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Marvin Game Log: vs ORL & G-State


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***** vs ORLANDO . . 1/29 *****


11:45 - Marvin finds JJ coming off of a screen, who hits a jumper. Assist to Marvin

11:10 - Defensive rebound

10:30 - Good 5 foot jump hook on the right block

9:16 - Defensive rebound

8:55 - Turnover on Marvin, trying to get the ball to JJ for an open 3.

8:49 - Hill makes a lay-up past Marvin -.5 here because his turnover led to the Orlando score.

7:14 - Marvin blocks Nelson's lay-up

6:48 - Marvin knocks down a 22 footer

5:17 - Marvin drives in the lane, then kicks the ball out to Smoove, who hits a 22 footer.

4:40 - Marvin hits a 19 foot jumper.

Marvin out . . . Score: 21 - 15 ATL . . +/- in game: +6


11:25 - Marvin in . . . Score: 29 - 23 ATL . . +/- out game: even

10:58 - Marvin rotates in the zone to force a traveling call on Arroyo.

9:51 - Marvin called for traveling while trying to back his man down low.

9:19 - Offensive tip rebound didn't go in basket

8:50 - Very shaky bringing the ball up against Hill. Almost led to a turnover, but Hill is called for the reach-in foul.

8:23 - Defensive rebound

4:52 - Long 2 pointer goes around the rim and out. Good shot though.

3:32 - Goes to dunk, but extends arm into Battie and is called for an offensive foul. This is the weakness in his offensive game right now.

3:19 - Defensive rebound

:50.8 - Hits 18 foot jumper with the shot clock running down.

**** Halftime **** Score: 48 - 41 ATL . . +/- in game: +1


9:30 - Got completely turned around guarding Turkoglu, who beats him for a backdoor lay-up.

8:38 - Great ball movement on this possession, which ends with Marvin finding Lue for a wide open 3. Assist Marvin.

6:30 - Hits a 10 foot shot after receiving a nice pass from ZaZa.

5:58 - Marvin out . . Score: 59 - 47 ATL . . +/- in game: +5

4:59 - Marvin In . . Score: 61 - 50 ATL . . +/- out game: -1

3:52 - Great steal by Marvin, who then drives and misses a tough lay-up. Hawks retain possession though.

3:21 - Hard foul on Darko, who makes 2 FTs

3:01 - Hits a nice 21 foot jumper as the shot clock was running out. Good pass by Smoove to find him at the last minute.

:45.6 - Marvin is aware enough to get a steal, after ZaZa pokes ball away from Howard.

:01.6 - Great block by Marvin on Nelson, who actually beat Marvin off the dribble, but still had his lay-up blocked.


15:00 - Marvin out . . Score: 71 - 58 ATL . . +/- in game: +2

10:45 - Marvin in . . Score: 71 - 61 ATL . . +/- out game: -3

9:54 - Arroyo strips Marvin as he was going to the hole for a tough lay-up.

7:44 - Marvin gets caught in a screen, which gives Arroyo just enough room to hit a jumper over Marvin's outstretched hand.

7:08 - Marvin out . . Score: 80 - 69 ATL . . +/- in game: +1

3:40 - Marvin in . . Score: 86 - 69 ATL . . +/- out game: +6

1:37 - Misses a 21 foot jumper with shot clock at 1 second.

1:36 - Throws an in-bound pass out of bounds, trying to hit Smoove coming back to the ball

:31.8 - Marvin out . . Score: 93 - 83 ATL . . +/- in game: -7

***** Final ***** 93 - 83 ATL . . +/- out game: even

OVERALL GRADE: BHe had very good 1st and 3rd quarters in this game. The jumper looks good as ever, as long as he takes the shot in rhythm. Defensively, he was out of position a little, but did do some good things on that end as well. Had to lower his grade from a B+ to a B, because of the turnovers.

Positive plays: 14

Negative plays: 6.5

+/- in game: +8

+/- out game: +2


***** vs Golden St . . 1/31 *****


10:45 - Marvin hits a good looking 3 pointer. LOL . . his foot was obviously on the line, but ref didn't see it.

10:17 - Makes a good aggressive baseline drive to the hole that draws a foul. He hits 2 FTs.

9:04 - Kind of gets lost in no-man's land on defense. Not sure if he was playing man or zone. In either case, Stephen Jackson ends up getting an easy lay-up as Marvin looks at him and barely moves.

8:35 - Pietrus hits a tough lay-up over Marvin

5:57 - Marvin hits the 21 footer

5:00 - Marvin's 22 foot airball shot was heavily contested by Jackson. Not a bad shot, just didn't have enough on it.

4:55 - Fouls Jackson going for a steal.

3:45 - Biendrins makes a hook shot over Marvin.

2:48 - Tries to front Harrington, but the lob pass goes right over Marvin's head. Harrington misses the lay-up, but is fouled by Smoove. Hits one FT.

1:42 - Knocks down 21 footer.

1:23 - Marvin out . . 26 - 25 GST . . +/- in game: -1


8:53 - Marvin in . . Score: 38 - 37 ATL . . +/- out game: +2

8:23 - Makes 21 foot jumper from the corner

6:54 - Bumps into Powell and is called for a foul. Marvin out - Score: 46 - 38 ATL . . +/- in game: +7

***** Halftime ******. . Score: 70 - 56 ATL . . +/- out game: +6


9:40 - Good in-bound entry pass to JJ, who was right near the basket. JJ makes the lay-up.

9:28 - Good steal by Marvin, who goes the length of the floor and dunks. (( 2X positive play here ))

6:09 - Hits a 22 footer . . rapidly becoming his money shot.

2:03 - Pull up 15 footer is nothing but money in the bank.

:03.4 - Defensive rebound, then misses 1/2 court shot at the end of the period.


10:49 - Misses 22 footer.

6:10 - Nice steal by Marvin.

4:59 - Picture perfect pass to Shelden, who makes lay-up and gets fouled.

4:47 - Called for defensive 3 seconds. Gonna give him -.5 here

4:35 - defensive rebound

3:49 - Marvin out . . Score: 107 - 81 ATL . . +/- in game: +12

****** Final ****** .. 115 - 94 ATL . . +/- out game: -5

OVERALL GRADE: A- . . He played so under control that game. Offensively, he was dang near perfect. The jumper is pure, and pretty much proves that maybe the injury was the reason for the slow offensive start. Defensively, he had very few mental lapses. Just a good all-around team win.

Positive plays: 12

Negative plays: 2.5

+/- on floor: +18

+/- off floor: +3

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Your work is impressive.

I agree it was the injury that slowed him down. Then he had to get his confidence back. There was a two week period where he just looked dejected, but he kept at it. I have to give Woody some credit here, he kept Marvin going when it would have been easy for MW to get really down.

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And he kept him in the starting lineup, something that even I was questioning. I wanted Marvin to still get his minutes, but come off the bench and get them. That's why I'm not dogging Woody every chance I get, like other posters on this board. The guy obviously knows what he's doing. He just needs his young players to mature more.

But now, Marvin is pretty much a money shooter, shooting almost 57% FG in the past 7 games. And the vast majority of those shots are coming off 15 - 21 foot jumpers.

Marvin has been compared to Worthy and T-Mac most often on this board . . along with Tim Thomas.

But with the way he's shooting the ball lately, the guys he's reminding me of lately . . are Alex English and Glen Rice.

For those of us old enough to remember Alex in Denver, we know that he was one of the purest shooters in the game. He wasn't a guy that worried about taking a lot of 3's to beat you. He'd just beat you with that solid mid-range jumper. If he caught it, and was in good position to shoot it, the jumper was automatic.

For you youngsters, this is Alex English.


Size wise, Marvin may be more comparable to Glen Rice, although Marvin is bigger. But since most of our college posters probably don't know much about English, they probably do know about Rice.

I'm just glad to see Marvin playing within himself these days, and not worrying about forcing the action and taking it to the hole . . or trying to be a 3 point marksman. He's taking what the defense is giving him, and killing people with that 20 footer.

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Rice is probably a good comparison although I was also thinking Rashard.

I think he could be a good number 2 guy which is fine because we already have a number 1.

The things that are bothering me right now about Marvin are silly turnovers and lack of rebounding. Hopefully we will see some improvement there.

Nice to see that jump hook he is starting to show.

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Rice was a bad defensive players and quite selfish. Marvin is already a better defensive player and passer than Rice. Much better team player overall. Rice was an unconscious shooter though. Marvin has to grow a lot to be at that level. Rice was never a good rebounder. Marvin is worse. RLewis didn't develop until his third year, but he is a much better rebounder that both.

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Worthy is the best comparison, IMHO. Rice was too slow and only was jump shooter. Marvin can get the rack. That dunk he did last night was hilarious (hand behind the head, feet tucked under him).

However, lets give him until the end of next year before we come up with a comparison. The kid is just young and raw. He shows a lot but has holes in his game. I actually think his rebounding will improve dramatically over the years. His defense is already pretty good. I like him more than Smoove in one on one situations.

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Rashard is weak on D too.

I guess it is tough to find a good comp. By the end of the year i think we will have a good feel for what he is capable of.

One important thing is that we already know he is a great team player. That will take him a long way in becoming whatever type of player he wants to become.

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..."success". He's been reading up on himself and learning. Good stuff.


In what way is his recent play only "success" rather than success?

I am reminded of a quote from X-Men...

"Why do you ask questions when you already know the answers?"

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marvin is just a shooter. the better his shot gets, the better he becomes. don't confuse that with scorer though. unlike JJ, marvin can't create his own shot. he's at his best when someone is passing him the ball when there is space for him to get the shot off. once we get a passing PG in here (Acie Law IV) he'll be able to get all the open shots he wants.

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i was actually thinking that jsmooth was more worthy like than marvin.

Not really. I remember Worthy too well to compare any Hawks to him.

I see Smoove as a rare player, basically a stronger version of AK47 and he may end up being a better scorer. He does need to clean up his turnovers though.

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