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Marvin's shot when he is off-AN observation!!


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First of All as everyone knows I am a MArvin fan so please don't turn this into hate thread.

Now on to my point. I noticed last night that when he shot the ball he had a strange hitch to his release. It was so bad that you knew that when it left his hand it wasn't going in. The game before when he was hot,that hitch was not there and it was a much smoother shot. I find this kind of strange. Could his hand not been fully healed and if not he should not be starting or playing as many minutes. We need more consistency in the lineup because he isn't there yet. Right now he is where Smoove was last year.

Unlike some guys on here (Diesel and Walter)I knew that it was understood that he was a three year project. Having said that there shouldn't be any excuses next year. But I have noticed that his man on man defense is pretty good and he uses his length well. Maybe that is why he is starting.

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Had he not left school for the N.B.A. he would only be

a jr. this year!

We can see his raw talent. It's there. We can also

see his inexperience. It shows. Some probably were

expecting another L. James when we drafted him. Nope.

There's just one.

Injury to the hand messed up his development this year.

Hawks play better when he's in the game. If he stays

healthy, I expect to see a lot of improvement in his

game after the All Star break. Little things will

begin to fall in place for him.

With only one of our young Hawks, J.J. having reached

the top of their game, career, the second half should

be better than the first half.

Even our "Old" vets, with the exception of L. Wright

are not aged. Speedy & T. Lue continue to fight the

injury bug. That's all of our older players.


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Marvin had the runs last night, and that would explain a lot of his play. Evidently he was in "distress" from the night before and all through the game.

What a miserable experience to have to play a game with the runs. Blech.

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Just thumbtack a Marvin Excuse thread to the top of this messageboard.

That way, everytime we need a fresh excuse for a 24 min, 2 point output, we can just look at the excuse thread. I figure by the end of the season, the excuse thread will be longer than the 1st page of the messageboard.

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Running in boot camp is different than being able to hit a shot in an NBA game. Dehydration takes its toll. I have gone through that enough while treking in the Amazon and in the Andes to understand the effects, esp if you don't treat it immediately.

I do agree Marvin needs to show more, however.

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Oh come on man when you get real food poisoning you are just out of it for a while....

OK I'll accept your and Fros's reasoning to a point - but how the "F" did he get food poisoning? I mean seriously.

I ran a foodservice operation on a navy frigate for three years - and it was mostly 17 year old kids doing the cooking - wash your hands? LOL. Nobody ever got "food poisoning" -

I've never had food poisoning - WTF?

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I don't know. I would assume that if the steak is not well done the bacteria could dsurvive and you get poisonned. All I know is that I got food poisoning from a VERY nice restaurant on my last vacation and it SUCKED.

Also remember when Kobe got food poisoning from a room service burger a year or 2 ago in the playoffs in Sacramento? It is possible for the room service to do something to the food if they know you're from the other team, although it doesn't seem like Marvin'd be the guy they go after. I remember Barkley saying that he always used an alias in the hotel, in part so he could order food and not worry about it being messed with.

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Oh come on man when you get real food poisoning you are just out of it for a while....

OK I'll accept your and Fros's reasoning to a point - but how the "F" did he get food poisoning? I mean seriously.

I ran a foodservice operation on a navy frigate for three years - and it was mostly 17 year old kids doing the cooking - wash your hands? LOL. Nobody ever got "food poisoning" -

I've never had food poisoning - WTF?

i've had food poisoning 3 times and it's not fun. Athletes get it all the time. Not a season goes by you don't hear about a group of players getting food poisoning in almost every sport.

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Oh come on man when you get real food poisoning you are just out of it for a while....

OK I'll accept your and Fros's reasoning to a point - but how the "F" did he get food poisoning? I mean seriously.

I ran a foodservice operation on a navy frigate for three years - and it was mostly 17 year old kids doing the cooking - wash your hands? LOL. Nobody ever got "food poisoning" -

I've never had food poisoning - WTF?


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First of All as everyone knows I am a MArvin fan so please don't turn this into hate thread.

Now on to my point. I noticed last night that when he shot the ball he had a strange hitch to his release. It was so bad that you knew that when it left his hand it wasn't going in. The game before when he was hot,that hitch was not there and it was a much smoother shot. I find this kind of strange. Could his hand not been fully healed and if not he should not be starting or playing as many minutes. We need more consistency in the lineup because he isn't there yet. Right now he is where Smoove was last year.

Unlike some guys on here (Diesel and Walter)I knew that it was understood that he was a three year project. Having said that there shouldn't be any excuses next year. But I have noticed that his man on man defense is pretty good and he uses his length well. Maybe that is why he is starting.

you are right! good observation. i have notice the hitch in his shot for a while now; he is not shooting with the same mechanics he had last year. shouldnt the coaching staff notice this and have mw make the proper adjustments

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First of All as everyone knows I am a MArvin fan so please don't turn this into hate thread.

Now on to my point. I noticed last night that when he shot the ball he had a strange hitch to his release. It was so bad that you knew that when it left his hand it wasn't going in. The game before when he was hot,that hitch was not there and it was a much smoother shot. I find this kind of strange. Could his hand not been fully healed and if not he should not be starting or playing as many minutes. We need more consistency in the lineup because he isn't there yet. Right now he is where Smoove was last year.

Unlike some guys on here (Diesel and Walter)I knew that it was understood that he was a three year project. Having said that there shouldn't be any excuses next year. But I have noticed that his man on man defense is pretty good and he uses his length well. Maybe that is why he is starting.

you are right! good observation. i have notice the hitch in his shot for a while now; he is not shooting with the same mechanics he had last year. shouldnt the coaching staff notice this and have mw make the proper adjustments

That "hitch" in Marvin's shot only occurs when he's on the move and he's rushing his shot. I've pretty much concentrated on watching him play over the past 4 - 5 games, just solely watching him after I watch the entire game.

When Marvin has his feet set and is ready to shoot when he catches the ball, his jumper is almost automatic from about 20 feet and in. He's just not a good "on the move" shooter yet. And when he drives, he's not finishing because he's a little out of control when he goes to the hole. Stuff like that will be corrected over time.

Marvin plays within himself and doesn't try to do more than he's capable of doing. Sometimes, he does play a little lazy, but most of the time, he just does his job. He doesn't have the "I need to be a superstar" mentality yet. He's just playing to the strengths of his game.

It's just funny to see this board all the time talk about Marvin. People want this kid to be a superstar right out the gate, just because he was the 2nd pick in the draft. Unfortunately, players don't come into the league as instant superstars the vast majority of the time, especially if they go to a team with players better than he is.

I think Marcus Williams may be a perfect example of this. Because he's a backup to Jason Kidd, he's going to learn a hell of a lot about how to play the PG position. But because he'll play limited minutes in his rookie year, he may not have the type of season statically, than he would if he went to a team where he could immeadiately be the starter. In the long run though, Williams will probably turn out to be a damn good PG for the simple fact that he gets to watch J-Kidd on a nightly basis.

LOL . . people better check out how Smoove played at this same point in his career ( Jan '06 ). He wasn't exactly setting the world on fire either. It didn't start to click for him, until after the All-Star break.


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