's not get carried away. Worst FA ever is just asinine.

And let's also not massage Babcock's sack here, either. That guy brought us these same winners:

Steve Smith for JR Rider and Jim Jackson.

Lon Kruger

Terry Stotts

Wright, Knight, Gasol for Shareef.

Ed Gray

Donnie Boyce

Cal Bowdler

Tyrone Corbin

I may be digging too far, but isn't he also the guy who managed to sign Koncak to 13 million for 4 years, and thus MATCHING the Pistons' offer they stupidly gave him? After ONE nice playoff series of 12 points a game?

And the all-time biggest gaffe in Atlanta sports history: Dominique Wilkins AND A FIRST for Danny Manning. 37 games of greatness.

Here's what Pete had to say about it...

"In-house, we asked ourself the question, 'Would we do this if we knew Danny would not be back?' " said general manager Pete Babcock, describing a pre-trade scenario. "It was unanimous on our staff that it was worth making the deal.

"Lenny [Wilkens] and I are disappointed Danny is not coming back. But we were prepared for it. We made the trade with the understanding he wouldn't be back."

If you truly are a Hawks fan, NEVER come to this board and defend the guy who killed the spirit of an entire fan base.

Who's the real Hawks fan? If you had a problem with Ty Corbin, you've never played, or, if you did, no one liked playing with you. He was a consumate teammate. He is the type of player we are missing. WTF? He didn't make 25 f$5king million dollars, either.

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Dude stop with that Speedy is overpaid crap. I would pay him 5 mill a year just to play defense like he does. Did you see Camby get scared to put the ball on the floor because of Speedy? I am tired of these 7 footers bringing the ball from the top of the key and scoring easily without anyone taking a charge or getting a easy steal. That's what Speedy does, stop looking at the scoreboards. When Speedy got his 4th personnal late in the 3rd and early fourth i knew it would be tough with Lue and Salim defending Boykins. Boykins won the game in the fourth quarter, he was wide open until Speedy came and contested his shot, but he was too hot already. We can't win a game with Lue in the fourth quarter except that Lue guards an offensive challeged guard like Eric Snow.

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It seems that every time we get a chance to really make the bold move, we make a Speedy or Lo move.

...or subsequiently a B-. I think his grade is worse considering just how much currency and opportunity he's used. Mind you, a B- will never win you more than a 6th seed so your generosity in my view may not be off the mark because I see that as the best a BK-led team will likely do.

However, not every chance not taken, the JJ move was bold. Broke up the ownership bold. However, before and since then nothing bold nor ideologically sound IMO. It's takes more than one "bold" move. In our case, with our vast trade, draft, FA currency all BK needed to do in addition to "JJ" it seems is not make a major (draft) mistake. He's made (at least) two. Didn't have to win the lottery, just not make a major mistake. Had he not he could have almost stumbled on the role players necessary to complete a team.


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My question to all HSers is: Without the JJ trade is BK really been a good GM? Because without JJ this team is WEAK.

Without JJ, this team wouldn't have been competitive until Marvin and Smoove reached their prime.

With him, we can be competitive with Smoove and Marvin still learning the game.

With JJ, when Smoove and Marvin reach their prime we will be a championship caliber team.

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My question to all HSers is: Without the JJ trade is BK really been a good GM? Because without JJ this team is WEAK.

Without JJ, this team wouldn't have been competitive until Marvin and Smoove reached their prime.

With him, we can be competitive with Smoove and Marvin still learning the game.

With JJ, when Smoove and Marvin reach their prime we will be a championship caliber team.

Very good question - IMO the best thing we could have done was traded JC and Shell and Speedy for AI. I love Shell - but I ain't stupid - PFs like that can be had - skill players like AI are hard to come by.

There will be more PFs - not a lot of AI's.

and anybody who thinks AI is done (meaning not impacting the league after his current contract) - is wrong. shocked.gif

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Dude stop with that Speedy is overpaid crap. I would pay him 5 mill a year just to play defense like he does. Did you see Camby get scared to put the ball on the floor because of Speedy? I am tired of these 7 footers bringing the ball from the top of the key and scoring easily without anyone taking a charge or getting a easy steal. That's what Speedy does, stop looking at the scoreboards. When Speedy got his 4th personnal late in the 3rd and early fourth i knew it would be tough with Lue and Salim defending Boykins. Boykins won the game in the fourth quarter, he was wide open until Speedy came and contested his shot, but he was too hot already. We can't win a game with Lue in the fourth quarter except that Lue guards an offensive challeged guard like Eric Snow.

C'mon....we got CRUSHED in the second half...(calling a friend of mine - did we get crushed in the 2nd half? - -- answer: YES)

We got crushed, drilled. destroyed, whatever you want to call it...ass kickin...torched....lit up...no pretty way to put it. confused.gif.

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