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Is Josh Smith Officially a 20/10 Guy?


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Uh no thanks Smoove is fine,He did not have that bad of a first month regardless of what you say and Past years dont matter anymore..

And you wanna talk about players playing horrible: let's talk about Marvin and Shelden who are looking like busts right now. They are the players who need to be consistent every single game

Sorry but you are an idiot, where exactly did I say Smoove was bad? Please point that out. Thank you.

This is not a thread about Smoove being good or not, it is about him ARRIVING. My criteria for him arriving is playing well to start a season off, which he hasn't done. In this topic, past months do count for me since you need consistency to "arrive".

And Smoove didn't have a bad first month of the season? Yeah, shooting .364 from the field is PHENOMENAL!

Nope you're the idiot....

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I didn't notice this:


and last year because we got rid of Harrington who took TONS of shots and slowed the game down

When exactly did we get rid of Harrington? Have you even been following this team?

yeah I realized that after I typed it

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But I just won't say he has arrived after he had 5 awesome games in a 6 game stretch, I don't have that much of a knee-jerk reaction.

I wouldn't say he has reached his potential but right now I would say that he is a better player than guys like Gooden and Wilcox.

Those guys have a higher shooting percentage than smith, mainly due to Smith's poor first month. But Smith is averaging more points than both, comparable rebounds, more steals and obviously punks them in blocks.

And Smith is clearly improving.

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I wouldn't say he has reached his potential but right now I would say that he is a better player than guys like Gooden and Wilcox.

Those guys have a higher shooting percentage than smith, mainly due to Smith's poor first month. But Smith is averaging more points than both, comparable rebounds, more steals and obviously punks them in blocks.

And Smith is clearly improving.

Oh no doubt, but would you "officially" call him a 20/10 guy? That is what I find so ridiculous. I wouldn't even say he has arrived because of his inconsistent play at times. In time I think he will be more consistent, but I am not going to be convinced after a small stretch of games.

This was my first line in this thread


It is way too early to call him a 20/10 guy since i think only 5 guys are currently averaging 20/10.

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Call me crazy, but to me you call a guy a 20/10 guy when he has had or is having a 20/10 season. Smith has never done that, so no. He has shown in spurts that he could be one, but he hasn't put a complete season together yet.

For now he's a 14/8 guy who's gone on some 20/10 tears.

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All we needed was Josh Smith.

really? them why we're we down by 17 at the half, with smoove playing the majority of the 2nd quarter and jj on the bench with 3 fouls? woody sat smoove at the exact same point in the 3rd quarter, and we cut into the lead.

Your favorite coach; also had Smoove on the bench for a long period time. That's when they went on their run with Shelden in the game doing nothing...

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All we needed was Josh Smith.

really? them why we're we down by 17 at the half, with smoove playing the majority of the 2nd quarter and jj on the bench with 3 fouls? woody sat smoove at the exact same point in the 3rd quarter, and we cut into the lead.

Your favorite coach; also had Smoove on the bench for a long period time. That's when they went on their run with Shelden in the game doing nothing...

LOL @ my favorite coach. He's not my favorite. I just don't place blame on him everytime the Hawks lose. Meanwhile, none of you give him credit when the Hawks win. You can't have it either/or. If he's the reason why we lose, he has to be at least part of the reason why we win games.

LOL . . and it's Woodson's idea to put Smoove at the 4, where he's playing great. So Woody has to get some of the credit for Smoove's success as of late, right? Or does that all go to Smoove as well.

For the record . . Woody had Smoove on the bench for about 8 minutes in that stretch . . from about the 5:50 in the 1st . . to about 10:30 in the 2nd. If you want to argue that it was too long for Smoove to sit . . fine . . I can agree with that. Smoove should've went back in the game when JJ picked up that 2nd foul with about a minute to go in the 1st.

But the fact remains that the Hawks only lost 4 points while Smoove was out that entire time. Four.

It was the absence of JJ in that 2nd quarter, that saw the game get out of hand. Marvin and Chill tried to keep it close, but we needed JJ as well. And Smoove only had 2 FTs and a jumper in that 2nd quarter.

Woody definitely should've gotten him back in the game sooner. But the reason why we lost was . . .

- JJ not being able to play much in that 1st half

- Speedy and Lue going 2 - 15 FG and only dishing out 3 assists

- And we got totally lost at times on the defensive end, trying to guard Toronto's shooters. And your boy Smoove was one of the main people not rotating properly to contest those jumpers or stop penetration, along with Chill and Marvin. Childress especially killed us with his lack of defensive awareness last night.

Sometimes, if you want to give players praise, you also have to put blame on them as well. That's all I'm saying.

LOL . . Shelden had very little to do with that loss last night.

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In Smoove's career he has notoriously been a second half player, this is no different. I will say he has "arrived" when he puts up these type of numbers in the first month of the season. I get the feeling he will revert to the 3 next November, but I sure as hell hope not.

Yeah but he's never played THIS well. Oh and BTW, it's not even the All-Star break yet and he's putting up these numbers.

The only reason he didn't do it earlier is because he got hurt. He was actually turning it around as early as December.

Im telling you I think he's turning the corner.

You can't post this many 20/10 games in a row by accident IMO.

Of course I could be wrong, but I really do think he's progressing faster than we expected.

I always predicted he could be a 20/10/5/3 guy 2-3 years from now.

He may be that by the end of this year.

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