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Has anyone Ever Seen Such an Invisible Ownership?


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My guess is the owners are following the hockey team and enjoying their brandy and cigars. I guess one out of two ain't bad for them.

FWIW, Bruce was in the building last night rooting for the team, just as he usually is. I'm guessing that other than myself not too many people here were there supporting the team last night. I guess it's easier to [censored] and moan online.

For a Washington businessman, flying down a couple of times a week to watch the games is pretty impressive if you ask me.

Also, I could be wrong but I don't recall falcons ownership being very vocal mid-season. Unless there's a firing to announce or a crisis, owners usually wait until the offseason to discuss the team and its direction.

Woody clearly deserves to be fired, I'm not sure whether they're waiting for the offseason, or because of the injuries. Either way it's clear that he deserves to go, but it's also clear that firing him might not improve us if we can't find a replacement willing to come here with the court ruling hanging over our heads. I also wonder if they worry that firing Woody would be seen as an acknowledgement of failure that could end up costing them the team in the court rulings. Who knows?

In any event last night's loss was the worst hawks loss I've ever seen, but I find it hard to swallow when everyone is moaning and bitching about the owners. In the meantime they've invested millions and are trying their hardest to get us to win, whether you agree with their moves or not. The city couldn't even manage to send 8 or 9 thousands people to cheer the team last night. How do you expect a team to succeed in a city of nearly 5,000,000 that can't get 10,000 out to cheer them on? It's basically the city giving them the finger. So if you live here and you don't go support them, tone your damn bitching down about the owners not being around and not doing anything.

I used to drive close to 150 miles one way every other week to see the Hawks. The problem is I or nobody else is coming to come and see a team that has an idiot for a GM and a team that does not play hard and compete. The fist of the season the team competed and now thaey are just flat out not playing.

Lascar it is up to the owner(s)to hire the right people to operate the franchise and they have not. This team has not won for years and years and is wearing on the most die hard of fans.

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Speedy's contract is higher this year and declines each year but it isn't frontloaded in the way that JJ's contract was. I don't think it is really an obstacle to moving Speedy.

I know, Speedy has a frontloaded contract due to declining anual pay. JJ has increasing annual pay and a signing bonus which means more upfront payment and also increasing cap hits every year. Both frontloaded and in different ways. Both are puzzling as to why the Spirit would do these contracts (especially Speedy) if they are concerned with losing out on money. If they thought they might be losing out on money, wouldn't it make more sense to have backloaded contracts? Hell, unless they plan on trading Speedy near the end of the life of the contract, then it doesn't make sense as to why they have decreasing value. A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow, economically that is a more valuable contract than if you were to just reverse the years of the contract (keeping the same $24 million, just instead of $6+ in the first year, it is the last year).

The only reason you set up a contract like that is so you can use more cap room now and free up cap room in later years for the same total payout on a contract. If you don't plan on exceeding the cap, it is a very good way to establish a contract from a competitive standpoint.

Like you say, though, if you are concerned about every dollar spent today, that contract does not make any sense.

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Like you say, though, if you are concerned about every dollar spent today, that contract does not make any sense.

That has been what I have heard most of the time from arguments about why the Spirit don't spend up to the cap. I know the competative aspect, but since the Spirit doesn't spend up to the cap because they are concerned about losing money later on, then why the Speedy contract? It doesn't make sense and I have been trying to figure this out.

My feeling this summer was that they are not afraid to spend money but don't want to spend it just to spend it so that they are happy to pay worthwhile money to someone like Speedy to address a need at a reasonable price (misguided analysis or not) and are happy to pay more now to put the team in better shape later on. However, they aren't going to just go sign someone just to sign someone they would have to overpay to get or don't really believe in.

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