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The Bottomline According to Wurider


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I think that there needs to be some consensus as to what is the true cause of our problems. I mean can our players be more competitive with another coach or does Woody not have enough pieces to be sucessful here. I mean before we consider trading this guy or that guy we need to make sure that we have the right system in place where the players that we have can be successful. A rookie coach and a young rookie team can't be successful. My opinion is that it is Woody. Our offense looks horrible I said it once and I will say it again we run a street ball offense or we either we run a give to JJ and watch out show. One final thought, I am true NBA fan and can identify top assistants who are rumored to be the next hot head coaching candidates but prior to Woody getting the job as our coach I had never heard his name mentioned for any other head job in the NBA. Did we interview anyone else or did BK just give Woody the job? Just remember terry Stotts had less than Woody does now but the guys competed and had a fire that we haven't seen since the second half of Stotts last year with us.

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...and I think we have some talent, but let's not kid ourselves, we still need this pick - if we can play down to get it we should. If we can do so while acquiring more capitol without trading a potential vital cog, even better. Example: trade ZaZa and Lue to NJ for Marcus Williams, McGinnis, and their top 8 protected 1st rder.

The coach definately needs to go, though. It was obvious last year if you ask me.


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...and I think we have some talent, but let's not kid ourselves, we still need this pick - if we can play down to get it we should. If we can do so while acquiring more capitol without trading a potential vital cog, even better. Example: trade ZaZa and Lue to NJ for Marcus Williams, McGinnis, and their top 8 protected 1st rder.

The coach definately needs to go, though. It was obvious last year if you ask me.


Why are we trying to build through the draft agian. Do yuo realize our GM does not know how to draft players. Hes picked two bad players with our last top 5 lottery picks. I dont understand why you want to build thourhg the draft. Get a new coach a new system and run the ball. How much losing can these young players take. You act like other then the top 3 players theres gonna be a player in this draft that can save our franchise.

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Why are we trying to build through the draft agian. Do yuo realize our GM does not know how to draft players. Hes picked two bad players with our last top 5 lottery picks. I dont understand why you want to build thourhg the draft. Get a new coach a new system and run the ball. How much losing can these young players take. You act like other then the top 3 players theres gonna be a player in this draft that can save our franchise.

You offered not one solution. You don't like mine? Then offer one.

Until then...

I've got a "plan" that doesn't involve miracles (like ownership being resolved, they again spending money, and an impact FA wanting to and being signed with us). It involves calculated decisions to earn the best shot at a top 3 pick AND can benefit the team in the long run in several ways:

1) Nothing like a top 3 pick in a talented draft to give you hope, particularly if it's a great center prospect which this team needs. Everyone plays better and harder when as least something positive comes out of a terrible season

2) We can acquire some additional young talent by trading our "lose by a little less" now (certainly not "win now") players such as Lue. For example: ZaZa and Lue to NJ for Marcus Williams and a top 8 protected pick.

3) We can see what if anything sat on players like Batista and skinny-minis like SJ have to offer by not only playing them but calling plays for them.

Perhaps BK couldn't even blow THIS draft but I wouldn't put it past him. I haven't wanted him touching a draft pick since MW, but even a screwed up top 3 pick in this draft is a good one (including Thabeet, Durant, Oden, and Brandan Wright), even a franchise changing one (save maybe Noah).


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Well right now this team is not being coached right. How does a team like the Atlanta Hawks as young and atheltic as we are not run the ball. I guarntee if were running the ball this team would be a much better team. This team is isnt playing like it should and that falls on the coach. We have to start winning games and that will start once we have a coach here who has a clue what hes doing. How is that we havent been competivie in our last 3-4 games but yet early in the season we were losing close games. IMO trying to build through the draft just sets the progress of the team back. Having to play a rookie who will take time to develop. Dont we have enough young players we are trying to develop. I would try to package Marvin Williams somewhere for a Allstar PF and build around that. Right now this team isnt playing like it should and theres no one else to blame but the coach. These last few losses have been down right embarassing. Also I dont trust BK to make good decisons the guys track record in the lottery is down right awful. Your telling me your willing to let this have ANOTHER LOSING SEASON. So we can put the fate of our team on a guy who doesnt have a clue. This time next year we will be complaining about the same things. DO you realize the balls dont bounce the Hawks way when it comes to the draft and when they actuall do we screw it up. THis team will take dramatic steps backwards by tanking the season and letting these guys build a losing mentality.

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is to fire BK. All of the mistakes he has made since he has been here have added up to a flawed roster that is practically unwatchable now. His draft mistakes are looming larger and larger.

Based on what he has done so far I have no confidence that he would be able to turn this thing around regardless of how many lottery picks he gets.

He has refused to draft a pg in either round the last 3 years and, not coincidentally, the Hawks don't have a pg on their roster who can play effectively on both ends.

His attempts to fill the hole at center with other teams' backups just isn't working. The Zaza/Blo combo sucks.

It is easy to make Woodson a scapegoat but he isn't the one who brought these players in. I don't think he is the root of the problem although I don't think he is exactly an asset either.

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is to fire BK. All of the mistakes he has made since he has been here have added up to a flawed roster that is practically unwatchable now. His draft mistakes are looming larger and larger.

Based on what he has done so far I have no confidence that he would be able to turn this thing around regardless of how many lottery picks he gets.

He has refused to draft a pg in either round the last 3 years and, not coincidentally, the Hawks don't have a pg on their roster who can play effectively on both ends.

His attempts to fill the hole at center with other teams' backups just isn't working. The Zaza/Blo combo sucks.

It is easy to make Woodson a scapegoat but he isn't the one who brought these players in. I don't think he is the root of the problem although I don't think he is exactly an asset either.

Cut off the head of this monster and hope it's not a hydra.

A lottery pick in the right hands could remake this team. Imagine a competent GM with a top 3 pick in this draft, a #18 pick, and perhaps another lottery pick should we do something like trade ZaZa/Lue for McGinnis, Marcus Williams, and a top 8 protected 1st? While only moving say MW in addition, this team could be thuroughly, utterly, positively over-hauled. A top 3 pick could be Franchise-fortune changing! We don't have to rebuild from scratch, but we do have to rebuild IMO.


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is to fire BK. All of the mistakes he has made since he has been here have added up to a flawed roster that is practically unwatchable now. His draft mistakes are looming larger and larger.

Based on what he has done so far I have no confidence that he would be able to turn this thing around regardless of how many lottery picks he gets.

He has refused to draft a pg in either round the last 3 years and, not coincidentally, the Hawks don't have a pg on their roster who can play effectively on both ends.

His attempts to fill the hole at center with other teams' backups just isn't working. The Zaza/Blo combo sucks.

It is easy to make Woodson a scapegoat but he isn't the one who brought these players in. I don't think he is the root of the problem although I don't think he is exactly an asset either.

I agree with this. But it is likely that the owners have put constraints on him. It's hard to determine who is at fault and thus it does not seem we can stop just with BK.

I think the pending lawsuit will be the undoing of the franchise. Seems that we have hoped against hope that something would turn this thing around. I've come to the conclusion that this is delusional thinking. Not a good way to start the new year, but it's the likely reality that we will face. .

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Cut off the head of this monster and hope it's not a hydra.

*blink* .. I thought I was the only one who got to make dorky references like that.

My plan:

1. Look for improvement if/when we have a stretch of games where we have most or all of our players healthy. If improving, do nothing.

2. If not (the likely case), fire Woody. End the season with a new coach.

3. Still no improvement, new GM.

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I agree with this. But it is likely that the owners have put constraints on him. It's hard to determine who is at fault and thus it does not seem we can stop just with BK.

than just about any GM could hope for prior to MID-offseason. Hell, his decision was with JJ was so powerful it broke up the ownership group. I don't buy the "constaints" issue, especially given BK's biggest mistakes have come in the draft. Still, agreed, no reason to stop at BK, but since he brought in Woody I see curring off the head as also removing Woody from the equation.


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. Look for improvement if/when we have a stretch of games where we have most or all of our players healthy. If improving, do nothing.

2. If not (the likely case), fire Woody. End the season with a new coach.

3. Still no improvement, new GM.

This I can agree with...

Those who want immediate return and change haven't considered the possibility that maybe INJURIES are the majority of our problem? And if it is, then maybe we need to try to stay the course until we can determine that.

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Cut off the head of this monster and hope it's not a hydra.

*blink* .. I thought I was the only one who got to make dorky references like that.

Unfortunately, your plan does not make this team any better, just management, realizing ownership is what it is. This team needs to be better and the ONLY way to do that is throught the draft, the best way through the draft is with a top 3 pick, and the only way to a top 3 pick is some serious "tankage".


My plan:

1. Look for improvement if/when we have a stretch of games where we have most or all of our players healthy. If improving, do nothing.

2. If not (the likely case), fire Woody. End the season with a new coach.

3. Still no improvement, new GM.

What is the benefit to all this plodding change. DrZ. you know it should happen. Why plod through it and potentially cost us a top 3 draft pick in this awesome draft? Truth is I'm not against waiting until nearer the end of the season to change the coach and GM at this point as long as we position ourselves for the best chance at a top 3 draft pick. So really, I only have a problem with #1. We need to be proactive in our attempt to get a top 3 pick.


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then maybe we need to try to stay the course until we can determine that.

From "Hold on" to "Stay the course"?!? I'm officially sick to my stomach. Again Diesel, you cannot refute ONE single FACT, but you have ridiculous pop songs and failed political references to support your argument for doing nothing.


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Cut off the head of this monster and hope it's not a hydra.

*blink* .. I thought I was the only one who got to make dorky references like that.

Unfortunately, your plan does not make this team any better, just management, realizing ownership is what it is. This team needs to be better and the ONLY way to do that is throught the draft, the best way through the draft is with a top 3 pick, and the only way to a top 3 pick is some serious "tankage".


My plan:

1. Look for improvement if/when we have a stretch of games where we have most or all of our players healthy. If improving, do nothing.

2. If not (the likely case), fire Woody. End the season with a new coach.

3. Still no improvement, new GM.

What is the benefit to all this plodding change. DrZ. you know it should happen. Why plod through it and potentially cost us a top 3 draft pick in this awesome draft? Truth is I'm not against waiting until nearer the end of the season to change the coach and GM at this point as long as we position ourselves for the best chance at a top 3 draft pick. So really, I only have a problem with #1. We need to be proactive in our attempt to get a top 3 pick.


Going for the top 3 pick is just too risky for me. I think Lascar's take is fairly sound.. this team did show competitiveness early on, and it's impossible to know how much of the problem is due to injuries until there is a large number of games played without them.

I do think that if we do end up with a #3 pick, I hope we get a new GM to make the choice smile.gif Another worry I have is that our new GM will be too quick to leave his own mark, and trade away all our worthy assets just so the team is 'his.'

Then again, sometimes you do just need to knock over the apple cart.

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Going for the top 3 pick is just too risky for me.

Z, what do we lose by going after it that we haven't already lost or that new leadership couldn't or particularly a top 3 pick wouldn't make us forget in a nano-second. We've already lost the pick to Pheonix, UNLESS we do something bold about it.

I just don't see the risk, but I do see the reward. Inversely, I don't see the reward in trying our best to be the 6th worst, verses the 3rd worst team. I do see the risk.


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although i agree that offensively, our system isnt good however i don't think that having woody in the place of any other coach available right now makes THAT much of a difference. sure we could win a couple more but even that is below the standard i expect right now.

the injuries have hurt yes, but with the team we have now, we should be able to win some games..

honestly, i think we're missing that one more veteran who, although not a star, is solid. someone who can get hot and start hitting shots. a mike miller comes to mind (yes i know we have a glut of swingmen) or a brent barry of a couple years ago...

and honestly, that utah loss really had longlasting negative effects on the team. it seemed like instantly our team started to expect to lose.

and one last thing. we need joe to rejuvinate himself as he was earlier. he seems wore down with all the losing an no help. but we need him to come out swinging again

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1. Look for improvement if/when we have a stretch of games where we have most or all of our players healthy. If improving, do nothing.

2. If not (the likely case), fire Woody. End the season with a new coach.

3. Still no improvement, new GM.

I would flip 1 and 2. Fire Woody first, then appoint an interim coach who would allow the players to show what they have. Maybe by the end of the season we would know if there is something worth building on, or do we need to restart the building process. I do think that the frustration the fans are having with Woody's coaching is also now being felt by the players. Why give it your all when the coach is not putting you in a position to win?

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It's unfortunate that you are not willing to wait and see what the full compliment of this team can do. But then again, you have hated this team since before preseason.

I agree I believe this team is terribly flawed and have thought so for awhile. I don't see how I'm wrong to believe this. Is it more important to be a patriotic fan or live in reality? If you want to think the former for your purposes now, remember that the next time you post against MW.

Just like you've seen enough of MW to claim he's a bust, I've seen enough of this team to realize it needs significantly more talent at difficult to fill position(s). The ownership troubles insist they will not provide a solution. Our trade of our lottery pick save if it's a top 3 pick necessitates bold action. I could give this team all the healthy, chemistry building opportunity it could want and that you're clamouring for now W-I-T-H a top 3 pick center NEXT YEAR. In fact, with a franchise center on board I would be inclined to wait before I made other moves. Regardless, if we've got a half season left I'd rather try and salvage a franchise fortune changing draft pick than a moral victory in the form of the 6th to 7th worst record in the league. Those don't start at center for you for the next 12-15 years.


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