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What's the excuse for the allstar game in Atlanta? All the fans were sick that night?


I will answer the all star question. First of all a lot of the people at the all-star game were not from Atlanta. You do realize that this is a national event? A second note (well not a second note it has been repeated time after time in this post alone. It just takes a little comprehension.) The Atlanta Fans don't have anything to cheer for. At the all-star game we would be cheering for another team. Now if we were loud and cheerful at that game I would then question whether or not you were a Hawks fan.

of course not. The fans are never at the game. You would question somebody as a fan for being excited about seeing most of the best players in the league at the sametime?

It sounds like excuses to me. I don't know, maybe the franchises excuses for all it's failures rubs off on some of the fans.

The bottomline is that the best players were on the court at the sametime, the allstar game is a big event for the sport of basketball, and it was a dead crowd. How come the other cities don't seem to have this problem as bad?

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There have only been 3 full months since we started. So, in your brilliant synopsis, Josh has only played well 1 month in the 3? Again, your credibility shrinks more with every post. Try thinking before you post, it usually helps.

Josh Smith is having an excellent year, especially for a just turned 21 year old. The fact that you don't see it isn't surprising.

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Josh Smith has always been a slow starter which is not good at all I will agree. You gotta give the guy credit though he plays his butt off every night and he came back two weeks earlier then expected to help this team win games. His handles have improved a ton from the beginning of the year where he would lose it alot now he hardly turns it over anymore dribbling it. Alot of people felt he would never learn how to dribble and hes improved in what 1 or 2 months that is impressive! I think he is still trying to find out what works and what doesnt work for him. I think this falls on the coach as well I dont know why Woodson doesnt try to put Smith closer to the basket instead of him at the 3 point line launching 3s when thats not his strength as you can tell early in the year thats all he was doing and hurt the team. With his length and leaping ability there is no reason he shouldnt be grabbing 10+ rebounds a night but if you are sitting at the 3 point line most of the time you are not gonna get many rebounds. Woodson is too blame for alot of this because if he was a good coach he would not let Smith stand at the 3 point line so much. The team would be alot better with Smith around the paint and shooting closer to the rim with that said I think he has a very nice looking shot whenever that can fall on a consitant basis he will be a star in this league and we will have our 2nd star on this team. Who knows when that will be I hope its soon. But when it does look out because thats the only thing I see right now lacking in his game to take it the next level. The kids heart and fire to win are def. there.

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They say never argue with a fool because people watching can't tell the difference. You have once again suckered me into responding to one of your post. I thought there was a possibility of having an adult conversation with you. I stand corrected. I admit I made a mistake and I truly apologize for granting you the opportunity to make a bigger fool of yourself. Never again should I put you in harms way. As a "Hawks Fan" I owe you that much respect.

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What's the excuse for the allstar game in Atlanta? All the fans were sick that night?


I will answer the all star question. First of all a lot of the people at the all-star game were not from Atlanta. You do realize that this is a national event? A second note (well not a second note it has been repeated time after time in this post alone. It just takes a little comprehension.) The Atlanta Fans don't have anything to cheer for. At the all-star game we would be cheering for another team. Now if we were loud and cheerful at that game I would then question whether or not you were a Hawks fan.

of course not. The fans are never at the game. You would question somebody as a fan for being excited about seeing most of the best players in the league at the sametime?

It sounds like excuses to me. I don't know, maybe the franchises excuses for all it's failures rubs off on some of the fans.

The bottomline is that the best players were on the court at the sametime, the allstar game is a big event for the sport of basketball, and it was a dead crowd. How come the other cities don't seem to have this problem as bad?

How are you using ONE GAME that happened FOUR YEARS AGO as you argument??? Do you realize how ignorant you sound??

We had no all-stars in that game and our team was horrible, the average fan doesn't keep up with the entire NBA, they keep up with their team and if they aren't doing well they don't care.

Besides, an all-star game is a laid back, completely unserious environment, it doesn't get real loud in the AS game, unless someone goes off in the dunk contest.

I went to the Baseball all-star game and Home Run derby in 2000 in Atlanta and the crowd was WILD, especially during the derby when Sosa went off.

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I already did... The Atlanta fans go to games for Vick. We'll see how many fans show up if Vick is gone.

I guess we didn't sellout in our superbowl year either did we numbnuts?? 1998, no Vick?? You don't remember the Dirty Bird?? Wow what a complete moron, you couldn't be any more wrong..

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They say never argue with a fool because people watching can't tell the difference. You have once again suckered me into responding to one of your post. I thought there was a possibility of having an adult conversation with you. I stand corrected. I admit I made a mistake and I truly apologize for granting you the opportunity to make a bigger fool of yourself. Never again should I put you in harms way. As a "Hawks Fan" I owe you that much respect.

A fool? You can't understand why fans are supposed to be excited that all the best players are playing in the same game, and I'm the fool?

You're just another blind fan that spins the truth to defend Atlanta's passionless and limited fanbase.

"I stand corrected"

I'm not so sure you've ever been correct on anything you say. Yeah, I bet you were one of the ones that thought the Hawks were going to be good this year when they got off to that fluke 4-1 start.

I told ya that the Hawks would still up with 35 wins at the most and you couldn't accept it because you don't want to look at reality.

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I'm sick of these BS lies that "the people of Atlanta are dying for good basketball". I'm tired of reading it here and I'm definitely tired of hearing people call in on radio shows and say it. It's just a bunch of bullshit. All those people who pretend like they are clamoring for good basketball were nowhere to be seen during the 90's when we had consistent 50 win playoff teams. They weren't showing up at the games then either, even the playoff games, which we couldn't sell out. Most of those people who claim to be anxious for good ball show how full of [censored] they are by saying "the hawks haven't been good since Nique"...

So stop spreading this false notion that winning is all it takes in this city. It isn't and it hasn't been for nearly 20 years now and that's a fact.

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I already did... The Atlanta fans go to games for Vick. We'll see how many fans show up if Vick is gone.

I guess we didn't sellout in our superbowl year either did we numbnuts?? 1998, no Vick?? You don't remember the Dirty Bird?? Wow what a complete moron, you couldn't be any more wrong..

Name calling... First sign that you've lost the argument.

Yeah, The Dirty Bird was pretty laughable. Where were the fans the following season? And actually, I could have sworn that it was said or shown that the Falcons failed to sellout alot of those games. Back then, I didn't really think about sellouts or anything so I don't remember myself.

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If our team is so horrible, and you want them to move out of town, and all you can do is blast our players, THEN WHY ARE YOU POSTING ON THIS FORUM??? WHY DO YOU HAVE 5000 POSTS ON A FORUM ABOUT THE HAWKS???

That makes you a fool if you ask me..

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I'm sick of these BS lies that "the people of Atlanta are dying for good basketball". I'm tired of reading it here and I'm definitely tired of hearing people call in on radio shows and say it. It's just a bunch of bullshit. All those people who pretend like they are clamoring for good basketball were nowhere to be seen during the 90's when we had consistent 50 win playoff teams. They weren't showing up at the games then either, even the playoff games, which we couldn't sell out. Most of those people who claim to be anxious for good ball show how full of [censored] they are by saying "the hawks haven't been good since Nique"...

So stop spreading this false notion that winning is all it takes in this city. It isn't and it hasn't been for nearly 20 years now and that's a fact.

I remember atleast some of the playoff games being blacked out back then. I suppose it was cause of lack of sellouts.

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If our team is so horrible, and you want them to move out of town, and all you can do is blast our players,

That makes you a fool if you ask me..

Atlas, your over-the-top insults aside, you ask a difficult question.

Why does life exist?

How do clouds form?

Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?

Why are corndogs so delicious?

Some questions aren't meant to have answers.

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If our team is so horrible, and you want them to move out of town, and all you can do is blast our players,

That makes you a fool if you ask me..

Atlas, your over-the-top insults aside, you ask a difficult question.

Why does life exist?

How do clouds form?

Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?

Why are corndogs so delicious?

Some questions aren't meant to have answers.

lmao you are exactly right, and I'm sure I won't get an answer to this question..

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I'm sick of these BS lies that "the people of Atlanta are dying for good basketball". I'm tired of reading it here and I'm definitely tired of hearing people call in on radio shows and say it. It's just a bunch of bullshit. All those people who pretend like they are clamoring for good basketball were nowhere to be seen during the 90's when we had consistent 50 win playoff teams. They weren't showing up at the games then either, even the playoff games, which we couldn't sell out. Most of those people who claim to be anxious for good ball show how full of [censored] they are by saying "the hawks haven't been good since Nique"...

So stop spreading this false notion that winning is all it takes in this city. It isn't and it hasn't been for nearly 20 years now and that's a fact.

Chillz, that’s why I take the old fashion fan approach, I am at the game even when we are on a 7 game loosing streak. I am usually at the first and last game of the season be it a 13 game season or a 40 game season. I sport my Hawks apparel every opportunity I get. But does that make me more of a fan than my friends that have their Hawks apparel tucked neatly away waiting for a 4-1 start of a season. When they have to through it back in the wash to get the dust and smell off. I don't know. I guess it is difficult to define a "Fan". I watch many of games with my brother but he will not attend a game unless I buy him a ticket. But when I buy him a ticket he never terns it down. He just doesn’t want to spend his money on a struggling franchise. I on the other hand want to help a struggling franchise get back on their feet. Our motivations are different. He thinks that if we don't support them and give them money they will see this and improve. I think that if we show them support and they see we have their back no matter what they will step up to the plate and improve. Same desire same love different tactics. That’s why you have not seen my brother on this board in years. But I am hear almost everyday. No it does not take me a million posts to get my point across or to bond with my fellow fans but I am here.

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Then your brother isn't really a fan. No offense, but he's not. You don't have to spend hours here every day to be a fan, but you do have to know and care what's going on with your team, both past and present, to deserve the label of "fan".

of all the people in this state who call themselves Hawks fans, I would guarantee you that no more than 10% of them could tell you who our last win was against. Most of them would just crack a joke about it not being recent enough or frequent enough and leave it at that. Content to believe that their answer is good enough because nobody else probably follows them any closer either.

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Not really. I know a few people that won't go to the game when it’s free. Saying they are not going to win anyway. Or who are they playing. They will then say. When they start to win I will go to the games. So yes Freeloaders do turn down freebies. But what you can count on is ignorant people always being ignorant.

Dang, did it again. I did not know who I was replying to. Sorry bout that.

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Check ANY TEAM in the league who was horrible for 7 years and still sold out and had lots of fans consistently.

Try the Nuggets, Clippers, Kings back in the day, the Mavericks, the Heat, Orlando, check out ALL those teams before they were winning, it's the SAME situation..

it's funny that you didn't address this comment.

As to your little "Kings" comment, why don't you check their attendance in the mid 90s before they went to the playoffs and had been horrible for many years..

It's not all about attendance. The Atlanta crowd is a passionless and emotionless bunch. It was shown at the allstar game even. I remember people talking about how dead the Atlanta crowd was.

Like I said, everybody realizes it but the people on this board.

Every time I read this All-Star talk it just makes me shake my head. Do you realize how dumb you sound to think that the only people in attendance at the all-star game were Atlanta fans? I guess the only people at the super bowl were from Miami? I really wish that you would stop and think about what you are saying. Then to repeat it several times gives me the impression that you don't have the ability of forethought. You just wonder aimlessly through life reacting to every word said and every action taken with the first thing that comes to mind. And with the 8 years that you have been on this earth your mind does not seem to have a variaty of first thoughts.

If Atlanta wants this great and exciting brand of basketball you'd think there would atleast be some fans in the crowd. Sure wasn't heard, was it?

Nope these are the "fans" that booed the Hawks when Reef hit the game winner to beat Washington back afew years ago.

These are the fans that rooted againest the Hawks when they played Chicago.

H*ll, they don't even have the emotion to boo the team when they play bad. They don't even do that much.

Just like there are so many Cubs fans when the Braves play the Cubs. It might aswell be home for the Cubs. Cub fans can travel all the way from Chicago to the games, but the great Atlanta fans that live right close to the city just can't make it.

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Not really. I know a few people that won't go to the game when it’s free. Saying they are not going to win anyway. Or who are they playing. They will then say. When they start to win I will go to the games. So yes Freeloaders do turn down freebies. But what you can count on is ignorant people always being ignorant.

Dang, did it again. I did not know who I was replying to. Sorry bout that.

I'm sure you have a mirror in your room so it doesn't surprise me that you'd know alot about being ignorant.

Btw, I didn't say all freeloaders turned down freebies. I said in most cases. grin.gif

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And I'm outside of the ATL area, so I definitely have a sense of how the rest of the country view ATL fans.

Here's the thing about the Hawks. We have a very small base of hardcore fans that live and die with this team. The other 10,000 or so, will only show up if there's a big name in town.

You're talking about a guy ( me ), who lives in Tennessee, who always used to wear his red Hawks STARTER jacket everywhere. You know . . the jacket with HAWKS written in yellow letters.

And back then, the team wasn't terrible. They were making the playoffs, they just weren't great. And people would talk about me like I was supporting the worst team on earth.

And whenever they'd see a game on TV, the one thing they ALWAYS SAID was . . . "why is it so quiet in the Omni?"

If the Omni "rocked" in the mid-late 80s . . it definitely didn't "rock" in the 90s, even though we were perenially a playoff caliber team.

Even during that 40 - 1 home season, the Omni didn't "rock". When you look around the league, we've perenially had one of the WORST home court advantages in the league, from a fan enthusiasm standopint.

Of the 4 Hawks games I've been to this year, none of them had the fans getting involved in it, until the very end. And even then, the support was halfhearted at best.

I understand the part about people not supporting the team because it's a lousy product. But if you actually ATTEND the game, you shouldn't be there sitting on your hands, when your team needs you to really cheer and possibly give the team some motivation or adrenaline.

I remember the cheerleaders at the Toronto game ( the Hawksquawk discounted ticket game ), encouraging the crowd to get on their feet and cheer. Some did. About 3/4ths of the crowd continue to sit though, even though I think we only had a 1 point lead at the time, and we desperately needed a stop. That tells you all you need to know about the majority of ATL sports fans. Not the die hards . . but the ones that come to the game for more of the "night on the town" aspect, rather than for the "I want to cheer for the Hawks" standpoint.

ATL is a lot like Miami and LA. It's a lot to do in those cities, and being a passionate sports fan isn't high on the list.

Some of you may take offense to that, but all you have to do is go to other cities, and see how their fans support the product.

It's sad to say this, but even Memphis have better sports fans than ATL does. That may hurt, but it's the truth.

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