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Shelden's defensive +/-


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Early in the season somebody was pointing to Shelden's +/- stats as proof he wasn't a good defender. I think at that time the team was giving up something like 10 ppg (or more) more when Shelden was on the floor.

I argued that these types of stats aren't relevant in small sample sizes.

Now Shelden's defensive +/- is basically back to even. His offensive number is still bad mainly because he doesn't look to do much with the ball when he gets it. He seems very indecisive.


However by the end of the year i would expect that his defensive number will show that the Hawks give up fewer points when he is playing.

Overall i expected more from him and i wonder how much his shoulder is bothering him.

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Could be. But the point is Roland Ratings aren't very relevant in small sample sizes.

If it was up to me Shelden wouldn't have been the pick. I would have taken Roy or Foye over him. However i am not going to root for Shelden to fail just because i disagreed with the pick.

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Could be. But the point is Roland Ratings aren't very relevant in small sample sizes.

If it was up to me Shelden wouldn't have been the pick. I would have taken Roy or Foye over him. However i am not going to root for Shelden to fail just because i disagreed with the pick.

ownership, injured players, etc. etc.

I say Woodson and BK definately keep their jobs atleast 1 more year unless Belkin gets control.

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I think the shoulder is bothering him more and more. I expected that harness to be gone by now, but it looks like he might need surgery.

That said, I have been disappointed. I too would have like Roy, just because I thought he and JJ would have been dynamic. I can absolutely see the logic behind drafting Sheldon as well:

1) accomplished college player that would need little baby sitting from the coaching staff

2) supposed superb defensive player

What we are seeing is a guy with stone hands. Sheldon drops a ton of rebounds. He also seems stiff. The shoulder could actually account for both of these problems.

What I would like to see more of from Sheldon is:

1) more intensity- he just needs to get nasty and play physical/manhandle anyone, esp guards, that come in the paint

2) grab more boards

3) get plays in the paint instead of shooting jumpers. The kid can score in the post, and that is where he needs to be.

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Prediction: This will turn into a "Duke players suck" and "BK is a bad GM" thread. We may even get a bit of "shoulda taken Paul" before it's through.

Duke sucks.

I would like to see Shelden get healthy rather than these 10 minute nights from him that we have been seeing of late.

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Prediction: This will turn into a "Duke players suck" and "BK is a bad GM" thread. We may even get a bit of "shoulda taken Paul" before it's through.

Duke sucks.

I would like to see Shelden get healthy rather than these 10 minute nights from him that we have been seeing of late.

Exatcly, why don't they just rest him for a week or whenever he get it healed and than play him more.

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Prediction: This will turn into a "Duke players suck" and "BK is a bad GM" thread. We may even get a bit of "shoulda taken Paul" before it's through.

Duke sucks.

I would like to see Shelden get healthy rather than these 10 minute nights from him that we have been seeing of late.

Agreed on the getting healthy part. Why not sit him for 10-15 games if it allows him to get healthy?

I do think he was a bad pick though, especially since he now seems destined to be a back-up for his remaining days as a Hawk. Realistically, even if he is a great defender he will still not see more then 15 minutes or so a game backing up Smoove. So yes I understand the Hawks need interior defense but the reality is the guy the Hawks drafted to provide that interior defense will only be seeing limited minutes behind Smoove. so how does this help the Hawks? If he could play center wouldn't Woodson already be playing him at center?

In this light, Roy makes alot more sense because even if he is not a point guard he is better then any of the pretenders the hawks currently are using at that position. Speedy could be better but he cannot be relied on as a starter due to his frequent trips to the disabled list.

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SW should have a -100 roland rating. Simple fact is he's at best a decent defender amongst a bunch of lesser to poor ones. Offensively he is just plain bad. In fact, using those same ratings we score 5 PPG more without SW per 100 posessions.


Overall i expected more from him and i wonder how much his shoulder is bothering him.

Really, I don't get how Gasol can break his foot, have a great season statistically, and get ANY flack for it and SW can have a 2 week shoulder strain and still be excused for it. Really, I don't know what SW's injury was but it certainly wasn't serious and isn't worth discussing now.


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Look at the Roland Rating. Only Lo Wright is worse amongst those who play with any regularity.

Roy is currently 4th amongst his team regulars (10% of a team's MPG). Foye 5th amongst his team's regulars. SW's is 10th amongst our regulars. Ouch.

Incidently, among other undersized rookie Pfs, Craig Smith is 4th on his Timberwolves and Milsap is 2nd amongst his Jazz. The Roland ratings it seems may skew towards bigs except those named Shelden.

Simply, SW was a horrible, terrible, ugly draft mistake. There is no way around it. Just pathetic GMing. No statistic suggests otherwise.


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If you want to take the ratings literally then Shelden should be playing center. At that position his PER is 2.7 greater than his opponents.

The fact is that you made a big deal about his horrible defensive +/- when the team was giving up 12 more ppg when he was playing. Now that it is back to even you try to ignore it.

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