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Question for those who want BK/Woody out...


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  • Premium Member

If Levenson came on the board and said:

We decided to fire BK/Woody BECAUSE we've been in negotiations with Isiah Thomas and he has said:

If made GM for the next 6 years, he can and would:

1. Bring in Rick Adelman as coach.

2. Trade Lue, Zaza, and Marvin for Jermaine O'Neal.

3. Trade Speedy/Salim for Andre Miller.

4. Sign Randolph Morris.

5. Use our pick to move up and draft J. Noah.

6. Get Atlanta in the playoffs this year (2008) and the championship next year.

Would you be for the change.

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LOL @ that.

Complete fantasyland.

The only 2 things that would be remotely possible to do, would be to sign Adleman and possibly sign Randolph Morris.

But I think I know where you're going with this. Sounds like some of the proposals put on this board by a certain "squawker". LOL . . genius move by putting Isaiah's name in the GM spot. It kind of shows how ridiculous 4 of those 6 things are, and how feesible they really are.

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JO has publicly stated a few times that he wants to play for Isiah. I figure that when JO is traded, if Isiah is still with the Knicks, JO will be a Knick. I also think Isiah will try to pull KG too. The Knicks have so many contracts that Isiah has a pool of players (if developed) that he could use as trade collateral/capital.

The point is that if Isiah is a GM, he's the guy who can pretty much guarantee JO when JO moves (if he has a possibly winnning situation).


Philly will trade Andre Miller before the trade deadline, if they can find a team with capspace to take him. If you haven't noticed, Philly is in tank/startover mode and Kover has to stop putting up so many big games. Here's my guess on what will happen:

1. Webber gets Bought out. Waived.

2. Miller gets traded for an ending contract (probably Magloire in some sort of three way or four way)... Hello Hawks.

3. The Sixers show Walter the correct way to tank for Oden.

Morris is very possible.

Adelman is a possibility.

My point is that what would you rather have: BK or Isiah?

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those senerios sound great, so that is precisely why isiah wouldn't be doing them. secondly, levinson wouldn't come out and say we were doing all those things before they all get completed, and before isiah is offically hired. lastly, i probably wouldn't even ever hear of any of those transactions happening, because i would pass out upon hearing of the hiring of isiah as our gm, and then die from drowning in my own vomit. we need isiah to stay in ny as he is the ONLY gm that can guarantee that bk isn't the worst in the league. you always need at least one other gm around you can take advantage of, and right now, it's isiah. if jordan takes more gm control with the bobcats, then we may be able to live without isiah in the league, but until then, we need a "keep zeke" campaign in the big apple.

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those senerios sound great, so that is precisely why isiah wouldn't be doing them


lastly, i probably wouldn't even ever hear of any of those transactions happening, because i would pass out upon hearing of the hiring of isiah as our gm, and then die from drowning in my own vomit.


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Guest Walter



those senerios sound great, so that is precisely why isiah wouldn't be doing them


lastly, i probably wouldn't even ever hear of any of those transactions happening, because i would pass out upon hearing of the hiring of isiah as our gm, and then die from drowning in my own vomit.


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This has to be, without a doubt, the stupidest post I have ever encountered on any message board. I'm not sure where this guy dreams this stuff up but its dimented. We get Isaih Thomas as our GM and then we get a championship in 2009? And were asked if we would accept this bizarre set of circumstances, each damn near impossible in their own right. No, Diesel, we wouldn't settle for a championship in 2009. I love the fact that you throw in getting Randolph Morris...LOL...where did that scenario come from? Is he a big part of your fantasy? Isaih sure must have done a helluva job to bring a championship to Atlanta so fast in your fantasy...

I find it humorous that you have the nerve to say anything about another mans butt crack when your ass crack produces insane posts like this...how anyone could pull a post like this out...and then post it...is fairly strange. Is this what you do all day?

One more question...do you have a fixation with butt cracks because you bring them up all the time and even reference one in your sig?


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One more question...do you have a fixation with butt cracks because you bring them up all the time and even reference one in your sig?

You know, that would almost be a worthwhile response if it were anywhere near true? I guess you're going for a homophobia angle on me. Good try. However, anyway... back to the Hawks....And you can go back on location.

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