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Anyone notice the transfer of anger?


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Young or not, had BK taken Luol Deng and/or Deron Williams this is all a moot point. That team would be nicely in the playoffs this year, and our rebuilding pretty much done.

BK has not made the most of ANY pick except Smith. He has taken the wrong player EVERY time in the lottery. Yes, we are very young but that isn't the whole story.

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After every loss it seems

like you have so much to say. But after a win you are conspicously silent. I wonder why.

Because we do not come out ready to play every night. I'm sorry if I'm the kind of guy that likes to isolate problems and think of how to correct them.

I don't get too excited about a new paintjob when the engine doesn't crank.

We won a game. So what?

Didn't you say you were going to "stop watching" the Hawks a few weeks back? I remember it well. Something about watching "real basketball" I.E. other teams.

Don't question me when you have felt the same way. Are you going to turn into hypocrite #87?

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After every loss it seems

like you have so much to say. But after a win you are conspicously silent. I wonder why.

Because we do not come out ready to play every night. I'm sorry if I'm the kind of guy that likes to isolate problems and think of how to correct them.

I don't get too excited about a new paintjob when the engine doesn't crank.

We won a game. So what?

Didn't you say you were going to "stop watching" the Hawks a few weeks back? I remember it well. Something about watching "real basketball" I.E. other teams.

Don't question me when you have felt the same way. Are you going to turn into hypocrite #87?

Dude seriously you need to STFU.

When i made my comments the Hawks played like quitters. They got blown out at home by NOK (w/o Paul, Peja, West and BJax. They were playing like dogs.


However since Smith came back they are 10-8. They just lost to a team that they haven't beaten on the road since 1993. They were playing their 3rd road game in 4 nights against a team that has won 6 straight games.

The fact that you would compare your constant trolling to my comments after the NOK game shows the depth of your stupidity, not there was any doubt after your "will we win 20 games" thread.

When ever the Hawks lose you come up with your dumbass doom and gloom threads but when they win you can't come up with anything positive to say. That is just plain lame.

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After every loss it seems

like you have so much to say. But after a win you are conspicously silent. I wonder why.

Because we do not come out ready to play every night. I'm sorry if I'm the kind of guy that likes to isolate problems and think of how to correct them.

I don't get too excited about a new paintjob when the engine doesn't crank.

We won a game. So what?

Didn't you say you were going to "stop watching" the Hawks a few weeks back? I remember it well. Something about watching "real basketball" I.E. other teams.

Don't question me when you have felt the same way. Are you going to turn into hypocrite #87?

Dude seriously you need to STFU.

When i made my comments the Hawks played like quitters. They got blown out at home by NOK (w/o Paul, Peja, West and BJax. They were playing like dogs.

However since Smith came back they are 10-8. They just lost to a team that they haven't beaten on the road since 1993. They were playing their 3rd road game in 4 nights against a team that has won 6 straight games.

The fact that you would compare your constant trolling to my comments after the NOK game shows the depth of your stupidity, not there was any doubt after your "will we win 20 games" thread.

When ever the Hawks lose you come up with your dumbass doom and gloom threads but when they win you can't come up with anything positive to say. That is just plain lame.

And you need to stay in Maryland.

I get it. It's only a fact when your mind says it is? You related to Diesel? How arrogant of you. You trolled my thread by the way. You obviously don't read my whole post.

I just lost all respect for you Ex. Go be happy with 31 wins.

The season is Doom and Gloom. If you don't see that, you are an idiot or you have become a "cubs" type fan. I think it is the latter. I'm sorry for you. I think you might have been a decent Atlanta fan once.


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It's only a fact when your mind says it is?

How is this thread different from the other dumbass threads you start. How am i trolling the thread?

All i did was comment about THE FACT THAT YOU CONSTANTLY CREATE DUMB THREADS AFTER LOSSES. You do it every time.

But when we win its


Then your dumb ass tries to draw a parallel between my frustration (after losing 11 of 12, the final game being a home game to a weak team missing its three best players) to your feelings after the Hawks have won 10 of 18 but lost to a better team on a hot streak.

Apparently you never played sports before because if you did you would know that guys get tired after playing 3 games in 4 days on the road.

And apparently your 48 hour memory can't grasp the fact that the Jazz were on a winning streak of their own and we hadn't beaten them there since 1993.

Yet you seem to think my comments are somehow similar to yours. I was saying that i wasn't going to watch the games live (and obviously not start threads trashing the team after every loss).

How are they similar? Only in the mind of a loon does your comparison make any sense.

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It's only a fact when your mind says it is?

All i did was comment about THE FACT THAT YOU CONSTANTLY CREATE DUMB THREADS AFTER LOSSES. You do it every time.

But when we win its


Then your dumb ass tries to draw a parallel between my frustration (after losing 11 of 12, the final game being a home game to a weak team missing its three best players) to your feelings after the Hawks have won 10 of 18 but lost to a better team on a hot streak.

Apparently you never played sports before because if you did you would know that guys get tired after playing 3 games in 4 days on the road.

And apparently your 48 hour memory can't grasp the fact that the Jazz were on a winning streak of their own and we hadn't beaten them there since 1993.

Yet you seem to think my comments are somehow similar to yours. I was saying that i wasn't going to watch the games live (and obviously not start threads trashing the team after every loss).



How is this thread different from the other dumbass threads you start. How am i trolling the thread?

The first part is too far below my intelligence to answer. The second part is obvious. I started the thread hoping to put an end to some of this by pointing out that it is happening. You are attacking me for some unknown reason to me. I was very optimistic yesterday. Did you read the game thread? No, I presume.


All i did was comment about THE FACT THAT YOU CONSTANTLY CREATE DUMB THREADS AFTER LOSSES. You do it every time.

But when we win its


I have already answered this question for you today. I suggest you read it. Your *crickets* thing is old.


Then your dumb ass tries to draw a parallel between my frustration (after losing 11 of 12, the final game being a home game to a weak team missing its three best players) to your feelings after the Hawks have won 10 of 18 but lost to a better team on a hot streak.

So you can be frustrated but I can't?

They are a better team for a reason.(coaching?)


Apparently you never played sports before because if you did you would know that guys get tired after playing 3 games in 4 days on the road.

Should I give you the "ooh, you told me." Like you did to me ? No. I'll just point out the hypocrisy.

Keep in mind I haven't said much about last night's game.

The Hawks have been "tired" a lot this year.


Yet you seem to think my comments are somehow similar to yours. I was saying that i wasn't going to watch the games live (and obviously not start threads trashing the team after every loss).

I watch all the games "live" Ex.

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You are attacking me for some unknown reason to me

Unknown reason?


Don't question me when you have felt the same way. Are you going to turn into hypocrite #87?

Since you obviously aren't aware of this i guess i have to refer to Websters to help explain



1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion

2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

Now explain this to me. How i have acted in contradiction to my beliefs?

Was i frustrated after getting blown out at home by NOK missing it's best 3 players? Was i frustrated after losing 11 of 12? yes. Did i start multiple threads trashing the team and saying the season was over? No

The difference is that you are angry ALL THE TIME and you seem to feel the need to try to make everyone else as angry as you are, starting threads like the "season is over" or "new excuse" after every loss.

If i remember right your first post on this board was your "will we win 20 games thread". This is a fan website and yet you seem somewhat surprised you aren't be welcomed with open arms.


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I love how the people who start the most negative posts on the board always play the 'reality' card.

Reality: we just won more road games in a row than we have in about 13 years.

Reality: We just came off our first winning month in a few years.

Reality: Joe has developed into a legit star, and Smith is not far behind.

Reality: We are 2-1 on our current WC trip when most gave us no shot at winning any.

I see improvement. Anyone who doesn't is just riding around life on the short bus.

Yes, all true, but being less than average and having a mediocre team ceiling as designed are ONLY "positive" in light of the 8 previous horrible years. I see improvement also. I don't doubt the improvement is lasting. I don't doubt we'll continue to improve. I just doubt it's going to be enough.

I doubt that the ongoing improvement will be substantial enough to make for us as contenders. That's the goal or else you might as well not call it sport, but rather entertainment.

I doubt our ability to make serious real changes I see as needed given we have no impact pick as a result of trading it, a horrible ownership situation, aren't a FA desirable destination, and cap space is fast dwindling with our prospects about to come up for renewal. Indeed, we could EASILY lose one of JC and MW without compensation that helps us NOW, either due to their wanting to leave or ownership's purse.

All that's not negative. That IS reality. I appreciate any and all improvements made. I just want to win a title and nobody here can suggest how we actually do that with this team of forwards without a post player much less a legit one, without a Pg prospect as Speedy may be on his last leg, and without at least a very respectable if not game changing defensive center.

I've suggested two options I see as remaking this franchise enough potentially...retain our top 3 pick ( and do everything in your power to do so) or trade for Gasol (the only player I see available and good enough as a trade is our only real team improving option). That also is reality. I and others get flamed for it, but whatever. The same people will come around in a year or two just like most have regarding the Iraq war. It will be a half ass "coming around". No acknowledgement of wrong. Just a shift in their position. The remaining who don't just stay mired in some kind of illusary fairytale world. So be it.

Finally, signing a legit impact FA or getting an impact draft pick with Indy's now 20th pick is NOT reality. I'm still waiting for a conservative "Plan" that faces it much less exists within it.


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Unknown reason?


Don't question me when you have felt the same way. Are you going to turn into hypocrite #87?

That's all it took to make you hate me and be such a d!ck?

A little sensitive, aren't we?

I really don't know what I've said exactly, other than that?

I used to like what you have to say. I even said I "respected" your opinion. I don't really think so anymore. weeping.gif

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Unknown reason?


Don't question me when you have felt the same way. Are you going to turn into hypocrite #87?

That's all it took to make you hate me and be such a d!ck?

A little sensitive, aren't we?

I really don't know what I've said exactly, other than that?

I used to like what you have to say. I even said I "respected" your opinion. I don't really think so anymore. weeping.gif

No that was just the final staw.

You are the only person i have seen since i have been on this site that has gone after Mule. Ken didn't seem bothered by Mule's post at all.

However you are just looking for something to [censored] about so you should be happy that i am dogging you now. After all it just gives you something else to complain about.

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Then why did he thank me for "backing him up"? His words.

Are you a liar or did you just not read it?

The Mule asked for it. It's all there in the thread. Go look it up. I'm not into a heirarchical system of insulting.

He was being a jerk. As you are now. The fact that you didn't even care to see what Ken thought and then assumed for him, shows you are just being a d!ck and oblivious to the truth.

Whatever. banghead.gif

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That if BK would have picked Deng, he would have still picked Marvin.

Smoove ended his first year looking better than Deng. Smoove was set to be our Sf. BK still choose Marvin instead of a PG...

According to this BOARD, Most GMs would have chooen Marvin because he was "BPA"..


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Then why did he thank me for "backing him up"? His words.

Are you a liar or did you just not read it?

The Mule asked for it. It's all there in the thread. Go look it up. I'm not into a heirarchical system of insulting.

He was being a jerk. As you are now. The fact that you didn't even care to see what Ken thought and then assumed for him, shows you are just being a d!ck and oblivious to the truth.


Ken also said this


I'm not at all trying to look at the cup half empty... Or bash the Hawks...

If you can't see the difference between that and your post then i guess that explains why you are quickly becoming the most filtered poster in HS history. Mule's response obviously bothered you more than it did Ken, judging from your responses.

But then again you are angry all the time and just looking for a reason to share your anger with us.

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Were you just hoping I wouldn't respond. Anyone that can read will see how you are trying to manipulate the evidence

Here goes:


Thx for backing me up Troy...

I'm not at all trying to look at the cup half empty... Or bash the Hawks... Just trying to make valid points that I think the staff needs to address... After all, I AM a HAWKS FAN and have been for over 30 years...

I love how Chill finishes around the basket (minus his last weak dunk attempt vs Warriors)... He has good ball spin control off the backboard on finishing layups... He has a nice corner 3 shot... It's when he's out beyond the key, he seems to get beaten on a consistent basis...

There, I listed some of his positives as well... Happy?

Left out the first part. Wonder why? You are pathetic. Liar!!!!!

Why do you keep trying to call for help with your references to other posters?

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Were you just hoping I wouldn't respond. Anyone that can read will see how you are trying to manipulate the evidence

Here goes:

Thx for backing me up Troy...

I'm not at all trying to look at the cup half empty... Or bash the Hawks... Just trying to make valid points that I think the staff needs to address... After all, I AM a HAWKS FAN and have been for over 30 years...

I love how Chill finishes around the basket (minus his last weak dunk attempt vs Warriors)... He has good ball spin control off the backboard on finishing layups... He has a nice corner 3 shot... It's when he's out beyond the key, he seems to get beaten on a consistent basis...

There, I listed some of his positives as well... Happy?

Left out the first part. Wonder why? You are pathetic. Liar!!!!!

Why do you keep trying to call for help with your references to other posters?

LOL you are a retard. Nowhere in his post does he mention Mule. He doesn't tell anyone to shut up. His response and yours were night and day different.

All he does his rehash a topic that we discussed to death over the previous two days. If he wanted to know how we felt about it all he had to do was read the other topics that had a ton of responses already.

But instead he creates another Childress thread.

Dude seriously you need counseling, or decaf.

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LOL you are a retard. Nowhere in his post does he mention Mule. He doesn't tell anyone to shut up. His response and yours were night and day different.

I'll do this one more time for you.

He posted. Mule attacked. I defended. He read it and thanked me. WTF do you not understand?

Please don't answer that. I already know.

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