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Has anyone Ever Seen Such an Invisible Ownership?


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When their are problems with the Falcons there is always someone there communicating with the fans. When was the last time Billy Knight did an interview? How about Woodson? How about ANY word from any Spirit?

Nobody willing to step up and answer tough questions...when the going gets tough, these guys retreat and hibernate.

Does anyone really think these guys have a clue? They don't seem to understand that communication is critical especially in times like these.

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My guess is the owners are following the hockey team and enjoying their brandy and cigars. I guess one out of two ain't bad for them.

Kinda like if you owned two dogs and one looked like Lassie and was a champion frisbee catcher and when you walked it all the hot chicks wanted you to stop so they could pet it (and talk to you). Your other dog was a snarling snaggle-toothed mixed breed that only wanted to pee on everything and sniff crotches when you took it for a walk. Which would you spend time with? smirk.gif

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When their are problems with the Falcons there is always someone there communicating with the fans. When was the last time Billy Knight did an interview? How about Woodson? How about ANY word from any Spirit?

Nobody willing to step up and answer tough questions...when the going gets tough, these guys retreat and hibernate.

Does anyone really think these guys have a clue? They don't seem to understand that communication is critical especially in times like these.

owners? what owners? i don't see no owners?

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My guess is the owners are following the hockey team and enjoying their brandy and cigars. I guess one out of two ain't bad for them.

FWIW, Bruce was in the building last night rooting for the team, just as he usually is. I'm guessing that other than myself not too many people here were there supporting the team last night. I guess it's easier to [censored] and moan online.

For a Washington businessman, flying down a couple of times a week to watch the games is pretty impressive if you ask me.

Also, I could be wrong but I don't recall falcons ownership being very vocal mid-season. Unless there's a firing to announce or a crisis, owners usually wait until the offseason to discuss the team and its direction.

Woody clearly deserves to be fired, I'm not sure whether they're waiting for the offseason, or because of the injuries. Either way it's clear that he deserves to go, but it's also clear that firing him might not improve us if we can't find a replacement willing to come here with the court ruling hanging over our heads. I also wonder if they worry that firing Woody would be seen as an acknowledgement of failure that could end up costing them the team in the court rulings. Who knows?

In any event last night's loss was the worst hawks loss I've ever seen, but I find it hard to swallow when everyone is moaning and bitching about the owners. In the meantime they've invested millions and are trying their hardest to get us to win, whether you agree with their moves or not. The city couldn't even manage to send 8 or 9 thousands people to cheer the team last night. How do you expect a team to succeed in a city of nearly 5,000,000 that can't get 10,000 out to cheer them on? It's basically the city giving them the finger. So if you live here and you don't go support them, tone your damn bitching down about the owners not being around and not doing anything.

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My guess is the owners are following the hockey team and enjoying their brandy and cigars. I guess one out of two ain't bad for them.

FWIW, Bruce was in the building last night rooting for the team, just as he usually is. I'm guessing that other than myself not too many people here were there supporting the team last night. I guess it's easier to [censored] and moan online.

For a Washington businessman, flying down a couple of times a week to watch the games is pretty impressive if you ask me.

Also, I could be wrong but I don't recall falcons ownership being very vocal mid-season. Unless there's a firing to announce or a crisis, owners usually wait until the offseason to discuss the team and its direction.

Woody clearly deserves to be fired, I'm not sure whether they're waiting for the offseason, or because of the injuries. Either way it's clear that he deserves to go, but it's also clear that firing him might not improve us if we can't find a replacement willing to come here with the court ruling hanging over our heads. I also wonder if they worry that firing Woody would be seen as an acknowledgement of failure that could end up costing them the team in the court rulings. Who knows?

In any event last night's loss was the worst hawks loss I've ever seen, but I find it hard to swallow when everyone is moaning and bitching about the owners. In the meantime they've invested millions and are trying their hardest to get us to win, whether you agree with their moves or not. The city couldn't even manage to send 8 or 9 thousands people to cheer the team last night. How do you expect a team to succeed in a city of nearly 5,000,000 that can't get 10,000 out to cheer them on? It's basically the city giving them the finger. So if you live here and you don't go support them, tone your damn bitching down about the owners not being around and not doing anything.

ahhhh the holier than thou because I went to the game angle. nice job Lascar.

for those of us whom live 3 hours away and don't own a private airplane going to more than a couple of games a year is not realistic.

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I admittedly don't know every aspect of the ruling, but I do know they are allowed to spend up to the cap and they choose not to.

If they lose the court case in the spring, they will be bought out at cost, meaning that they will already lose millions and millions that they have spent. Any additional million they spend now is a million they will flat out lose in the spring.

Now hopefully that won't happen, and they'll win and we'll see what's what. But it's a lot easier to say you'd spend money on a board online. I don't know how many of us would actually spend millions to improve the team in the short term if there was a significant chance that we wouldn't be seeing any kind of return on that money. I probably wouldn't.

They say they've allowed BK to spend as much as he wants. I don't know if that's true or not, but regardless BK knows the situation and knows that these guys have backed him. What I do know is they gave Speedy a big contract, and signed Lo too. They could have found cheaper options. Also JJ's deal was front loaded, but in terms of spending it's only worse for them. If they do lose in the spring, they paid even more of JJ's contract than they should have.

So again, this team is clearly flawed, BK is subpar, and Woody is hopeless. But I wouldn't question the ownership's intent. While the results aren't there, it certainly seems like the intent is.

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...My guess is the owners are following the hockey team and enjoying their brandy and cigars. I guess one out of two ain't bad for them.

FWIW, Bruce was in the building last night rooting for the team, just as he usually is. I'm guessing that other than myself not too many people here were there supporting the team last night. I guess it's easier to [censored] and moan online....

Well I did preface it with "my guess is"...OK so I shouldn't have included Levensen in that post...primarily I was just setting up the "two dogs" comparison grin.gif.

Good to hear of a man with the integrity to spend some time with and support the Hawks (kinda like sticking with a wife gone bad I suppose)...and indeed you are right, it is considerably easier to B-and-M than it would have been so sit through that debacle last night. Heck, when we talk sports at work it's kind of embarrassing for me to admit to co-workers that I watched the game on TV.

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I am not talking about an owner attending a damn game. I could not care less about any owner attending a game. I'm talking about FAN COMMUNICATION. Get your azzes out there and address some of the issues. There are media outlets in town like the paper or radio where the GM or somebody could address issues in a Q & A format very controlled. Just let the fans know what your thinking a bit, that your on it.

BK hasn't been heard from all year. Most GMs do periodic interviews on radio or papers just to maintain contact and maybe even drum up interest.

Most people here, myself included, wouldn't know Bruce from an average fan. And I have tickets and have for years. Although this is very likely my last rodeo...not worth the money after all the years of awful hoops and empty promises. They would have to do something amazing to get my interest back and I don't think these guys have the balls. Plain and simple.

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My guess is the owners are following the hockey team and enjoying their brandy and cigars. I guess one out of two ain't bad for them.

FWIW, Bruce was in the building last night rooting for the team, just as he usually is. I'm guessing that other than myself not too many people here were there supporting the team last night. I guess it's easier to [censored] and moan online.

For a Washington businessman, flying down a couple of times a week to watch the games is pretty impressive if you ask me.

Also, I could be wrong but I don't recall falcons ownership being very vocal mid-season. Unless there's a firing to announce or a crisis, owners usually wait until the offseason to discuss the team and its direction.

Woody clearly deserves to be fired, I'm not sure whether they're waiting for the offseason, or because of the injuries. Either way it's clear that he deserves to go, but it's also clear that firing him might not improve us if we can't find a replacement willing to come here with the court ruling hanging over our heads. I also wonder if they worry that firing Woody would be seen as an acknowledgement of failure that could end up costing them the team in the court rulings. Who knows?

In any event last night's loss was the worst hawks loss I've ever seen, but I find it hard to swallow when everyone is moaning and bitching about the owners. In the meantime they've invested millions and are trying their hardest to get us to win, whether you agree with their moves or not. The city couldn't even manage to send 8 or 9 thousands people to cheer the team last night. How do you expect a team to succeed in a city of nearly 5,000,000 that can't get 10,000 out to cheer them on? It's basically the city giving them the finger. So if you live here and you don't go support them, tone your damn bitching down about the owners not being around and not doing anything.

How do you expect people to go see a team that has:

1.Been bad for a decade.

2.The owners can't get along.

3.The Gm is making questionable moves right and left and doesn't care what the fans think.

4.That is the laughing stock of the league and probably in sports overall.

5.Continues to hire bad coaches with no proven accomplishments that are clearly in over their head.

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I am not talking about an owner attending a damn game. I could not care less about any owner attending a game...

I liked your whole post T-P, but that especially...guess I didn't have the guts for that kind of response, (not being a full season ticket holder). But you are exactlee-futhermuckin-right.

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FWIW, I think I know why were aren't spending to the cap. These guys are trying to figure out how to extend Chill and Smoove...Marvin the year after...and ZaZa the year after.

The downside to totally blowing up your team like we did, other than we still suck as bad today as we did 3 years ago, is that all the young guys are added within a tight window and all come off rookie contracts together. The year after next we will have to pay out some big money and these guys want to make sure we have the cash to do it.

Again, the problem is that this cast of players hasn't done a damn thing. But these players, with a better organization, will all likely flourish. That is why all these deals are front loaded so as to avoid the head on collions with the coming extensions.

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BK signed Speedy to a frontloaded contract. That doesn't make sense for the Spirit to tell him to do that(because like you said about the JJ deal, they pay most of the contract now and less later). So I get the feeling that we are getting the runaround with what we are told of this situation. Either BK is allowed to spend up to the cap completely and because he is a moron he doesn't do that. Or, the Spirit is telling him not to spend that much money and then BK goes out and screws them over with the contract. I get the feeling that BK can spend up to the cap and is a moron and doesn't spend all he is allowed to.

Speedy's contract is higher this year and declines each year but it isn't frontloaded in the way that JJ's contract was. I don't think it is really an obstacle to moving Speedy.

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