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What a difference a Smoove makes.


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there is no reason why we shouldn't be out running and gunning and out talenting the opposition with ease. I really hope that Marvin and Smoove can both stay healthy for good so that they can feed off each other. Marvin had a very solid game tonight and I believe had 9 assists, which directly correlates to having Smoove on the floor with him because they feed off each other so well.

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Marvin had 9 assists?

It didn't seem like it.

Aside from that dunk, Marvin did very little. I think he was happiest to see Smoove.

I think some credit should go to Salim? He played a good game tonight. He hustled... He didn't shoot every time the ball touched his hands. He made a few good decisions.

ALso, I think Chillz is gotta be the smartest player we have. Our BBIQ should be through the roof with Chillz and Shelden...

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Diesel you just said:


Aside from that dunk, Marvin did very little. I think he was happiest to see Smoove

DUDe you really need to cut out the MArvin bashing. How in the hell did he do very little when his line for the night was

12 points 9 rebounds 7 assist

Damn man what game were you watching. Looks like to me he nearly had a triple double. I know that he hasn't been playing well lately but this is a solid game for anyone. I guess in your world his stats mean less than everyone elses.

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Well, I didn't go and run and check the stats before I made that statement. Marvin had a quiet night. Honestly, I don't remember many of the Marvin assists and his rebounding was not so evident either.

So, Statwise... Good Job Marvin.

However, when I watched the game, let me tell you what didn't show up on the stats...

Josh Smith's energy.

Josh Childress' clutch shooting.

Salim's good drive and kicks.

Shelden out playing Detroit's bigs.

SJones setting picks for JJ.

JJ's never scared shooting.

But Marvin...

No ripples man.

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I think you saw some big shots hit down the stretch...

1. JChillz 3.

2. JSmoove's 3.

3. JJ's shot.

I wish we'd get better at hitting free throws in the clutch. With all those technicals, we only got 2 points. Chillz missed a clutch free throw... Joe missed his share.

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i think salim had a good game; we are suppose to be a running team and i think having salim on the court makes us just that; at times it looks like he has to make him self not go at full speed per coaches orders. if he can continue to drive the ball and kick i think he will only make us better. josh smoth tonight handled the rock pretty good. he looked very comfortable dribbling the ball tonight which is something we have yet to se him do

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Salim plays better when we play fast. Even in the past 2 - 3 weeks, when the offense has been struggling, Salim has played fast. It's just that he's settled for all of those long jumpers.

I know when I jumper wasn't falling, my coaches used to tell me, and the rest of the guards, to set up "one step closer to the basket".

So for Salim, he shouldn't worry about knocking down a 3-ball. He was a 50% shooter from 3 in college. Some of those were from NBA range, but a lot of those were from 21 feet and in.

So that's where I'd tell Salim to set up . . right inside the 3 point line. He might turn into a more efficient shooter if he did that.

Don't shoot from 25 feet . . shoot from 20 feet.

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Could you imagine what Salim could do if he played in Phoenix? He'd be a 20ppg scorer. We need to effin run!

What's with all the love for Salim all of the sudden? He's been getting hammered on this board lately. I always liked the guy. He seemed to be the only guy genuinely angry when we had that major stink streak. I like this guys fire. Of course I'm always partial to the small scorers like arenas, iverson, and eddie house. I think Salim is the most gifted scorer on this team. He can score in bunches if given the opportunity and he has always been a clutch shooter. We have to do a better job of putting our players into a position to succeed here. If we run a few picks for this guy, he could put tremendous pressure on a defense, making it easier for him to drive and kick or score. A lot of people knock him for his shooting but he's a scorer, not a pure shooter. We've got to start utilizing these guys better. Play to these guys strengths, you know what I mean?If we don't, we're going to end up with a lot more "Diaw" stories where a player who was run out of town here ends up blowing up somewhere else, making us more of a laughingstock.

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Salim is not a good player by any means, he sucks on the defensive end. And he was'nt angry because we were losing. It because he thinks he should get more playing time when he should'nt. When he learns how to be a team player then the feelings torwards him will change until then....

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He isn't that bad on defense. To me he is better defensively than our so called defensive point guards in Ivey and Bozo. When Salim is on D he gets in his man's face and harasses him up the entire court. In other words he puts up an effort. His only fault is that he never can beat a pick and roll. But our entire team has that problem. That is coaching.

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His only fault is that he never can beat a pick and roll

So i guess shooting 37% isn't a fault.

Heck, our starting PG is shooting 33% from the field and our "superstar in the making" is shooting 38% from the field.

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It's not totally his fault, we have noone else that can score the ball, therefore he HAS to take some questionable shots, I'm sure Woody tells him to do this. We have noone to create other than JJ, and without Lue we have to rely on players that aren't shot creators to create, and they simply can't do that.

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