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I want Paul Silas to coach the Hawks!


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Mike Woodson in 3 Seasons as coach of the Hawks has a pathetic record of

47 Wins and 138 losses for a whopping winning % .254!!

How anyone in the world can give praise to a coach like this is behind me and must not want to see there team be a good team. Its obvious this guy is not getting the job done how many losing seasons are you gonna take like this its already getting really old. Your telling me if we brought someone else in here with NBA Coaching Success they couldnt do a better job then Woodson? I highly disagree I dont know about you but im tired of seeing the Altanta Hawks as the laughing stock of the NBA.

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I'm done with you. You have never played basketball for a coach. If you had you would know he sucks. You just want to toot your own horn. You sound like an arrogant christian. We just don't get it. We haven't seen the light, right? STFU with your no-knowledge posts. Stay in the effing lounge or something. I played organized sports my whole life. I still play in rec. leagues. I have been a ref for youth leagues and high school games. Tell me, where did you play? Come to my gym anytime. I doubt I'll see you there. I have never liked Woody. Go post your garbage somewhere else.

IMO, way over-aggressive with this post. If you disagree with what he said, post why you think it is wrong. Don't worry about who is doing the posting - that only leads into flaming threads and prevents real discussion of the Hawks.

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I know. He just insults all of us with his condescending comments. Then, he can never back up what he was talking about. I just wanted to talk about Silas. He wants to pat himself on the back for being a prognosticator in almost every thread. He didn't even know that I have hated on Woody since I got here. He just wanted to dis someone. That's why I was so harsh. He knows nothing about my viewpoints. He should stay away then. It's not like I haven't been posting regularly.

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I'm so distraught that you are done with me! Me and my know nothing posts and you with all your knowledge. You really put me in my place!

I love how the fact that you've played sports your whole life makes you more of an expert than everyone else here. Since you're such an expert, you should go get a job coaching a college team somewhere. You're obviously qualified, right? Give me a break, because you're shooting jumpers in a rec league doesn't make you an expert in anything. That you offer that up as some sort of proof only makes it all the more obvious. You get an A for the effort though...

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Just like always. You side-step every point. Nothing of your own credentials. You just hate on others. You don't play, do you? I know more than you. How you have the nerve to insult us and act like this is all fine, is beyond me. Why are you a Hawks fan? Hell, why are you a basketball fan?

Compared to my others, this is an innocent post. Then, you come along and dis' all of us. I call you out for not having any basketball vision and I get an 8 year old type of response. Whatever.

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My credentials? What are you, 12? I've played a good bit of ball in my years and I've been a Hawks fan long enough. Do I need more credentials than that? I don't go around calling myself an expert because I've played the game or because I coached a bunch of kids.

vision? The only vision I see on display from you is the one in which you are an expert and anyone who disagrees with you is a "know nothing". You are Generic Hawksquawk Troll #1,091,123, way to go! I guess being an ass is better than being nobody at all eh?

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When did I say I was an expert? You don't have to be an expert to know more than you. I'm 32, by the way. You trolled in my thread you stupid fucc. Is everyone as dumb as you and diesel? I think not. You have never went point by point. You just back off, then you troll by another day. I started this thread. I trolled my own thread? WTF?

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actually it isn't. It just means that in 32 years you've developed at slower rate than those around you. This is obvious by how easily you get fired up and how thick headed you are.

And yes, you got me. I don't post here every day. The reason is because I work and I'm a busy man. I don't have all day to sit at home on my comcast highspeed and fly off the handle like a little kid over other peoples opinions on basketball. Touche`

It is clear to me now that I made a mistake in lifting the ban that our other admin put on your account. While the concept of exchanging differing opinions in a calm manner escapes us all at some point, it is quite clear to me that it is lost on you entirely. Every post I've read from you today is either you gushing in replies to those who agree with you or attacking those who don't. I hope you find another Hawks site that caters to pricks so you can be happy amongst your own kind.

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You sound like an arrogant christian.

This is one of the most ignorant and offensive things I've ever read on this board. And there's been a ton of ignorant and offensive things posted on this board.


i was wondering what got him banned. after reading through 2 or 3 threads i'm still not sure exactly which post it was grin.gif

since this thread has gotten jacked so bad already i'd like to say something.

seriously, through an incident with MW24, a poster pointing out i had gone a bit off the deep end back during the Harrington trade days when I was slamming ownership, a misunderstanding between I and Kudzu, and a few silly flame wars I've gotten into here or there I have come to realize that we all will enjoy this forum far more if we just show one another a little respect.

anybody remember the post where somebody was making fun of ATLBob's avatar or whatever you call it? what i remember from that thread is someone saying basically "perhaps if we all had our pictures next to our usernames people would be a little nicer to one another."

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First off, nobody here is EVER going to be satisfied with ANY coach. You guys moan and groan about the coach, but it wouldn't matter who we had, you would all still be bitching about something.

Chillz, you do realize you whine just as much about the state of Hawksquawk fan-dom as any fan "moans and groans" about the state of the Hawks. After 7 or so years of "rebuilding" and what looks like a team headed towards no more than mediocrity I can understand the later. Thank you for the noble example of proper whinning regardless.

BTW, I was actually "satisfied" (actually, a little more than that but not blown away) with Stotts, but accepted his firing given new ownership/GM the year prior. I simply feel that Woody is and will always be over his head as a head coach. Nice guy I'm sure. Players play for him, great. But he's not head coaching material. Not sure Silas is the answer either. I'd like to see Stan Van Gundy or perhaps some new blood. Oops, there I go again stoking your fire with calls for "a new direction" in Hotlanta. Please forgive me.


P.S. your comment about the lack of "rational thought" from those critical of Hawk's management sounds eerily KB-esque. What's next? I know that this board gets political regarding the Hawks with people generally choosing one side or the other and we all need a taste of the other side (which is why those who "block" users are very scary, narrow minded individuals), but Chillz that was alot of rhetoric we don't need. Your point's taken, fans are often fickle. Now onto grasping even somehow more obvious truths.

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I whine about the whining of some of the fans here, there's a difference. I wouldn't expect a broken record like yourself to grasp it, but there is a difference. I have far too much on my plate to whine about both the fans and the team.

So you find it scary and narrow-minded that I "block" users eh? I guess it wasn't so scary and narrow minded when you were crying like an 8 year old girl who had her Barbie stolen because Diesel used a little logic and your own boasting to find a pic of your dad and post it here. You wanted nothing less than an eternal ban. I guess that's different though eh Big Dubbya, because that served your interests at the moment....

Put a little "rational thought" to that one and get back to me on it, mmmmkay?

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So you find it scary and narrow-minded that I "block" users eh? I guess it wasn't so scary and narrow minded when you were crying like an 8 year old girl who had her Barbie stolen because Diesel used a little logic and your own boasting to find a pic of your dad and post it here. You wanted nothing less than an eternal ban. I guess that's different though eh Big Dubbya, because that served your interests at the moment....

Put a little "rational thought" to that one and get back to me on it, mmmmkay?

...and frankly, your retort is as childish as they come.

Chillz, you are no forum moderator or whatever it is you call yourself. You act no better and in this case worse than the people you call out. And at least they are discussing basketball, when you are angrily questioning their fickleness with rhetorical barbs. We thank you for this website but can do without your holier-than-thou phooey.


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I apologize in advance for taking this stab but good riddance StoptheHop. I still remember one of his first threads where he wished Parkinson's disease on those who disagreed with his opinion and subsequently categorized all who disagreed with him as basically stupid Christians. It's funny how arrogant and hateful some people can be and seemingly be so unaware of it. Thank you admins for getting rid of this clown. There's just one more guy on here(you know who you are too) who goes over the line and I believe his time will come. BWAH HA HA HA HA!!!!

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