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The Bobby Sura Doctrine & the Pitfalls of Naivete

Guest Walter

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I think that if Dalembert was on our team and Zaza elsewhere we'd be saying the same. I think they are both well below par and the grass is always greener.



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I think that if Dalembert was on our team and Zaza elsewhere we'd be saying the same. I think they are both well below par and the grass is always greener.

If Daly was on our team and making $4 million nobody in their right minds would say the same.

If you set aside the contracts Daly is simply much better than Zaza. Zaza is a liability on both ends, as evidenced by the fact that the Hawks have beaten two good teams with him out.

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My god I can't believe this is a discussion.

Dalembert is no prize. I was against trading for him and his big contract. BUT, if it were a choice of paying Lo + Zaza 7 mil per year or paying Dalembert + Solo 9 million per year, it would be such a clear choice.

Dalembert is simply much better than Zaza. Zaza's a better value, but when you're having to sign a worthless backup for 3 mil just to disguise his awful D, you lose that value.

Dalembert is still young, and now that the chucker is off his roster, you might see him score a couple more points. I look for him to be a 12/9 next year with his normal 2 blocks and 4 other altered shots a game. Even if Zaza breaks even offensively, Dalembert is much better because he takes AT THE VERY LEAST 3 ppg off your opposition's score relative to Zaza. The effect may even be greater, but I'm trying to be conservative.

People always say Zaza is young, and that is true. He will never learn to jump and block shots, though. He's never shown even flashes of that ability.

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In all fairness, Dalembert shoots a higher % because he doesnt have to shoot unless he's open. We dump it to Zaza and watch him force it because he's our only inside option.

To me, clearly Zaza is better on O, Dalembert is WAAY better on D, and they're both pretty much bums. I guess Dalembert is better, but he's no prize.

Not really worth arguing over.

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So you're saying that we should tell our players to just lay down and quit, under all circumstances? What would JJ say about that? Or all our other players? The players would lose all respect for this franchise that they DO have, and would probably ask to be traded. Then we would be so horrible as a team that we would have next to ZERO fans at the games, and this would eventually lead to moving the team.

Oh, and what happens when we get the 4th or 5th pick?? After all that shite we just went thru and we STILL give it away? You know that there is only about a 55-60 percent chance that we get a top 3 pick EVEN IF we have the worst record in all of basketball right? Our team is not one of the worst 3 teams talent wise in the league, so tanking is the ONLY way to be that bad of a team. It wouldn't go over well with the players, fans or the organization, it's just not a smart thing to do. MAYBE if there were only about 15-20 games left, but you can't discredit an entire season before it's even halfway thru.

EDIT: Do we even know that Oden will declare? More importantly, even if he does are you confident that BK will make the right pick?? I honestly believe he would select another 6'8 6'9 player, letting his ego takeover again just to prove to everyone that he WILL in fact do it.

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Daly scores more points on jumpers than Zaza. Right before I wrote this i watched him hit a turnaround J and a jump hook, both right in Okafor's face.

Daly's problems are that he isn't that strong, he doesn't have a high BB IQ or good hands. But the main problem is his contract. If he was making the MLE nobody would [censored] about him.

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