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Without BIG IMMEDIATE CHANGES, Seasons over


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Losing to the banged up Hornets (banged up worse than Hawks) by 20 points is the final sign this team is through. They quit. If these impotent owners dont do a thorough house cleaning right now we won't approach the 26 lousy wins of last years disaster. BK and the Spirit think this is the right track?

After 3 lousy and awful years of rebuilding we are still the NBAs worst team. How incredible is that? The completely banged up and awful Hornets come to town and humiliate the Hawks. For rational owners, that would be the last straw. But rational and competant owners wouldn't have let this go this long.

This is a disgusting organization.

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Fanatic, your right. How could Belkin be worse than preside over the leagues worst team after years of rebuilding and losing? How could he be worse? He could cut our total payroll to 10M bucks and he could only match the Spirit in futilty because you can't get worse than this team.

How is Woodson still employed and what in the hell does Billy Knight have to do to get fired?

I no longer care if Belkin wins the team because I know that BK is gone with Woody if he takes control. And that sounds pretty great right now. How people are so into these lousy Spirit owners is beyond me. They are horrific basketball people. Horrific.

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As long as he doesn't move the team, I'm with it, too. It wouldn't be fair for the fans here to have suffered with this bunch, only to have the lightbulb come on once the team moves (see Calgary Flames, Colorado Avalanche, Carolina Hurricanes, Baltimore Ravens, Dallas Stars, and St. Louis Rams; all examples of franchises that were mediocre at best, only to win titles after leaving town).

How long do folks here have to wait to even have a decent NBA product, let alone a good one? I wasn't expecting a playoff run but good grief, 10-23?

Say what you want about Arthur Blank being too involved with his team and being on the sidelines. I'd much rather have an owner who at least acts as if he's interested, wants to win and puts his $$$ where his mouth is in terms of spending to bring in better players rather than the absentee ownership this franchise has had over the past decade from Time Warner and this Spirit group.


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Very true Dejay. Blank won't tolerate losing for long. The Hawks are now the worst team in the NBA...again.

We just lost to a totally decimated team that had lost 5 straight, 10 of 11, and 19 of 23. They come into Philips and beat us down by 20 points.

This Spirit group is really impotent. They just promise that the future will be better but their "vision" is a fraud. BK is a fraud and arrogant at that.

These guys just don't get anything done and they have no humiliation point.

Bring on Belkin.

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...in large part because I want to somehow positively, significantly change the fortunes of this franchise, I cannot now or ever join the "Lord Belkin for owner" camp for fear that it would simply be too detrimental to the franchise or would cost Atlanta the franchise. I recognize said camp as a valuable method of protest against the current state of the Hawks and will remain neutral in the battle of evil vs incompetent.


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TP, it gets to the point where the excuse making has to cease. I'm tired of hearing about luxury tax savings and how much under the cap the team is. No other team in pro sports who is in the business of winning uses this as an excuse for not competing EXCEPT this bunch. Wait a minute, that means the Hawks have to be in the business of winning to qualify, doesn't it?

When Lorenzen Wright is thought of as one of your 'veteran leaders', that's a problem. When JJ can get double and triple-teamed throughout the ballgame while there's NO ONE around to even pretend to be a threat, that's a problem. When Zaza Pachulia is the only post player worth mentioning, that's a problem. When Deron Williams, Raymond Felton, and Chris Paul have all shown that they are starter-material while we're still waiting to see what Marvin Williams is, that's a big problem. When your front office is hamstrung because the ownership spends more time in court than they do fixing the basketball team, it's another Hindenburg in the making.

I'd rather see an owner who's willing to do what it takes to have a winner than be told to wait another 3-5 years on the young guys to develop, only to watch them leave because they're sick of the losing, too. Can you imagine the thought process going on in JJ's mind right now? How about Josh Childress? Do you really think he wants to stick around this rudderless ship when the waters are less choppy out west?

The team is bad, the ownership situation is worse, the front office stinks to high Heaven, and the pain just keeps coming. Calgon, take me away!!!

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I don't think Belkin or anybody else can move the team in the near future. We have a lease with the city that runs a number of years.

How could Belkin be worse? He couldn't be worse than employing Billy Knight and Woodson. We are now 4 years deep in his rebuilding and we are now the leagues worst, right back to where we were 2 years ago.

And Billy wakes up with a job this morning?

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This is what I'm talking about. We're not making the playoffs. That's sad to say b/c there are almost 50 games left.

The season is over. It's just a question of how many lottery balls we want. I really don't understand you guys who want fewer balls (and a lower probability of keeping a high lottery pick).

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