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Now - Are you satisfied ???

Gray Mule

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Some have wanted the Hawks to "Tank" the season and be

able to get a high draft pick.

Well, apparently you have gotten your wish. Are you

happy now?

Hawks didn't just get beat last night. It was a very

BIG BLOWOUT loss to a team that was hurting as much

as the Hawks were.

Atlanta played a good first half. We got some very

questionable calls against us in this game. We had

two starters go down and not return for the second


But, with all this against the Hawks, no shots would

fall. As usual, it wasn't just one player who couldn't

hit an open shot. With our injuries, I could understand

why we would loose. Can't understand how we could get

blown away. The only thing I can think of is someone

is getting their wish. The "Tank" is already here.

Again, I ask you - "Are you happy now ??"


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My attitude towards the Hawks at this point can be best described as listless. Last night turned a corner for me. I am not only happy to see them tanking, I hope neither BK or Woody is fired for the rest of the season. We've got a mojo going and I don't want to mess it up. I say go for the draft pick. If we are only this bad because of injuries then if why not tank. If we luckout and lose the pick to Phoenix, well be good if healthy next season anyway. We can't possibly make it to the playoffs. Why not increase our chances of not giving the pick away. It's all about strategy baby.

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that there's no need to call for a tanking at this point. It's happening regardless of any kind of "effort."

That's what I was going to say. Everyone who is calling for us to tank (like me) should be satisfied, because it looks like we're not trying out there, and we lose every game. If that's not tanking, then what is?

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Mule, I was encouraged by last nights "non-effort". If we can do that every night, we will easily finish with the worst record in the league. Sure, that's only a 25% chance at Oden and 64% of top 3, but even a 25% chance to get out of our mess is far better than the likelihood of success of any other plan.

I'm not satisfied, though. Tanking isn't complete until the last game has been played (and hopefully lost). Until then, I will be nervous that we'll "go on a run" and screw the fan base over with another 6th or 7th from the bottom finish, a lost pick, and very little possibility for improvement.

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Mule, I was encouraged by last nights "non-effort". If we can do that every night, we will easily finish with the worst record in the league. Sure, that's only a 25% chance at Oden and 64% of top 3, but even a 25% chance to get out of our mess is far better than the likelihood of success of any other plan.

I just hope Oden decides to go pro if we get the top pick. Who knows, he may decide to stay in school knowing that he has to go to play for the worst franchise in the league if he goes pro.

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...I'm not satisfied, though. Tanking isn't complete until the last game has been played (and hopefully lost). Until then, I will be nervous that we'll "go on a run" and screw the fan base over with another 6th or 7th from the bottom finish, a lost pick, and very little possibility for improvement.

You got that right CBA...the job has to be done and done right until it is finished. Keeping Woody for the whole year is a step in the right direction. There is little chance that he will emotionally "rally the troops". We may want to hold onto Salim too, just to insure there are plenty of locker room grumblings.

Speaking of Salim - how many times in the second half last night did we have a break going (like a 3 on 2) and Salim just pulls up and shoots the perimeter J. That's gotta P.O. the guys filling the lanes. If I were them and Salim was on a break I'd just let him go and not bother with filling the lanes - ain't getting the ball anyway - screw it.

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LOL @ Mule. I agree with your sarcasm.

If that is what they're doing, I'm not happy at all. Why even watch the rest of the season, if people feel that the Hawks have "given up" already?

I don't think that for one minute. But they have definitely lost their way and their confidence. Woody has to change things up, or it's time to move him also.

I have faith in God, and I truly believe that there is a reason for all of this . . ( and not to bring Oden to the Hawks ).

Everytime I watch the Hawks, the T.I. song "Motivation" goes through my head.

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Mule, I was encouraged by last nights "non-effort". If we can do that every night, we will easily finish with the worst record in the league. Sure, that's only a 25% chance at Oden and 64% of top 3, but even a 25% chance to get out of our mess is far better than the likelihood of success of any other plan.

I just hope Oden decides to go pro if we get the top pick. Who knows, he may decide to stay in school knowing that he has to go to play for the worst franchise in the league if he goes pro.

Even if we got Oden that is still 3 more years of stinking before we get better. By then JJ's K will be up and he will be on the first thing smokin out of town.

It will be Greg Oden and the Stiffs.

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Some have wanted the Hawks to "Tank" the season and be

able to get a high draft pick.

Well, apparently you have gotten your wish. Are you

happy now?

Tanking isn't about just sucking, which we do well enough, it's about management making decisions in order to improve a draft position. Management has not made one single decision attempting to do that. WE JUST SUCK. So don't claim it's "tanking" that got us here. WE JUST SUCK. Got it?


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Mule, I was encouraged by last nights "non-effort". If we can do that every night, we will easily finish with the worst record in the league. Sure, that's only a 25% chance at Oden and 64% of top 3, but even a 25% chance to get out of our mess is far better than the likelihood of success of any other plan.

I just hope Oden decides to go pro if we get the top pick. Who knows, he may decide to stay in school knowing that he has to go to play for the worst franchise in the league if he goes pro.

Even if we got Oden that is still 3 more years of stinking before we get better. By then JJ's K will be up and he will be on the first thing smokin out of town.

It will be Greg Oden and the Stiffs.

I disagree. I think Oden would provide an immediate and substantial change to this team. I don't see us drafting Oden and not making the playoffs. He is closer to Ewing than Bogut, IMO.

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We won't really know how good he is until his hand heals.

He looks damn good to me now before his hand heals. I am willing to gamble on him not getting worse when his main hand gets healthy.

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We won't really know how good he is until his hand heals.

With his dominate hand healed he's a likely superstar within 3 years. There is no guessing as to the impact this guy would have for our team. Immediate and substantial. The center position defensively is like the Pg position offensively...if manned well everyone else plays and looks better, if manned poorly everyone else plays and looks worse. Every single player we have would play and look significantly better with a center like Oden. That includes ZaZa, who wouldn't be asked to do too much. With all the losing I think he would accept that role willingly as a primary BU.


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Mule, I was encouraged by last nights "non-effort". If we can do that every night, we will easily finish with the worst record in the league. Sure, that's only a 25% chance at Oden and 64% of top 3, but even a 25% chance to get out of our mess is far better than the likelihood of success of any other plan.

I just hope Oden decides to go pro if we get the top pick. Who knows, he may decide to stay in school knowing that he has to go to play for the worst franchise in the league if he goes pro.

Even if we got Oden that is still 3 more years of stinking before we get better. By then JJ's K will be up and he will be on the first thing smokin out of town.

It will be Greg Oden and the Stiffs.

agreed, i havent been big on this whole putallwegotinOden business.....we have good young talent...but the two most important pieces, center and point, are our positions of lacking.....

but i still think even with the components we have now (except for depth), they all have certain talents that can be utilized and we should be better..

bottom line: the team has given up and has no offensive direction.

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This season is no different from last year or the one before that. We start out with great expectations thinking we're going to the playoffs. That fantasy doesn't last long and then we speculate about what is wrong and how to fix it. All to no avail. Then as the trade deadline approaches we have a lot of drama about trades, most of which is more fantasy. Then as the season ends we begin to look at the draft and fantasize more. Thus a good part of the season is consumed with speculation and fantasy about what might be or could've been. And that's becasue there hasn't been a whole lot to watch on the court for some time. And it is all this drama about trades, draft, fix em up that fuels HS. I guess we'd all be pretty bored without it.

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We won't really know how good he is until his hand heals.

He looks damn good to me now before his hand heals. I am willing to gamble on him not getting worse when his main hand gets healthy.

The reason i said that is that i have seen many people (not you obviously) who have downplayed his abilities on offense. I have to roll my eyes at this, thinking about how bad I would be without my dominant hand.

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We won't really know how good he is until his hand heals.

He looks damn good to me now before his hand heals. I am willing to gamble on him not getting worse when his main hand gets healthy.

The reason i said that is that i have seen many people (not you obviously) who have downplayed his abilities on offense. I have to roll my eyes at this, thinking about how bad I would be without my dominant hand.


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The reason i said that is that i have seen many people (not you obviously) who have downplayed his abilities on offense. I have to roll my eyes at this, thinking about how bad I would be without my dominant hand.

I agree also, but in all fairness it is easier for a big man to play without a hand than a guard or a forward. They don't exactly have to dribble or anything, and get to just lay it in or slam it in from above the rim. Still he has been impressive finishing with his left.

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That is ludicrous. We are actually a decent team when healthy. If you added a dominant defensive center to our team, we'd be much better. If that C were also a good scorer, we'd be one of the top teams in the East.

Also, a player like Oden doesn't take 3 years to be good. He'd be good the first year, and he'd be great by his 3rd year.

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