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Hawks Article


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A Terence Moore fire bomb.

I don't agree with the article 100%, but this is the sting that Hawks ownership and mgt. should feel so that they don't sit on their hands like they have been doing for the past year.


The article is wrong in so many places that I lost count. I think he hasn't watched a game all season and he just collected some articles about the hawks from espn, and told his son to mix them up and come up with something.

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You have to remember that Moore is the same guy that said before the season started, that we still needed a guard here . . a guard like a Mike Bibby.

LOL . . I lost all respect for that cat right when he said that. Bibby doesn't even shoot as well as Salim these days, and he's never been a playmaking PG.

I try not to read anything T-Moore writes. And that's a shame.

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It's funny about the drafting thing. Deron Williams is the only Jazz draft pick in YEAR'S who's done ANYTHING at all.

In Utah's defense, Deron was only their third lottery pick since...Karl Malone. It is harder when you are consistently 20-28 to find someone good. They did definitely waste the whole 2004 draft with Kirk Snyder and Kris Humphries. But this year they definitely changed it around, anyone hear of Paul Millsap...

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Waste? That is an understatement. In the 2004 draft the Jazz COULD have come out with Jameer Nelson and Josh Smith. Then they could have either traded Nelson for a SG/C or kept Nelson and not traded up for Deron Williams in the 2005 draft.

Deron Williams


Andrei Kirilenko

Carlos Boozer

Mehmet Okur

...with Nelson/JSmith off the bench. Was Shelden the best pick for #5? Maybe not, but in the Front Office's defense, a #5 in this draft wasn't the same as a #5 in a lot of the past drafts.

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Dude Milsap has now come back down to earth if you haven't noticed. He had a couple of good games early on thats it. He has been terrible of late. He is only averaging 6pts and 4rb. a game for petes sake and even worse the last 5 games at 3.8pts and 2rb. a game. I understand Shelden hasn't been putting up great numbers of late either mostly due to lack of playing time with Marvin back and his shoulder injury. Milsap will be nothing more than a bench player his whole career. Even the Utah fans on Realgm have been bashing him of late. Good pickup though for a second rounder

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Good pickup though for a second rounder

That is the key to your whole post. Millsap is a 2nd rounder that is producing more than most 1st rounders this year. Translation, the Jazz draft well for where they are positioned.

I can see where you were led to believe that I think Millsap is great, but it was just to show they make solid 2nd round picks (Jarron Collins is another good 2nd rounder, so was Maurice Williams).

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